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Everything posted by bunnylalu

  1. Way to go!! Plus a new friend for motivation
  2. I didn't do any work outs over the weekend This week I am committed to 2 things: completing 3 weight training workouts before Friday and reducing the amount of fat I have been eating by focussing on fruits and vegies.
  3. Way to go! Good to see you have your own log now -
  4. It always amazes me that after months (or more) of no weight lifting, that the muscles snap right back into form. Painful form, but form none the less I rode my bicycle the 12 mile route yesterday to loosen up my thighs so I can do some weights today.
  5. Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness! SWEEEEEEET! good to know there are still actual muscles on this old body
  6. Wow! It is exciting to see that you are training for roller derby! and then I read where you are moving to London! You have a lot of cool things happening in your life - including the Spring 2007 contest - which I am glad to participate with you in. Best wishes - and know that you can count on me for support
  7. hi Mark & Wendy, Thanks for sharing your workout enthusiasm for this contest and Wendy - your program is outstanding. You can count on me for support these next 6 months as we all work to get in better shape and finish the contest In fact, I don't feel like it is a contest where we compete against each other, but a contest where we compete with ourselves, compete with our negative self-talk, and refute our disbelief that we can move beyond status quo.
  8. Thanks for sharing your struggles with weight - and how you are working to improve your health and fitness. You can count on me - your pastafarian friend - to be here for you during this contest!
  9. hey gymmie!! Is that Mr Billie Banks in that photo with you?? I got some Tae Bo dvds for my birthday last july - and Russell just hooked up the DVR last night. I'll be checking them out in the near future - but I love the idea of kicking ass!! Good luck with the contest - Stay Strong!!
  10. hope your back gets healed up fast!! Thanks again for hosting this contest - and participating too!
  11. Your workouts look awesome!! I'll keep checking your log just for inspiration!!
  12. I definately need to drink more water. In fact, that has been my new years resolution for the last 15 years - every year!! Good luck with your food plan!
  13. Thanks all of you! Jan 2: I am highly motivated and getting organized - re-structuring my daily routine. I am on the path to success!
  14. I just found out about this contest - January 1 to July 1 2007 - and am thrilled to participate!! I will keep this log mostly as dialog for the ups and downs of the journey. Fitness goals: bunnylalu aka Christine – Dallas, TX Vegan since Oct 2004 Age: 47 Goals: lose the flabby stuff mainly Lose fat & tone muscle Look good in a tank top Maintain workout program for 6 months (January – July) = 3 days per week strength training 5-7 days per week = cardio, bicycling, and other fun activities Current weight: 204 Desired weight: 165 I have a software program called Fit Day where I keep track of all other statistics, body measurements, calories, activities, etc. Jan 1: note to self - vegan chocolate only!! Non-vegan sources of chocolate are now BANNED from my life.
  15. haha, sometimes I need that I have to admit it will be great to read through the participators contest logs and follow their progress until the bitter end (which is on july 1th) Where do we keep our progress logs for this contest?
  16. Well, I just signed up for the spring 2007 contest starting today Jan 1 - July 1, 2007. Any chance of getting the results for this summer contest we finished months ago??
  17. Hi Lelle- Thanks for hosting this contest. I just sent you my email with photos and goals. Let me know if you need anything else. Best of luck to everyone!!
  18. I haven't heard anything about the voting - but I'm hoping it happens before Christmas, or latest, the New Year.
  19. totally adorable! Its always great to see a father motivating their children
  20. bunnylalu = bunny for "honey bunny" what my husband calls me. lalu= the first word my son ever said: lalulalulalu= "love you love you love you" Its kinda corny, I know, but I am one lucky woman!
  21. Don't know about FormicaLinoleum, but I got my tongue piercing. So let us see your wired jaw I wish I could do cool things with Photoshop - I would make a funny halloween pumpkin mouth in wires on my photo
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