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Posts posted by Original

  1. Don't tell me about the book stacks, I've got them all around my house


    About motivation, I've been reading McKenna, got some few more of some lady author, but still didn't have a chance to read it (it's in one of the stacks ). I was a bit sceptic when I started reading McKenna first, but at the end I was more open minded, even still I didn't practice his 'exercises' and hypnosis stuff. But he's good, puts you to the right direction. And as long as I had his advices in my mind - it really worked.


    Yeah, I'm in to photography, I love it and was studying more seriously before but now it's only my hobby


    Oh, believe me I checked on Waterstones few times, but somehow I still can't preorder that book


    I've got a book about the history of philosophy (or something like, explaining all the movements and so on) but never read it I can borrow you I'd like to read more something about psichology

  2. OMG, you read a lot


    I read books about nutrition and healthy lifestyle as well (keep buying more and more!), about self improvement/motivation and stuff, now I've got some fresh arrivals about vegan fitness to read as well. And then magazines about travelling and photography, interior.

    And I read various novels once in a while. I've been reading Paulo Coelho for awhile - wanna read all his books up to date and I'm very looking forward to his new one that will be released in UK on my birthday

  3. Thanks, Mike!


    Well I'm not a big chocolate fan (I eat chocolate itself sometimes, but I hate things made WITH chocolate), but I love trying to do some things myself sometimes. And I normally take all those pictures and post them on FB so my non vegan friends (considering that I only have two vegan friends... ) can see that eating vegan is not boring at all and is very delish That's kinda non verbal preaching coz they all think that I only eat fruits most of the time (well... they are quite right ) and I miss out on much 'good' things. And that's not true at all

  4. Hey everyone,


    finally made up my mind and decided to create my topic for logging my activities and maybe meals to keep me more motivated!


    My primary goal for now is to loose some body fat that I still store quite a lot

    I do Bodycombat and CXworks classes twice a week and started running in the morning recently.



    Any tips and suggestions are welcome as I'm in need of advise and support!



    Love, Original

  5. Normally I have a mix of everything possible, something that keeps me going. Even songs that I would never listen normally... they seem good for running

    But recently I've got the tracks of Bodycombat 54, it's my favorite class at the gym and I feel like a mad person listening to those tracks while going somewhere and imagining all the routine So I started using these songs for running and it works brilliant

    Do you run?

  6. Things are going well, thanks for asking! I keep exercising and feeling getting stronger! I'm actually going for a Sunday run in few minutes

    And I've ordered Robert's and Brendan's books about vegan fitness yesterday, can't wait to get them!

  7. Hey Everyone,


    I'm new in the forum so I thought I'll say HI!!!


    I'm a Lithuanian girl living in the UK and I'm vegan about a year now (mostly for the health reasons). My recent diet is probably 70% raw, normally I just eat some cooked food for my dinner and stay raw most of the day.


    I started going to the gym few months ago and I've just got carried away - fell in love with my classes (Bodyattack, Bodycombat and Cxworks) and now I'm dreaming about lean body and abs! I still need to lose some weight though and the fat just loves to sit around my belly, so I know it's going to be a hard work, but I'm very serious about it! Wish me luck!




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