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What... Locked Why?


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Why was the topic locked? Don't we want to just discuss here.That is what we are doing. Proposition 8 is a big deal for many on both sides,I just don't get it. It is like how proposition 2 is important


Well I hope that no one got upset. We were all just debating? And everyone's opinion is valued

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Lets face it, there was more hate than debate being generated in those threads.

It wasn't my intent, I was under the impression that everyone could talk about the issues without getting personal.

My mistake.

I will not reply to any questions posed to me in this thread.

PS If you think it was me that raised the hair on the back of your neck,

then I appologize

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Why was the topic locked? Don't we want to just discuss here.That is what we are doing. Proposition 8 is a big deal for many on both sides,I just don't get it. It is like how proposition 2 is important


Well I hope that no one got upset. We were all just debating? And everyone's opinion is valued

Agreed. There were discussions in those threads that had nothing to do with Joe. If he doesn't want to be a part of them, he shouldn't post. Locking them (or requesting they be locked) is draconian.

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Well I get the impression that Joe doesn't want to be seen as causing negativity or arguments, and to leave the threads open and for the discussion to continue there - people would check the first post(s) in the thread and see his name there, and continue to be outraged. By making a new thread - if anybody wants to do so - on similar subjects, it would be a fresh start without the negativity. Again, I didn't close the thread for the hell of it, but because the thread-starter asked me, so others shouldn't be concerned that I'll close their thread on the same subject.

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I understand... Ok... No biggy!


I always hope that people don't get offended. I do know that we all are not the same and we all have differences and that we have our strong beliefs. I hope that we can all see all sides of the picture. No one should threaten anyone but your opinion is good here. That is what counts. Good or bad your opinion is your opinion. I hope that discussions although heated can still go on so that people can see the whole picture. I expect that people will not get insulted.


Veganbodybuilding.com is not a negative site but a positive one! If it were not for all its members it would be boring here. So I do appreciate every topic on here. I think one just go a bit misguided.Some might think oranges are better than apples metaphorically speaking but that does not mean either is right or wrong unless it is based on scientific fact.


THis site should be informative, a good resource for help and fun


I hope it keeps growing

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im not kidding around. im sick of oranges being illegally imported into this fine country and purchased due to their low cost over the patriotic apple whil it rots on some forgotten produce shelf. and then the seeds of these illegal oranges grow into trees that are invasive and take apples away from the hungry mouthes they rightly deserve. vote to ban illegal orange importing and boycott tropicana.

i know what you think, its not that im fruitist or anything...i had a cousin once and he ate an orange. and you know what? eventually i forgave him. i mean hes not allowed near my children obviously...but i forgave him because thats what a good american does.

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I've already mentioned my views:

1, I don't approve of gay behavior.

2, I am for a legal union of such, only don't call it marriage.

3, Give the partners benefits (health, death, etc.)

4, Don't teach my children (grandchildren, all my children are over 22) your life style in school.

5, Keep your private business to yourself.





Open up the threads again, or better still how about I come over a beat the fuck out of you in person Joe?


You up for a Homo kicking your arse?


They say violence doesn't solve anything but people like you perpetuate violence against people who were born differently to you.

So it is all you will understand.


It is people like you who are against education in schools about homosexuality it is factors like this that contribute to the fact that suicide attempts in young gay men are 4 TIMES higher than in hetrosexuals.


Homosexuality is not a lifestyle or a behavior it is the way I was Born, I have gay uncles and aunts, I can even tell you which side of my family the genes came from.


Tattman6006 once some this up better than I can imagine.


I'll tell you a little about the "homosexual agenda". My homosexual agenda is as follows: I want the government to stay the hell out of my bedroom! I want the right to be able to marry who I love, and spend my life with the person that I've fallen in love with. I want to be able to live my life without fear of being fired or discriminated against at work because of who I am. I want to be able to live in a society where people who are gay are not subjected to hatred and violence like Matthew Shepard experienced some years back. I want to be able to live my life without fear of being KILLED by some zealous bigot who seems to think that I'm going to destroy his heterosexual marriage by having civil liberties of my own! Do you honestly think that I'm "overplaying the problem" here? For someone who claims to understand what's going on, you've certainly shown that you really have no idea what issues gay people face on a regular basis. It's THAT important because it's MY LIFE!


How about we BAN VEGAN JOE from the Forum... I'd have a hundred Veganpotters around instead of this Fuck wit

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I've already mentioned my views:

1, I don't approve of gay behavior.

2, I am for a legal union of such, only don't call it marriage.

3, Give the partners benefits (health, death, etc.)

4, Don't teach my children (grandchildren, all my children are over 22) your life style in school.

5, Keep your private business to yourself.





Open up the threads again, or better still how about I come over a beat the fuck out of you in person Joe?


You up for a Homo kicking your arse?


They say violence doesn't solve anything but people like you perpetuate violence against people who were born differently to you.

So it is all you will understand.


It is people like you who are against education in schools about homosexuality it is factors like this that contribute to the fact that suicide attempts in young gay men are 4 TIMES higher than in hetrosexuals.


Homosexuality is not a lifestyle or a behavior it is the way I was Born, I have gay uncles and aunts, I can even tell you which side of my family the genes came from.


Tattman6006 once some this up better than I can imagine.


I'll tell you a little about the "homosexual agenda". My homosexual agenda is as follows: I want the government to stay the hell out of my bedroom! I want the right to be able to marry who I love, and spend my life with the person that I've fallen in love with. I want to be able to live my life without fear of being fired or discriminated against at work because of who I am. I want to be able to live in a society where people who are gay are not subjected to hatred and violence like Matthew Shepard experienced some years back. I want to be able to live my life without fear of being KILLED by some zealous bigot who seems to think that I'm going to destroy his heterosexual marriage by having civil liberties of my own! Do you honestly think that I'm "overplaying the problem" here? For someone who claims to understand what's going on, you've certainly shown that you really have no idea what issues gay people face on a regular basis. It's THAT important because it's MY LIFE!


How about we BAN VEGAN JOE from the Forum... I'd have a hundred Veganpotters around instead of this Fuck wit


When you find that perfect world, you won't fit in, and it not because you're a homosexual.

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Well I get the impression that Joe doesn't want to be seen as causing negativity or arguments, and to leave the threads open and for the discussion to continue there - people would check the first post(s) in the thread and see his name there, and continue to be outraged. By making a new thread - if anybody wants to do so - on similar subjects, it would be a fresh start without the negativity. Again, I didn't close the thread for the hell of it, but because the thread-starter asked me, so others shouldn't be concerned that I'll close their thread on the same subject.

Well, Joe is making remarks on a public forum. He needs to learn to either think before he posts or stand up for his beliefs. Any objective observer can see that his posts are designed to start arguments, so his claim that he doesn't want to be seen that way is either a cop-out or a lie.


I understand you're placed in a tough position when someone asks you to lock a thread they started, but please remember this incident in the future if you get a request from Joe again. He should have learned his lesson by now, and the rest of us shouldn't have our conversations curtailed because he's being deliberately obtuse.

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hey sydney...i feel ya but threatening promotes cruelty to living things, which i believe is what we are all here to stop.


People like that understand only one thing.


Here is a story for you.

I'm a big guy 6'3 and 230lbs, I have always been big, I play Rugby and have always been able to handle myself.

This is the ONLY REASON, I wasn't given a beating for who I was when I was growing up (I wasn't openly gay as a teen, but other kids work it out pretty quickly)

Now lets talk about a friend of mine, who was openly gay at school. He is of a slim build and a very passive person.

Every day someone would walk past and punch him in the face, he grew to accept it, because there was nothing he could do about it. He only took action against some of these people when they pinned him against a wall and tried to sodomise him with a broom handle. After this, he was more careful and they only beat him with their fists.

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sydney how could you expect me to understand that defending yourself against people physically hurting you is the same as saying your gonna beat some bigots ass for sharing his opinion. violence is sometimes necesary to protect your body but when you use it to protect your beliefs you can find no pride in your cause.

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When the perfect world I arises, I might fit in and I might not, we will just have to wait and see.

Old homophobic bigots fit in everywhere Joe, so you'll be fine.

For someone who screams tolerance, it's for sure you not. Your just a hateful bitter little person, who pretends to be someone by belittling other people. It's sad, and I feel sorry for you.

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I will not reply to any questions posed to me in this thread.

PS If you think it was me that raised the hair on the back of your neck,

then I appologize

Of course, you prefer to reply to affirmations.


Talking of apologies, I apologize I said that you never been in another country, I was wrong. You've been in another country once... to make war!

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Well, Joe is making remarks on a public forum. He needs to learn to either think before he posts or stand up for his beliefs. Any objective observer can see that his posts are designed to start arguments, so his claim that he doesn't want to be seen that way is either a cop-out or a lie.


I understand you're placed in a tough position when someone asks you to lock a thread they started, but please remember this incident in the future if you get a request from Joe again. He should have learned his lesson by now, and the rest of us shouldn't have our conversations curtailed because he's being deliberately obtuse.

Most forums reserve the right of the OP to terminate his Thread. To bring up topic that are going to be voted on by the public, and then blame me for other people taking it to a personal level, is irresponsible, finger pointing. Why don't you just start a thread "Reasons why I hate Vegan Joe".

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I will not reply to any questions posed to me in this thread.

PS If you think it was me that raised the hair on the back of your neck,

then I appologize

Of course, you prefer to reply to affirmations.


Talking of apologies, I apologize I said that you never been in another country, I was wrong. You've been in another country once... to make war!

just another perfect example of you making accusations base on what you think you know. I've been to several foreign countries before, even yours.
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Most forums reserve the right of the OP to terminate his Thread. To bring up topic that are going to be voted on by the public, and then blame me for other people taking it to a personal level, is irresponsible, finger pointing. Why don't you just start a thread "Reasons why I hate Vegan Joe".

Some web forums allow the OP to lock the thread. And Usenet certainly doesn't. Once you put something out there, it's yours. The thread may go somewhere unexpected and undesired, but that's a risk you take. And it's not like the posts don't have individual attributions. You're only being judged based on your own words. So again, locking the whole thread is just a cop-out so you don't have to take responsibility for your own posts or to respond to the people actually challenging you on substance.


And I thought you weren't going to respond to anything on this thread.

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