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Everything posted by auburnoutlook

  1. volleyball on my turf! muscle beach is a shit show in a fantastic way.
  2. i would just take the two weeks off. i do that twice maybe three times a year. just rest for two weeks. sometimes ill continue my cardio or do some good yoga. i always come back and add ten pounds to me bench. enjoy.
  3. i figure these animals are the way they are regardles of how they got there. we need to take care of them.
  4. solar planes make so much damn sense it hurts my colon.
  5. so whats the deal. alot of people would say that buying organic is the way to go because it doesnt use pesticides and its way tastier. but if you have to ship it further you bring up gas issues on the environment and all the companies you support with the trucking industry. so now the carbon footprint has come about to measure that. a local pesticide ridden apple bought at a stand may be better for the world on the whole than an organic from south america. i dont know any statistics so really im very unaware of which would be better and also im sure it is situational. so the question is ... does the same go with some aspects of the vegan lifestyle?
  6. cows are awesome. can you image cows being endangered. that would suck. just because 98 percent of farm animals are used in haneous ways doesnt mean the other 2 percent should stop mating. i ant wait to have a farm again. cows and chickens and whatever other animals i can rescue. blind gay pittbulls. all of them. also i love that you call it calving in refrence to what im talking about. its not like we made them, cows are just like us with feelings and all. on my farm we didnt call it calving, we called it sex.
  7. Pink Flamingoes. unfortunately a chicken is killed in it and if i think too much about it it ruins it for me. but i figure any major motion picture nowadays serves so much meat for production that way more animals are harmed in pop movies than this indie jem. this movies "blood footprint" is way smaller.
  8. i was speaking specifically about about one instance where a member said he knitted an article of clothing made from the wool of a friends sheep. if being vegan means paying such close attenttion to the lines in the sand that you loose sight of the beach then im not a vegan. also i will say, i never really cared what people called me. i have lived with cows and often times they produce more milk than the calf can drink or te calf is ill and doesnt drink any. we would milk the cows to ease the burden of carrying all that milk. i have never lived with sheep but ive seen sheep when they arent sheared and that wool is a major discomofort and can be hazardous to their health. why throw the wool away? this is my point. being vegan i presumed was doing what is in the best interest for ALL living creatures. CASE BY CASE. the sheep doesnt have a choice in being sheared but neither do cats when they need vaccines or what food they eat or sheltering them from cars with fences. my whole point of continuing this thread and the defining vegan one was that sometimes you do un vegan things to do whats best for the animal...which in turn makes those actions vegan. i really appreciate all of the responses on here. its given me alot to digest. so thank you. i no longer think vegan is the right term for myself. i always felt a bit odd about giving my lifestyle a title anyway.
  9. but by this means the sheep would not have his wool removed and cows would go unmilked.
  10. dr. natural i found both topics to be very simialar. vegan, i thought, is about loving animals. dr. natural making a wool sweater from a happy sheep is more vegan than everyone who shopped at a mall or chain store this season.
  11. thats a sport where im from....dumpster diving, they called it. i never ate any of the shit they brought back to the farm. it was always tastycakes or bread or bulk candy.ew.
  12. please run...im interested. there is really no official definition for vegan in my opinion when it comes to lifestyle choices, many lines are fuzzy. i believe the idea behind being vegan began as just treat animals how you want to be treated. wool fits with the vegan lifestyle if its in the sheeps best interest to have the wool removed. it is situational, not honey or dairy or gelatin ....but wool is situational. i only care about the word when its on a menu or a carton of food. you can call me a lactose intolerant vegetarian but i feel like often vegan is a status symbol people wear on their sleeves and they miss the big picture. think about it. the sheep grows all this wool on your family farm. the wool needs to be removed for health and comfort issues. so this man should go buy a sweatshop sweater instead of practicing sustainability and making one himself. that seems like a waste of resources for a title.
  13. barely possible in the US but certainly what to strive for.
  14. an_20081111_151822 an_20081112_153258 an_20081112_154649 these three were my favorites. i enjoy the balnce of the third especially. you have a good eye for composition. i love photos without a distinguishable horizons
  15. so i agree with 2 through 10 for sure. i basicall live by those rules. i would add education but maybe its assumed.
  16. honey isnt vegan as in it shouldnt be included in vegan dishes. real simple. i think wearing wool from your companion sheep or from a sheep you know is well loved IS vegan. it does not harm the animals and you are not digesting the product. keep knitting Dr. Natural.
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