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Hello from Helsinki, Finland!


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Hi everybody!


I'm 29 years old proud father of a little girl, and I've just recently turned to vegan (about 7 weeks ago). At the moment, I'm the only vegan in our family, and none of my friends are even vegetarians, so it has been a solo trip for me... ...and interesting but pleasing one as well.


I went "cold turkey" from omnivore to vegan (in what I eat) in just one day with no special planning, and now I can't believe I hadn't made the transition earlier! Currently getting stuff to replace my old non-vegan shoes etc.


It has not been very difficult, but I'm still learning to cook lot of new-to-me vegetables, seitan, tofu etc. It feels so much better now that I have no intentions of going back to the "cruel way of life".


I have always been on the skinny side, I'm about 6'1 (~185 cm) and weigh now about 170 lbs (~77 kg). I lost about 3-4 kg in first few weeks after I turned to vegan.


I have been interested on long distance running, though I have not been training very regularly. Also, when I made the transition to being vegan, I started going to gym 3 - 4 times per week, roughly every other day or so. Reason behind this was that I had noticed that my general fittness had gone downhill in just few years, and I also wanted to gain a little weight and muscle.


I'm also interested in rock climbing, bicycling (mtbing and especially touring, for years I have dreamed about U.S. cross country tour on bike...).

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Welcome! Great to have more people from Finland here!


I am actually coming to Helsinki tomorrow since we have a Finnish animal rights forum meet there.


Such a great thing you just decided to go vegan and you're doing fine! That's quite a change! Hopefully you'll have an influence in the rest of the family!

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congratulations on your awakening.


In a non vegetarian family, as from my experience, expect to have people to question you on your new beliefs. Take it for good, because maybe you thought the same way in the past. This is conviction, or "love" and therefore not many appreciate things the way you do.


I simply stop eating animal products, but ignored many nutrition wise aspects. Never got ill but now that I got into fitness there is many things I was not aware on my diet.


For non family members, you can either explain your reason, or go easy and mention that you have allergies to many things. Sometimes explaining to each person is tedious.


And have a great time on restaurants!! in gral. they never understand --do not add X thing to my dish, so have fun laughing at their incompetence.

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Welcome! And congrats on making the switch.


And have a great time on restaurants!! in gral. they never understand --do not add X thing to my dish, so have fun laughing at their incompetence.


There was this one pita place on campus, where every single week for over a year, the guy asked me "Why not?" when I asked for "no cheese" on my hummus pita. EVERY week, "Because I don't eat cheese" followed by "Why? For religious reasons?" The last time he ever asked, I told him, "Because my brother died in a tragic cheese factory accident and I can't bear to look at it anymore". Then he finally stopped asking

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Thanks everybody! Tuc, I've seen your posts at finnish Pakkotoisto.com forum, I'm not a member there yet, but I noticed some vegan discussion there as well.


congratulations on your awakening.


I have been thinking about going vegan for the same (ethical) reasons for like 15 years, but never made the decision, I don't know why, guess I thought it would be difficult. Then, just one day at work when we went to local Subways to get something for lunch, I decided to get vegetarian sub (as I was quite ed eating meaty subs - I have never really enjoyed eating animals), and after that I went to supermarket and bought bunch of vegan food supplies and decided to give it a go for atleast a month. And now theres no way I'll go back...


In a non vegetarian family, as from my experience, expect to have people to question you on your new beliefs. Take it for good, because maybe you thought the same way in the past. This is conviction, or "love" and therefore not many appreciate things the way you do.


I have noticed this. Luckily people have been mostly very supportive.


To me it's still very strange to see that it is more readily accepted to eat veg(etari)an foods if youre trying to lose weight, have limitations based on religion etc. but when you're choice is based on compassion, you're choice is not accepted so easily.


And have a great time on restaurants!! in gral. they never understand --do not add X thing to my dish, so have fun laughing at their incompetence.


Well, next week our family is going on holiday to Greece for two weeks. Hopefuly I can find something to eat as well. I have read both good and bad stories about eating vegan there, so it'll be interesting...

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Well, next week our family is going on holiday to Greece for two weeks. Hopefuly I can find something to eat as well. I have read both good and bad stories about eating vegan there, so it'll be interesting...

Welcome from me, too!


I have a young family (girl of 3 y and boy of 8 month, too) and luckily my partner is vegetarian, too. I still hope she will wake up, too, as you did, but I am not preaching...

Do not worry about Greece. We have at least three greece members here (oselifer, wolfy and health freak). I think it may be usefull be contact them and ask for advice.

IMO right now you will have no problem to find lots of fruit and vegetables (all vegan ) right now in Greece.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Cold Turkey" love the comical analogy. All new to the scene and completely dedicated. So cool. I went on the journey for a very long time alone as well. Years later, I am now greeted with respect from others who once did not support me and I have many invaluable friendships and more. This forum has only taken that higher. Glad to see you here. Look forward to your posts.

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