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Vegan Joe

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Posts posted by Vegan Joe

  1. http://www.thisdishisvegetarian.com/2010/12/review-of-bold-native-film-that-follows.html


    Bold Native, directed and written by Denis Henry Hennelly, is an important film to see regardless of your stance on animal rights. The film is about Charlie Cranehill, an animal liberator who is wanted by the United States government for domestic terrorism. After being underground for several years, Cranehill emerges to coordinate a nationwide action while his estranged CEO father tries to find him before the FBI does.


    The film covers the different sides of the animal rights movement from abolitionists, to welfarists, and even those that don't quite understand. The arguments held among the different characters are the same arguments that I've held or witnessed since I opened my eyes to animal rights.


    After wanting to make the film for about eight years and being unable to



  2. Couldn't get over that first hurdle at the store.




    Weighed 227.5 after a shower tonight.

    If I don't get to the gym by closing tonight I can't until the 26th because of their holiday hours.


    Gonna make some jello as I miss it so.




    This and a little agar powder, which I have, should do.

    I'm guessing if it doesn't work I'll be able to cut it for insoles.

  3. Well as you can see many people would love my blood test results, but for a vegan they're not so sweet. And that has been just part of the problem(sweets). My diet has been full of oils sugars (the bad ones) for some time now. My exercise program beyond work is non-existent. Having been involved with work projects after work has often sabotaged any effort to get a running start, but those projects are now complete, so as the New Year approaches I plan on doing some serious workouts. I do have some other thing on my plate but it will not consume as much time as the project we just finished.

    So here is the blood test of a 58 year old male who has been on a vegan diet for 4.75 years.

    I will take the Doctor up on retesting but will get iodine, B12, and calcium on the next one.

    So stay tuned, to see if I can retune these results.





    These are the results from about a year and a half ago.



  4. I have been hearing more and more about the importance of Vit. D. Considering we manufacture it from sun exposure, it seems to be an important contributor to health. I just started taking D3, bought at Costco. Can't hurt....Dr. Fuhrman highly recommends it for endocrine and metabolic balance...as well as its other benefits to immune function.

    FYI D3 is animal based, at least that's my understanding.

  5. President Clinton named PETA'S 2010 Person of the Year; organization praises his vegan diet




    Al Gore may have spearheaded environmental issues during the Clinton administration, but it was Bill Clinton who did the most for animals this year.


    The former president was named PETA's 2010 Person of the Year, the organization announced in a press release on Monday.


    The organization applauded Clinton, who was known for chowing down fast food in the Oval Office, for his recent embrace of veganism.


    "Thanks to his new plant-based diet, he's shed some pounds, decreased his risk of future heart problems and spared the lives of many animals," the organization said in the press release.


    Before the former President's daughter was married, she had reportedly urged him to drop a few pounds. In September, he told CNN that he had lost 24 pounds thanks to his new diet.


    "I live on beans, legumes, vegetables, fruit. I drink a protein supplement every morning. No dairy," he said.


    The diet came after Clinton was admitted to Columbia Presbyterian Hospital after suffering from chest pains in February. He's had a history of heart trouble, including a quadruple bypass surgery in 2004.


    He said his new food groups were doing a world of good for his health woes.


    "I did all this research, and I saw that 82% of the people since 1986 who have gone on a plant-based, no dairy, no meat of any kind, no chicken, no turkey—I eat very little fish, once in a while I'll have a little fish," he said. "If you can do it, 82% of people have begun to heal themselves."


    PETA proudly agreed.


    "By choosing a plant-based diet, President Clinton has spared the lives of nearly 200 animals a year and reduced his risk of cancer, strokes, and other diseases," the organization claimed.



    Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/lifestyle/2010/12/20/2010-12-20_president_clinton_named_petas_2010_person_of_the_year_organization_praises_his_v.html#ixzz18o0L8Rfx

  6. Bah Humbug


    Boston, MA – Scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and collaborators from other institutions have identified a natural substance in dairy fat that may substantially reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. The compound, trans-palmitoleic acid, is a fatty acid found in milk, cheese, yogurt, and butter. It is not produced by the body and so only comes from the diet.


    Reporting in the December 21, 2010, issue of Annals of Internal Medicine, investigators led by Dariush Mozaffarian, associate professor in the Department of Epidemiology at HSPH and Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, and Gökhan S. Hotamisligil, J.S. Simmons Professor of Genetics and Metabolism and chair of the Department of Genetics and Complex Diseases at HSPH, explain that trans-palmitoleic acid may underlie epidemiological evidence in recent years that diets rich in dairy foods are linked to lower risk of type 2 diabetes and related metabolic abnormalities. Health experts generally advise reducing full-fat dairy products, but trans-palmitoleic acid is found in dairy fat.


    The HSPH researchers examined 3,736 participants in the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute-funded Cardiovascular Health Study, who have been followed for 20 years in an observational study to evaluate risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in older adults. Metabolic risk factors such as blood glucose and insulin levels, and also levels of circulating blood fatty acids, including trans-palmitoleic acid, were measured using stored blood samples in 1992, and participants were followed for development of type 2 diabetes.


    At baseline, higher circulating levels of trans-palmitoleic acid were associated with healthier levels of blood cholesterol, inflammatory markers, insulin levels, and insulin sensitivity, after adjustment for other risk factors. During follow-up, individuals with higher circulating levels of trans-palmitoleic acid had a much lower risk of developing diabetes, with about a 60% lower risk among participants in the highest quintile (fifth) of trans-palmitoleic acid levels, compared to individuals in the lowest quintile.


    "This type of observational finding requires confirmation in additional observational studies and controlled trials, but the magnitude of this association is striking," said Mozaffarian, lead author of the study. "This represents an almost three-fold difference in risk of developing diabetes among individuals with the highest blood levels of this fatty acid."


    In contrast to the types of industrially produced trans fats found in partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, which have been linked to higher risk of heart disease, trans-palmitoleic acid is almost exclusively found in naturally-occurring dairy and meat trans fats, which in prior studies have not been linked to higher heart disease risk.


    "There has been no clear biologic explanation for the lower risk of diabetes seen with higher dairy consumption in prior studies. This is the first time that the relationship of trans-palmitoleic acid with diabetes risk has been evaluated," said Mozaffarian. "We wonder whether this naturally occurring trans fatty acid in dairy fats may partly mimic the normal biologic role of its cis counterpart, cis-palmitoleic acid, a fatty acid that is produced in the body. In animal experiments, cis-palmitoleic acid protects against diabetes."


    "Unfortunately, with modern diets, synthesis of cis-palmitoleic acid is now driven by high amounts of carbohydrate and calories in the diet, which might limit its normal protective function. We wonder whether trans-palmitoleic acid may be stepping in as a "pinch hitter" for at least some of the functions of cis-palmitoleic acid," said Mozaffarian.


    Hotamisligil, the study's senior author, also emphasized the magnitude of the risk reduction. "This is an extremely strong protective effect, stronger than other things we know can be beneficial against diabetes. The next step is to move forward with an intervention trial to see if there is therapeutic value in people."


    Because trans-palmitoleic acid, also known as trans-palmitoleate, is a natural compound, Hotamisligil said that conducting clinical trials should be possible. "This study represents the power of interdisciplinary work bridging basic science with population studies to realize exciting translational possibilities," he said.


    Source: Harvard School of Public Health


  7. It's my understanding that "vegans" are pretty much "all or nothing". If you cheat once in awhile with a piece of cheese that doesn't make you vegan, because vegans have such strong beliefs.

    You'd never see a Muslim have a piece of bacon every now and then for example. Even when I ate a vegan diet, I wasn't into animal rights activism, or abolishing "speciesism" or things like that. Therefore, I always called myself a "vegetarian." I didn't feel strongly enough on eating an animal product free diet 100% of the time to call myself a "Vegan". Not to mention, my very existence destroys animal habitats (I live in a suburb which was built after de-forestation) I use electricity (hydro-electricity from dams that again, destroy animal habitats), My plumbing which pollutes the ocean etc. etc. To call myself a "vegan" and use a computer + phone all day inside my warm house or office with my running water seemed hypocritical to me.

    Self-justification and self-preservation go hand in hand.

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