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Posts posted by thendanisays

  1. ande suma (and i will say it correctly from now on ), it was a pleasure to meet you, and i wish i hadn't been so drained as i would have loved to talk to you more!!!! hopefully i'll see you again before we leave and i'll steal you away from giacomo for a second MY TURN! just kidding. and you are stunning yourself! absolutely beautiful darling.



    we joust bought so much produce it is unbelievable!

  2. I'm in brooklyn! woo hoo! soon to be portland. it wasn't too bad of a drive and i made it here in about 3.5 hours. GIacomo is awesome! such a nice guy all around and so hospitable. i'm really glad i came out here early. we trained at his gym last night and it was a lot of fun. i was a little disoriented at first, but i got into it. did back, chest and bis and it was alittle different rep scheme than usual on some excerises because the db weights were different so i was just guessing. i still got a great workout in. the cardio machine was this crazy thing. part elliptical, part stairmaster????? whatever, it was very different and made my hour of usual boredom kinda fun.


    plus i got to watch giacomo from the second floor. he's pretty intense. vegans training with vegans. i love it

  3. Zack posted in my journal well, thank you zack. i certainly hope so.


    i spent the whole day running around like crazy trying to get eveything packed and my house all set up for vv08! WOO HOO! my dad has been living at me (which is really fun ) and will be watching my puppy joey and my ferret porkchop




    and therefore i iwll be leaving my ex my keys to come ACTUALLY take care of them, as dad probably will not do a very good job.



    i am sooooooooooooooooo nervous to drive to nyc tomorrow, but am also giddy with excitement both to meet giacomo, who i think is out buying food for me to eat. I'm gonna feel so bad eating in front of him. like when bart eats ice cream outside the gym on the simpsons? yeah that'll be me. i don't think he'll mind I'm also really excited to meet everyone the following day in my dream city of PORTLAND!!!! people here keep joking that i won't come back. i haven't had a vacation in years, so this is much much needed and hey- maybe i won't. whatever.


    wish me luck on the drive!

  4. For the record, I have to hide peanut butter in our storage unit because I've been known to polish off 1/2 a jar in an evening.


    amen to that! i do the SAME THING! When my ex lived here, i used to eat my 1 tablespoon.... ...then make him hide it on me.


    then it kind of turned into a game. which wasn't good. if i found it, i won, but i also ate a ton of it....so i guess i lost too...

    as zack would say-good ole peanut butter.

  5. hey everybody. thank you very much! i knew posting those would make me feel better. it did. funny thing is though, that this forum is the only place i would ever feel comfortable posting them, short of a few very close friends. and as you can probably tell, those pictures are cell phone pictures and today one of the other bartenders asked if he could borrow my phone and he WENT THROUGH MY PICTURES! and of course its a friday night so i'm getting my ass kicked with raspberry mojitos and freaking sangrias up the wazoo so i can't even moce from my 3 foot square service bar for a minute to snatch it back....oh my god. mortifying. i was so embarrased. oh well. like i said, no one takes me seriously here. anyway i thought maybe someone would get a kick out of that.

  6. so as some people know, i have been a little diasappointed in myself. I have made progress and i am proud of myself for that, BUT i have been stressed about a few things and that leads me to snack mindlessly. ive been pretty good at going outside and walking around when i feel like i'm gonna do that. and i have been trying very hard to enlist the help of my friends (who do not understand why i "can't have" pretzels or sushi, etc etc) and they're getting better at helping. i feel like no body here takes me very seriously when i answer them with "well, i'm on a sort of body-builder diet to cut fat while maintining muscle....." they look at m elike i have three heads....as opposed to the two headed look they give me about being vegan anyway....SO!


    i took a couple of pictures of myself today before i left for the beach. I am TRYING to look as lean as possible....keep in mind, i think i pose really well, because i do not actually look like this 99% of the time...but whatever they make me happy!










  7. i love the cooler! hehe. how has it been working out for you so far? i love mine...even if it is purple.


    congradulations on reaching your target weight range. its just so impressive. i was actually talking with my buddy about you at dinner last night (he took me out to sushi and OF COURSE they didn't have brown rice....sigh, so i was feeling guilty about eating white) and i tried to explain to him about your juice feast and your dedication and dicipline and whatnot. it really really is amazing. i don't think you quite realize how many people's ears you've opened up to a raw diet AND juice feasts/fasts. single-handedly at that! they say live by example and if that's not what you're doing then i don't know what is. you've definately made me think that it is about time to kick my diet up a notch and give these protein isolates the boot and try something cleaner.


    but not til after vv08...i mean c'mon now! .....but seriously, after that, i'll probably be blowing up your phone asking for advice.



    amazing progress, just amazing. keep it up. you're setting the example for the rest of us

  8. doing unassisted pullups is my goal. i did 4 sets of 3 assisted pullups the other day with my friend holding my feet....someday....



    I'm your man- i agree with what youre saying that you should keep pushing yourself and never get too comfortable with your abilities, because that leads to physical stagnation. but i also understand what Wobbly Lifter is trying to say that to set such a high bar (no pun intended with the pullups here ) for "fitness" may lead those less fit to just feel inadequate and as though being truely fit is just unattainable for them.



    i think you guys should just agree to disagree here, as you both make very valid points.

  9. giacomo, you always know exactly what to say. i've just been feeling kinda down about it lately. i think i may be hormonal but either way, i have no intentions of stopping anytime soon.


    veggieprincess, you have no idea how much better you just made me feel. its funny because my best friend and i were just talking about that the other day: how some people seem to have bulginf muscles even when theyre not flexing, but when him and i aren't flexing, our muscles look like jelly. i didnt know that took so long to build. i didnt know old muscle could be harder (leaner?) than newer muscle. i just thought muscle was muscle.....i would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see those pictures. because i think you have an ideal physique, so any similarities between your body and mine owuld make my day!

  10. i am truly sorry for your loss. that is awful. i have a ferret and i have to be super super careful about when and where i let him out and its because of things like that. my dad thinks i'm paranoid (maybe a little) but i am just too scared to risk it. thanks your for reminding us all how important it is.

  11. my 1 year old daschaund is driving me nuts lately. he was getting so good, now, since my boyfriend moved out, and dad moved in, he has taken giant steps BACKWARDS! he keeps going to the bathroom on the floor and chewing up EVERYTHING! now i tkae him out sevral times a day, long walks a couple days a week, and i try to keep everything off the floor.....but he still gets to everything. i never crated him because i thought it was mean, but now i'm thinking i don't have a choice. i caught him with one of my dads disposable razors the other day! that could have been horrible! i just don't know what to do anymore. any suggestions? books? methods? anything? i'll try anything!

  12. my guess, and also this is just a guess, is that animals are prbably killed specifically for their hide. the meat and leathe rindustry probably feed off each other in some ways.


    when i first went vegan, i had a few leather belts, shoes, and i didn't throw them away. because THAT would be a waste. i gave most of it away, and wore the other ones until they were no good anymore, so nothing got wasted. but now, i wouldn't every buy anything leather.


    i think you're right about what native americans have said about white man wasting so much, but with the massive amounts of industrialization that have happened since that idea began, i doubt much is wasted, but that doesn't necesaarily mean that it isn't deliberately for leather that some of these animals are killed.

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