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Posts posted by SyrLinus

  1. I would still ask you delete the cookies since there is a significant change from the previous version to the new version. I have found that when doing a major update like this cookies can cause weird little behaviour. The special characters are likely due to the board only using British english. I still need to look into adding additional languages. A lot of that was removed by the developers of the software for security reasons (special characters can allow attackers to break into systems).

  2. Well, things have been challenging for me of late. I have been fairly regular with my kettlebells and increasing the time with them. Additionally, I've started the actual process to transition. For those that don't know what that means, I was born a female. I have started the medical process to change my physical presentation to male/male-gendered. While I'll always view myself as a transguy/transboi, I know society will view me as a man based entirely on my outwardly appearance. Regardless, this transition isn't for society but is for me and what I feel comfortable with. Right now, while I'm comfortable with a lot of things in life, parts of my body I'm not comfortable with (regardless of how much weight I lose). With luck, I should be on medically prescribed T by the end of the summer/start of the fall. (btw, if you have questions about this don't be afraid to ask -- I'm very open about it).


    K, my primary g/f, has started running to help her deal with her depression (due to her sister's death). I'll be joining her on her morning runs when she gets back from L.A. That tied with the T should help me lose the 30-40 I want to lose. Anyways, thought I'd update this since it's well overdue. I'm not perfect and my path isn't always the straightest but I do find my way at some point, like the slow and steady turtle.

  3. *throws up hand as another Monkphile*


    My g/f got me hooked on it (far enough -- I got her hooked onto Bones). I do love it and was also sadden when I saw that Stanley Kamel died.

  4. *bumping this*


    In essence when I did a test run I ran into some problems. I don't think that the upgrade will cause those problems (more with the test site I created) but I want to be 100% sure that it won't. The upgrade is a major one since we're going from phpBB2 to phpBB3. It will result in a whole new look and feel but will also make some things easier and allow a little more flexibility for members while ensuring better control of spammers and such. I'm hoping to resolve those pesky issues today.

  5. sorry about a long post, but i just got over a similar situation. i've found i get depressed if i don't get enough carbohydrates. refined sugars and flours give a boost to mood, but also cause one to crash, and they are extremely easy to form a mental addiction to, hence people who cannot live without their afternoon candy bar. whole grains boost mood without a crash, and it is hard to overeat on them. starting off the day with a cup or two of cooked steel cut oats with some maple syrup, a tablespoon of almond meal or protein powder, and a chopped banana is a great boost, especially if you don't get enough sleep. that being said, eat clean in the evenings. for me, carbs and sugars, except for some fruits, within a few hours of going to bed screw my sleep, and generally leave me pissed off the next day. if you are into experimenting, st. john's wort and rhodiola do fairly well at allaying depression, and try to avoid watching the news


    Great advice and good hints. I do think there hasn't been enough study into how food affects our moods. I know I've had more mood swings when I have processed foods than when I don't.

  6. Indeed. I got hit by a bout of exhaustion this weekend (largely due to flying). I have found that GMO or non-organic foods affect me and certain processed foods (I'm going to have to investigate raw for this reason I think). It may be possible that certain foods or certain food combinations are causing issue.


    Fresh fruit, veggies and grains shouldn't cause a problem unless there is perhaps an underlying allergy. That all said, it's more likely that other factors are causing a weakened immune system, such as the wicked flu bug going around (I got hit with it twice this year largely due to stress and change of environment). So perhaps before targetting the food consider all factors in life and see if any of those could contribute.

  7. I have to get better at this stuff. I got the kettlebells while I was in Irvine last week. And I love them. I may have to fork over for the gym membership until it runs out and when it does I think I'll stop it at the end of the year. What a waste! I should have invested in these a while ago. I don't need a huge workout area and they truly do take little room. And I can use them whenever I want.


    Traveling has not been helpful in my attempts to get myself in better shape and I hate that I'm letting it do that. I need to spend more time on the bicycle road and less time arguing with the computer. I think some of it is still a fear of NYC roads and the images I've heard about, although in the couple of rides I've done it's been nothing like that. I just need to get out more. I have a busy day today but tomorrow I only have a massage. If I get my butt out of bed early, I use that gym membership and then go for the massage but do some cycling before and perhaps after (if the weather isn't too bad). I really need to get back into some kind of rhythm with my impending tour looming.

  8. What browser are you using (firefox, Internet Explorer, etc). and operating system? Have you cleared out cookies (I know you said you used to be a regular poster here -- if you have old cookies that haven't cleared out that might be interfering with your ability to post).

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