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About FEEL7331

  • Birthday 06/09/1983

FEEL7331's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. stoked to finally see some results. I've been on a strict 100% vegan diet since January. I'm eating 6 times a day, Lots of cardio mixed in with plenty of swimming and a solid 3day split workout. Have not been this focused in a long time and and finally after treading some rough waters, being unemployed for six months, my discipline and dedication to staying on track with my workout routine has made a positive impact on my overall health. Balancing my career now and staying true to my commitments has been challenging but my time management and planning has drastically improved. I've gotten a lot of support from select friends and I look forward to giving back more this year and help people where ever I can. Being vegan makes ALL the difference! Hats off to all who assume the responsibility. I look forward to sharing more results later on this summer. Thank you SO MUCH for the inspiration VB&F!! working out has helped me achieve a more balanced mind and a positive outlook on tomorrow.
  2. Fantastic. Thanks for the link and the support!! Hope your memorial day wknd is going well. peace.
  3. holy freshly-juiced carrots...Looking reaaaaaaal good Robert!! sweet flix.
  4. Hey gang!...So word on the street is that according to my nutrition center in Anaheim hills, im crazy for trying to lift and practice a vegan diet. This meaty gentlemen suggested the only vegetarian gainer that he had was soy protein but to not waste my time with that stuff and that simply I will not see any results on my vegan diet. I wasn't expecting to find much there but It was interesting listening to him. I surf a lot so naturally I have an ok upper body but I would like to add some size overall. I've been vegan for a while but just started lifting since February 12th and I've been eating like a mad man 6 times a day. Fruit,veggies,w-grain rice,lentils.variety of nuts and beans,tofu,complex carbs and a grip of Quinoa(my secret weapon) and honestly I'm happy with the gain I've seen towards the beginning but I would like to see what my options are as far as supplements and protein shakes to continue to see progress. I heard Pea/Hemp may work well?? I've been having soy-protein shakes after my workouts but I know Its time to switch it up and would love any recommendations for p.shakes or any vegan supplements I should consider. I want my biceps to be bigger than the spare tire on my dads truck!!
  5. FEEL7331


    wazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzup! props on your commitment!!
  6. Thanks everyone! Robert that sounds rad. I will try and bring some friends!
  7. Orange County Vegan in the MuthaFu**n house!! Could not be any happier to see so many other vegans representing. The joy is unexplainable and I only look forward to being part of this community. Peace and what up to everyone here!
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