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Everything posted by Sknydpr

  1. Who was the wrestler? (Who came in first.) Good job, dude.
  2. They're not really that light. I hadn't noticed them at all until someone accused me of photoshopping that. They were just washed out a bit by the flash.
  3. There aren't too many pictures of me as a teenager, and I wouldn't show them to anyone if I even had them. Here's me a month or two before I turned 43. I think I look the best that I ever have. http://sknydpr.com/images/with-clothes.jpg You tell me: do I drink, smoke, do drugs? (Just messin' with ya, Richard.)
  4. Y'all might find this interesting, and entertaining in at least one spot. The naive vegetarian
  5. Yes, she's actually vegan according to IMDB and Wikipedia, I only knew that she was a veggie. But, she's been one for ages; even as far back as when she did Splash, and they had to make a fake lobster stuffed with mashed potatoes to accomodate her for a scene in which she ate a lobster.
  6. You know, it only JUST occurred to me (proof-positive that I'm going senile) that my girl Darryl Hannah has yet to be listed in this list. She's also a fellow nudist, almost two years older than my old self and still stone-gorgeous.
  7. I useta live in Gearhart (just north of Seaside) and work in Warrenton (just south of Astoria). Astoria's kind of a nice little town (or was, 10 years ago), but I spent far more time in Portland. I volunteered at the grade school that Kindergarten Cop was filmed in.
  8. He's fine. He's standing right next to me, wondering what I'm doing. I should take some more pictures of him today. I've finally figured out how to ignore him when he tries to wake me up in the morning, so I'm starting to sleep better. My friend, who inflicted me with him , posted his pic and info on petfinder.com (not that I can find it right now) and a couple of other websites, but the only responses she's gotten so far were from scam artists. Can you believe that someone would try to trick people trying to find a home for animals out of their money?! He's slowly but surely getting better on the leash, although he still tries to rip my arm out of its socket when there's another dog being walked. He just wants to be friendly (I think), but he gets way too excited. If we can get him neutered, that should make things much easier on me. Anyway... He's an adorable big ball of slobber, he's teaching me patience, and if we don't find a home for him pretty soon, I'm not sure I'm gonna be able to let him go. If I were in a better financial position at the moment, there wouldn't even be any question of it. Right now it's more of a question of how good a home I can provide than of me wanting him.
  9. OI! <- Damn sexy 43 year old. Al will be 46 on Sunday.
  10. My s/o bought some non-leather Vans just a couple of months ago. They cost about $60, as I recall.
  11. I thought I was the only one to describe myself with those two opposing philosophies. Lately I've backed away from the libertarian term as every Libertarian I've met is far too conservative for my taste. I just want the government to leave me the hell alone. You might want to look into anarchosyndicalism, as I understand that it's a blend of the two political philosophies, although I haven't read much on it myself. I just stick with (my own views on) socialism, as I don't believe that it's inherently opressive.
  12. The light blue text in both my posts are links to their website.
  13. # Carnivorous animals that can not adapt to a vegan diet obviously create issues for many vegans and are therefore generally excluded. Following a proposal to introduce such an animal, a vote will be taken. # If accepted into the community, carnivorous animals will be expected to obtain any animal food for themselves, as nature intended. There is little point in expecting all human community members to be vegan if animal products are being obtained to feed animal members. Just so there's no confusion, I don't really have an issue with the first point, except that I wouldn't live anywhere I couldn't have a cat, or cats. It's certainly their right to have that restriction, though. I do have a large issue with the second point, which is also their right to have, but a pretty illogical one, in my opinion.
  14. Yes, actually I happened onto their website a couple of weeks ago while researching vegan communes for a friend. They have a couple of odd policies, though, at least in my opinion. No carnivorous pets are allowed (without a community vote beforehand), as they feel that there would be no sense in requiring the human occupants to be vegan if the animals weren't likewise required to be. If the community does vote to allow one or more in, then they have to be allowed to hunt their own food, rather than be fed store bought meat-based foods. http://www.g0v.org/
  15. Well... This is gonna catch me some more shit, I'm sure. But, being as how mollusks have no brains or central nervous systems, I wouldn't get too wrapped up about the pearls. I would never advise someone to buy them, but since they were a gift and have sentimental value, I don't see any real harm in keeping and wearing them. If push came to shove, I'd even be willing to eat mollusks. Of course, push coming to shove would require something on the order of being deserted on an uninhabited island. (I have a recurring fantasy of being a contestant on Survivor.) Has no one read Animal Liberation? Both of these questions were addressed in that.
  16. No, one of my my AR cohorts is also the local representative of Dogs Deserve Better, and his previous guardians voluntarily gave him up to them, as they couldn't or wouldn't interact with him any more than to give him food and water. He was tied up in their backyard 24/7. So anyway, my friend asked me to go out with her to get him since she doesn't know her way around very well outside of her own little suburb. It was a good thing I was there, 'cause I had to pick the little monster up to get him into the car, and he's come close to yanking *me* off of my feet more than once. Afterwards, when she couldn't find someone to take him temporarily (her husband has threatened to leave and divorce her if she brings home any more animals, and I'm not certain that he's kidding), I reluctantly offered to take him for a couple of days. Somewhat aggravatingly, she only sent out an email looking for a new home for him on Saturday, a full week after he was supposed to be somewhere else. I like him, I really do, I'm just not in a position to really take care of a dog right now, especially one so large and active. I've renamed him Loki (Norse god of mischief), since he didn't answer to his original (stupid) name, anyway. The new one fits him. I'm not kidding about not getting a full night's sleep, though. This crap of falling asleep on the couch every evening is getting old, fast.
  17. I don't see how it's any more of an exaggeration than your equating candy with cigarettes. Life is tough, and it's getting tougher. The fact that we, as a group, hold ourselves to a much higher standard than the majority is already gonna make things difficult for the children. I see absolutely no harm in allowing this one night of the year to be frivolous.
  18. There's something wrong with having fun? VM, in my opinion, there's nothing wrong with letting your daughter go trick-or-treating, and keeping and eating the vegan candy. Childhood is supposed to be fun and, unless its just my pessimistic attitude, that's getting harder and harder to do.
  19. What a waste. The people who think it's okay to wear leather will still think it's okay to wear leather, they'll just have to go out and buy new leather. While I did give away the two leather coats that I had when I went veggie, I STILL have some leather boots and shoes from that period, and I wear them when the situation calls for it. Similarly, even once I'd made the decision, I ate the rest of the meat in my fridge, or gave it away (I don't honestly recall), before I changed. It serves absolutely no purpose to discard these items.
  20. Hyperactive, previously neglected, poorly leash-trained, as yet un-neutered, won't-let-me-sleep-more-than-six-hours-at-a-time, eighty pound TONGUE. AKA this guy: http://sknydpr.com/images/loki.jpg I agreed to foster him for "a couple of days" ten days ago. He's really a sweetie, he just needs some attention. AND I NEED A FULL NIGHT'S SLEEP!
  21. Deep-fat fried, or stir fried?
  22. Not gonna happen, but then I can almost guarantee that I'm not going anyway, regardless of location, so don't worry about me. It's no big deal. Y'all will be having fun and socializing, and one of you will stop and say 'gee, wouldn't it be a shame if some old, cranky, naked guy had shown up?' And someone else will reply, 'why the hell would someone like that be here?'
  23. Not gonna happen, but then I can almost guarantee that I'm not going anyway, regardless of location, so don't worry about me.
  24. I would not even attempt to feed a cat a vegan diet. They're carnivores, whatever the nutritional reason for that is and, most importantly, they CANNOT make an ethical decision. So, either give them meat-based food or let them hunt their own (and I hope I don't have to tell you that I'm not condoning the latter). People make this so complicated. This is just the flipside of the 'if animals can kill animals for food, why can't we' argument. Well, because we can make judgement calls and they can't, stupid. I love animals, but I don't consider myself one, other than biologically. Boy, does that sound cranky or what? Think I'll go to bed.
  25. Even if I weren't horribly acrophobic, I've seen Touching the Void.
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