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Everything posted by auburnoutlook

  1. when you enter the page theres that counter on the left side. i wish i could email that ticker to everyone i know. its so fucking sad. i bet if people were forced toi stare at those escalating numbers while they ate, theyd reconsider the meat infront of them.
  2. i belive anything is realistic give the right situations. its how you argue that matters. i love different view points and philosophies and with those difference we will always argue and debate. but today we use violence to debate. and when children grow up with that, i think its hard for them to think about stopping cruelty to animals when we are all so cruel to eachother. i totally agree. but i also know that many people have been raised in a way that they may never change. however if we can show the next generation a different way of living and interacting than maybe my kids(someday?) will grow up without as many bullies as i did. and maybe vegan will be the norm....and chickens will run the streets of ny and cars will run on recycled diapers. these are dreams but by no means unrealistic.
  3. lets do car pushing at vegan events to show we're bad ass. yeah.
  4. sorry for the repeats below. i dont know how to delete them, theres no X on those ones. so i edited them to nice little dots.
  5. i am a certified personal trainer(for six years now) and am in school studying nutrition. ive been a vegetarian for almost 11 years and been struggling with vegan, off an on, for two years now. ive also been traing friends and family vegan and practically carnvor since i was certified. i believe i have something to bring to the table as well. i may be a new member but i assumed that this forum was for "vegan bodybuilders". to talk and learn about both being vegan and being a bodybuilder. i posed a question to sydneyvegan out of interest in different vegan philosophies and posed a question to everyone about how you think we treat eachother translates to how we treat animals. i never meant to instigate. certainly its a question more related to being vegan than being a bodybuilder....but i also didnt post it the training section. i still believe it is an interesting topic and one i hoped would derail us from less productive conversations...i.e. anything like the threads you know im talking about. dv, i find the quoted comment above to be a bit offensive since it waters down a philosophy i was opening up and sharing. it takes away from the respectful and intelligent rapport i though we were striving for. please read what i wrote and give a response that pushes us to think. share your opinion, im really interested in it. im not saying that my way is right, ever, but DaN was the only person to not point fingers and actually share smething, aside from robert who is being hospitable and unbiased as always. i thought i found a place to learn how to be a better vegan and a better bodybuilder and, as im always striving to be,a better person. maybe i was wrong.
  6. i love this shit. i would say as long as you set a particular distance its just like any other race- the fastest to the end. but it would be cool to judge both speed and endurance by making it 500 feet with your time being taken at 50 to 100 feet intervals....kinda like the rabbit and the hare. i guess then the "winner" would be the man in the best overall shape. so one guy may push fast but only could go 215 feet while another could do the whole course but his first two intervals would be slower. then with some math the winner would be who averaged best. oh wait maybe that wouldnt work? yeah a speed race might be easier. fuck i hate cars but would love to do something like this. sounds very motivating. it also kinda makes me wonder if short distance or long distance runners are in better overall health. ultimatley thats what sports have been all about. celebrating the best you can be. with so many specific sports though its hard to determine. what do we have to determine that...like iron man?
  7. im feelin the four to five day split right now. i used to do full body every other day with moderate weight and i gained muscle and trimmed down but after like 7 months it got stale and my muscle growth plateaued am cardio- pm upper pushin abs hiit am cardio- pm upper pullin am cardio- pm legs rest or just cardio or hiit or if im feeling saucy and my pushin is feeling rested i start all over again.
  8. when i quoted ghandi it was not meant to say i fully agree with his views. i believe in violence when it is needed to defend yourself. in the situation you provided i believe it was understandable but not the best choice. everyday we have oppurtunities to positively affect people. i dont know your exact situation but i bet there was another way to reach him without instilling fear. you physically hurt someone. and while that is ok in my opinion in retribution to someone hitting you, i dont think its justifiable as a means to prevent future attacks. i have talked my way out of almost every fight ive encountered with homophobes. im a well built guy and probably a bit intimidating in my stature but i always spoke with a smile. there were two instances when i knew the other guy was fucking crazy and no words would convince them. one was a crazed religous fanatic and the other the brother of my ex. both totally agro and i knew talking wasnt the answer so i separated myself from the situation. the fanatic i walked away and he didnt follow and if he did i would have run....not because i couldnt fight him....im sure i could have. but that wouldnt have solved anything. and the brother well fate took care of that situation. i have to be true to myself. my argument still stands. we are all vegans and people are essentially animals so how can we be vegan and still hurt someone without the need of protection?
  9. i was trying to turn this thread into something interesting that we could learn from but was still related to the topic ....but i guess no one is into that. maybe ill repost my questions somewhere else.
  10. my abs have continually gotten more pronounced since i started eating more meals per day and have ab specific days at the gym. if the muscle is there and you just wanna bring down the bf% interval training has helped me alot with that. a few years ago i needed to gain ab muscle and shred the fat.....im up to a four pack and the hiit also helped with my hiking as well as my weight training.
  11. "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”. Mahatma Gandhi so arent the way the animals are treated directly related to how we treat one another? isnt being vegan for ethical reasons another way of saying you are a sort of humanitarian? sydneyvegan- not to call you out but i am especially interested in your view on the matter. i hope you do not find the question offensive.
  12. so lets turn this particular thread into a proactive one. i feel that humans are animals. i believe that hurting animals is wrong. most vegans on this site would probably agree, even those that are vegan for nutritional reasons. like i said before all these hot issues come down to rights. dont we all have the right to not fear being tortured or hurt just like we want for "animals"? so, do yall think stopping violence among people will help stopping violence inflicted on other creatures? how can we actively stop violence and prevent it without being guilty of it? any ideas?
  13. dear sydney- im gay and have been since i was born as well, and i never said you were gay by belief...i dont even really know what that means. the issue wasnt if gay was right or wrong belief or whatever...it was about prop 8 and wether or not you BELIEVE it to be the right choice. you said you would beat him up based on his beliefs about gays and all that, and isnt that why people beat up your friend in high school....over different beliefs. violence is silly. "If I Go out and beat a bigot who spouts homophobic poison I am ulitmately protecting myself physically. I’m just being proactive." sydney seriously?
  14. dear everyone- i joined this forum to educate myself on all things vegan and bodybuilding through others experiences. i find myself distracted by the hurtful things being said and spend alot of time just reading the very interesting political issues. abortion, gay marriage, and immigration are all hot topics and i believe we need to be able to openly express our feelings to reach a happy middle ground or at least some form of acceptance. and all of these subjects have to do with human rights which directly affect the rights given to animals. joe you are obviously the odd man out in some of these topics but i personally support and honestly appreciate you sharing your thoughts. it helps me understand both sides of the subject. so lets keep arguing and debating these very important issues but try to not personally offend one another.
  15. sydney how could you expect me to understand that defending yourself against people physically hurting you is the same as saying your gonna beat some bigots ass for sharing his opinion. violence is sometimes necesary to protect your body but when you use it to protect your beliefs you can find no pride in your cause.
  16. hey sydney...i feel ya but threatening promotes cruelty to living things, which i believe is what we are all here to stop.
  17. yeah well i no longer get a rush from workin on my car or church and lord knows im sick of my wife so i though id take a stand against something that i know will get a rise out of people.... like hating oranges. im so happy i found an outlet for my boredom.
  18. im not kidding around. im sick of oranges being illegally imported into this fine country and purchased due to their low cost over the patriotic apple whil it rots on some forgotten produce shelf. and then the seeds of these illegal oranges grow into trees that are invasive and take apples away from the hungry mouthes they rightly deserve. vote to ban illegal orange importing and boycott tropicana. i know what you think, its not that im fruitist or anything...i had a cousin once and he ate an orange. and you know what? eventually i forgave him. i mean hes not allowed near my children obviously...but i forgave him because thats what a good american does.
  19. apples are better than oranges and any patriotic american would agree. i would like to think that my children could grow up in a wholesome country where oranges are not served in state funded cafeterias.
  20. it does have a strange sawdust consistency but i enjoy it. its just another protein to keep my smoothies interesting. i like it mostly with green smoothies. it sorta cuts the bitterness of kale and tartness of berries. but chocolate... i have never tried that one.
  21. this is funny to me cause' if king's murderer had been aborted, than he would still be around. its all a cycle and we should all strive to make choices that feel like the best all around option. i suppose that sometimes abortion may be that choice. the abortion discussion leaves me feeling that so many men and women are burning bridges theyve never crossed and may never have to come close to.
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