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Ingrown hairs


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I always seem to get ingrown hairs, particularly around my lips, when I shave. The annoying thing is that I don't shave with a razor and shaving cream. I only trim the hair with electric clippers. It always seems to be tiny little hairs right on the edges of my lips and it's usually impossible to see them, let alone remove them with tweezers. I just feel a slight pain and then later on the red bumps appear.


Usually when you look for advice on preventing ingrown hairs the article is aimed at people who shave with a razor and shaving cream and one of the suggestions is usually to try using a beard trimmer or clippers.. but that's what I do and yet I still get them.


I'm always careful to go in the direction of hair growth too, so I really don't know why it happens. Sometimes I hate having facial hair.

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I'll give that a go. Thank you.


Normally I'd just trim, shower and use a toner afterwards, because I heard that when you're just trimming it's better to do it when the hairs are completely dry.


I've heard that hairdressers often get ingrown hairs on their hands because the sharp little hairs fly off the head of the client and dig into their skin, so that could be similar to what's happening to me. You'd think that I'd be able to see them though.. unless they're just really really tiny hairs.

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1. Exfoliate. Get yourself a loofah and use it on the area daily, whether you shave/clip that day or not. They make special little round loofahs for the face that are a little easier to manage than the big bath-sized ones.


2. Moisturize. For best results, do it immediately after you exfoliate when the skin is still wet. Ingrowns seem to happen more often in dry skin. Use a little coconut oil or whatever your favorite moisturizer is.


That's it! Once daily in the morning ought to be enough, but if you're still having problems you could do once in the morning and once at night.


I'm not sure what's in the toner you mentioned, but if it's got alcohol then it'll dry the skin and may make the problem worse.

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