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Posts posted by thendanisays

  1. the good- my juice feast ended me at 123 lbs (which is the lowest I've ever been) and i felt great the whole time with the execption of the day that i did just juice, no blends, no protein....maybe my body just wasn't ready for it? I don't know, but i didn't like it. i felt great the rest of the time.


    the bad- due to a bunch of crappy events leading up to the end of my juice feast (think: 12 hours in car, tire changing on i-95 at 4 am and no sleep whatsoever before the Animal Rights Conference in D.C) I ended up not breaking me feast correctly, went kinda overboard with the eating (like homemade raw chocolate at 3a.m. GIACOMO! )and now am back up to a good ole 129. dammit. that was fast. I think a lot of it is water as i have been heavy on the salt and i feel super bloated. i feel like i'm made out of jello. yuck. i NEED to fix this!


    I have been busy with traveling and getting ready to move in oct all while trying to save money and fitness has slipped to the wayside and it's driving me bonkers! It is definately time for a change in diet although I'm not quite sure what i want to do. Due to some influence of Lean and Green I have been experimenting with a high raw diet. I like is just fine, but the amount of fat (allbeit good-for-you fat) makes me feel CRAPPY...tatses awesome though. The gemma that i usually consume has been makeing me feel even more bloated, so i bought a pound of hemp protein today and i'm gonna try using it all day tomorrow. i hope it works because i just like the idea of it so much more that a procesed isolate, you know? I've pretty much cut all grains out of my diet over the past month (with the exception of the grilled shreese sandwhich here or there ). I think i can count the number of times i've had any starchy carbs over the past month on my hands. and ive been eating a lot more fruit, which i enjoy a whole lot more.


    its all an experiment though. but then again, it always is.


    need to fix my training routine stat! I feel my muscles melting away!!!!!!!

  2. Thanks Lena! We're so excited! nervous too, but excited...



    also if anyone has any tips on moving across the country in general, tha would be cool as neither of us have every done anything like this. specifically on methods of getting all your stuff from point A to point B. we already are selling my furniture and starting from scratch in portland because it seemed too expensive to ship or drive. unless anyone knows any secrets......?

  3. hahaha. thanks zack. i wouldn't worry about that too much.


    so yesterday was day 5 of this juicefeast and i felt like crap, until i went and did some cardio outside and then i felt great! and then i had so much energy that i didn't know what to do with it!


    doing just juice today. kinda nervous about it as it's 8:45 am and i'm already hungry....oh well. i'll try anything once!


    only 3 days left then i get to see L&G (hahaha) and break the feast together! awwwwww.com

  4. hahaha. i just gave up coffee about 2 weeks ago. ITS ROUGH! you go girl! and your abs are sick by the way. awesome. i'm jealous. and the thrive diet is one of if not the best diet book i've ever read...its just expensive and time consuming to follow. some of the recipes are soooooooooo good though. keep it up!

  5. i did biceps today and i finished with 20lb dbs! woo hoo! i was pretty proud of myself. never done that before, figured i'd try...only about 4 reps/ arm, but i did a set of 10 with 17.5 right before that. sweet. also my legs are still pretty sore but i managed to get about 25 minuted of cardio on the elliptical with low resistance, just faster pedaling.


    this is day 3 of just juices and blends and i felt like i was eating a lot (veggiepriness would cry if she saw all the fruit! ) but i'm down 3 lbs in 3 days.....so.......? we'll see how the rest of the week goes....

  6. JUICEFEASTING IS THE NAME OF THE GAME ON THIS BOARD LATELY! so i figure why the hell not? leanandgreen did such an awesome job and basically everyone doing a juice feast right now is someone i feel is intelligent when it somes to nutrition and everyone seems to have their own little twist on it so i guess i can too. I am going to put my usual diet on the back burner for a bit and try it. i am only doing 7 days (maybe 8???) mostly to see how my body responds to it (and to drop the 3 lbs or so that ofund me since vacation started) and how i feel while i'm doing it. I will still be comsuming lotsa protein with gemma powder ( and a small bit of algae.... ) and i will not be paying attention to calories much...in fact i'd rather consume too much than not enough...we'll see....


    i'm not really sure what my goals are anymore....they were to drop bf, and i have (although i'm not sure of the exact amount) but i feel like i will be too small if i lose much more fat without gaining some muscle to take it's place. so i may drop bf a bit more then put on some muscleweight and drop again.....???? i'm still deciding. whatever i do, i don't want to do it too quickly, because although it is instantly gratifying, i fell that it is difficult to maintain an erratic body....but thats just me.


    hopefully i'll learn something here.


    I am thinking of experimenting with a new type of diet, but i will have to talk to veggieprincess first


    Do you need her approval for your dietary choices?


    no zack. obviously, but i appreciate her input....i pay her for it. punk.



    so, giacomo (L&G) and i trained legs last night.....and lets just say that I DONT KNOW WHAT I WAS THINKING AGREEING TO DO HIS WORKOUT WITH HIM! He annihilated me! And he YELLED AT ME! and all i did was whine the whole time. and i can barely walk.....we did like 30ish sets of legs, and not wimpy ones either....and he kept pushing me down on the last rep of each set....jerk......but at the end of it, i was pretty proud of myself and i GUESS, he's not a jerk....he's aiiight in my book i suppose

  8. today was my first day back at home. What a vacation!!!!! It was absolutely and utterly more than i could have ever expected. so i will forgive myself for being so off track. i learned so much about food and the way othe rvegans eat. sooooo interesting. however cardio all but went out the window and protein gave way to fats......oh well. weight is the same give or take a pound and i will be back in the gym tomorrow hard core, most likely with lean and green who is coming to visit me. i am super excited.


    I am thinking of experimenting with a new type of diet, but i will have to talk to veggieprincess first.....by the way....how are you doing on your awray ietday?


    I'll probably call you sometime this week.

  9. hi guys! i'm finally home and done cleaning (my house was TRASHED!) and i cannot even explain how much i miss you all! i have never met so many good people all at once.

    I have good things to say about everyone. it was so awesome and i cannot wait to go through pictures very very soon and post some good ones.



    oh and i WILL BE POSTING MORE FREQUENTLY. yesssssssa.

  10. "guys, that's the third waiver we've signed this week......"



    "Is that fire heated above 118? Thats not a raw fire. i'm not sitting next to it"

    "Yeah, the air's not raw."



    "If i plant this apple in the ground, you get a tree. If you plant this pasta, this bread, this cereal in the ground.... you know what you get? You get MOLD!"



    "BOOM! Protein Everywhere!"

  11. can we say off traaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack? i'm not even worried about it right now to be honest though. i beat myself up constantly, and i think its ok to take a small hiatus. if i gain a few pounds its not the end of the world and i'll have it gone again within a month without a doubt.


    oh! and melissa! that is really cool. i have eaten more raw food in the last week than i ever have and i feel great! actually today i had my first heavily cooked meal (BBQ tempeh sandwich) and while it tasted delicious, i felt like garbage afterwards. i just wanted salad. i think this vacation will pay off in the long run in many ways. although i may not be 100% on track for fat loss, i am learning a lot about nutrition and dicipline in general. ket me know how it works out for you. i am highly interested.

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