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Posts posted by markc7

  1. OK, so I finally got in my chest and triceps workout that I had originally intended to do last Friday. I made it a pretty quick workout, since I'm kinda hungry and tired.


    DB chest press - my stabilizer muscles are still weak, so I'm being cautious on the weight here

    tricep pushdowns

    pec deck


    reverse grip tricep pushdowns - big, long drop set

  2. You have not studied the references. You are staking your claim only on the fact that you have given yourself the title "Medman" and a disparagement of what is proven that you have labelled a "pseudoscience".


    I assure you that you are mistaken. If you let go of your ego, perhaps you will learn something.



    "Sit down before a fact as a little child,

    Be prepared to give up every preconceived notion

    and follow humbly to whatever abysses Nature leads you,

    or you will learn nothing."

    Thomas H. Huxley


    Explore and learn from the references which I have posted.


    I understand that you have no previous awareness of these matters.


    OK, first, I'm sure it is evident that medman is a different person from me. :


    Second, where do you get off saying that I "have no previous awareness of these matters"? You have never met me. You know nothing about my educational background, or about me as a person for that matter. You know nothing about my experiences in life or what I have learned or studied. Yet (with much of the negativity which you claim to distance yourself from) you quickly become judgmental and jump to a conclusion about my knowledge on this topic. Do you say this sort of thing anytime anyone disagrees with you? Do you not see how judgmental and, frankly, wrong this is?


    Finally, my characterization of the things you have posted as pseudoscience is quite accurate and I sincerely hope that most people reading it recognize that fact. It is especially questionable that you base your beliefs on anecdotes and personal experience. If a certain approach to life has been helpful to you, then I am glad you found something that works and wish you the best with it. Just don't claim that it is scientific or use it as the basis to make claims that directly contradict established scientific evidence. What you're describing in your references is a fundamentally different epistemological approach from science, which is based on testing hypotheses derived from falsifiable theories and obtaining repeatable, generalizable results.

  3. This is ridiculous. As medman said, it's not a matter of debate or opinion. I'm sure it's pretty well established that a healthy immune system makes it easier for the body to fight off minor viruses and illnesses. But there's a hell of a difference between saying that, and saying that in a health immune system a virus can never multiply or take hold or whatever you said. I seriously hope that causal visitors to the site don't get the impression that this kind of pseudoscience is commonplace on here.

  4. Just wanted to say welcome! I'm sure that you'll find the advice you're looking for here. Keep eating lots and a variety of foods; as you've said it's more than possible to stay big on a vegan diet. Good luck!

  5. I saw that movie last night and thought it was fantastic. I won't give away any of the plot, but it had tons of great twists and turns.


    Was Heath Ledger as the Joker better then Jack Nicholson as the Joker?


    Jack Nicholson is not even in the same ballpark as Heath Ledger. He was just amazing as the Joker. Right from the start, the character is so intense and psychotic, you just feel like you never know what he's going to do.



    Minor spoiler! (cover text to see):

    The only thing that would have made me like it more would have been if we saw the Joker introduced to his psychiatrist at Arkham. I <3 Harley Quinn.

  6. Well, yesterday didn't go exactly as planned. i was feeling a bit tired, since I had been working out or running every single day for the last week and a bit. So I decided to take yesterday as a rest day. It was a good choice. I'm feeling a bit more energetic today, even though I had been up fairly late the night before (watching the late show of The Dark Knight!). So this morning I did about 21 or 22 km at a fairly decent pace, taking just over two hours. Not a bad run.

  7. Yesterday evening I did a fairly good 8km run. I did a route with a couple decent hills. Some of my upcoming races have pretty significant hills, so it's about time I start getting some elevation change in my training.


    Today I plan to go to the gym briefly and work chest/triceps. Then I may go for a 5km run this evening.

  8. Back and biceps and abs today in the gym. I started with deadlifts, 5x5x185. Still a very light weight, but with my back still getting used to squats and deadlifts again, I figured it was better to play it safe. But I know that pretty soon I'll be able to start moving up the weight again. Also did: underhand bent over rows , back extensions, incline crunches, lat pulldown, preacher curl, reverse grip bb curl, bb curl. And i finished with two planks, held for 2 min and 1 min, with only a very short break in between. Not a bad workout, all things considered.

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