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2008 Raw Games Hawaii Photos


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Unfortunately, I lost my camera when I was announcing awards during the closing ceremony. I was one of the unofficial photographers so it really sucks. I don't care about the camera, I have money for a new one, just wish it hadn't gone missing because I had 5 days of photos on there.


But...there were at least 7 video cameras and many still cameras which will get photos all over the internet soon. I've already found over 100 on facebook.


Here are a few.


P.S. I won the Gold Medal in the 40 Meter Sprint.


Look at me, I'm a ghost!
























Here is a link to the Front Page newspaper article:



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Yeah, it was totally fun! We did other things too....tire flip, sand bag carry, coconut toss, and the car pull, all for the strength competition, the event I was in charge of.


It was great!


A few more pics:











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We had some that were about 300 pounds and one that was less than 100 pounds, so nothing too major but we had to flip it a long way. The 300 pound one was pretty cool though....we had 2 of each weight to race side by side...you'll see video footage of it soon.


Good times out there! More photos to come soon.

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Damn LEAN AND GREEN ... you got jacked in a couple of months ... since I last saw you. Holy... what is your secret?


What is the Raw games Robert all about... is it just fun events? or is it more like speaches ect...


The Car pull and the tire toss looks more like Something Veganessentials would excell and destroy in those events

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Oh! I get it now.

The race was for those two women.

Now I understand how you could have won.

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thanks for that...


There should be tons more photos floating around the internet soon, including ones of the bigger 300 lb tires. Still not super heavy, but they were challenging and competitive.


Great times all around.


We had 100 athletes in over 10 sports competed.


It was a lot of fun and I have a bunch of new facebook friends as a result

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