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Sprouting nuts


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I hear about this idea of soaking your nuts overnight to make them sprout (no rude jokes please )


Is this actually a proven beneficial way to eat nuts? Also if it is, wouldnt it make them all horrible & sludgy? I tried sucking a nut (no rude jokes please ) & it went a nasty consistency.


Whats the deal peeps!?

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I like my nuts the way nature made them. Hard. I actually kind of like the painful feeling you get when you get hard almond pieces stuck between your teeth.


Wow, Dr. Pink sums it up for me. I thought I was the only weirdo who liked that feeling.


I would love the nutritional and digestibility benefits, but like Dr. Pink I am far too lazy for that, and the benefits probably won't outweight the nastiness of soggy nuts.

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That's far different


I always wash my nuts before eating them. Mum thinks I'm crazy. She's all like," You're nut supposed to wash Almonds ". I say," I don't care. I'll do it anyways ".


I also like to add a little raisin to the bunch before washing.


I used to wash my Pasta too before cooking. But I don't anymore.

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I love soaking my nuts (pfffffffffttt tee hee) and the way I do it they never get soggy or gross. Almonds are my favorite to soak, I soak them overnight in tupperware in the fridge, drain in the morning, and keep them in the fridge. They keep forever, and are STILL crunchy while being cool and almost refreshing at the same time. They are softer than regular raw almonds and way better on cereal and salads and such, but still fine for just snacking. Easier to digest and assimilate too! yay!

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That's far different


I always wash my nuts before eating them. Mum thinks I'm crazy. She's all like," You're nut supposed to wash Almonds ". I say," I don't care. I'll do it anyways ".


I also like to add a little raisin to the bunch before washing.


I used to wash my Pasta too before cooking. But I don't anymore.


You know, it never occurred to me, but one day I rinsed them and the taste of the flesh was so much better, so I always wash them before eating them.

PS. My mum says Im crazy too xD

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