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I was wondering, do any of you stretch?


I dynamically stretch as a warm-up but don't do any static stretching. Am i really missing out?


I always felt that it made more sense to stretch in a controlled range of motion, replicating natural movements...


any thoughts?

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My opinion is that stretching is good to relax muscles before sleeping or to stretch the muscles when waking up, but before training, it's not good to relax muscles, you need to warm them up so it,s good that you do dynamic stretching movements. I just warm up by running, bicycling, doing jumping jacks or doing the movements I'll do but with light weights.

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My opinion is that stretching is good to relax muscles before sleeping or to stretch the muscles when waking up, but before training, it's not good to relax muscles, you need to warm them up so it,s good that you do dynamic stretching movements. I just warm up by running, bicycling, doing jumping jacks or doing the movements I'll do but with light weights.


So do you feel that the dynamic stretching helps with mobility/flexibility or is it just good for warming-up?

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So do you feel that the dynamic stretching helps with mobility/flexibility or is it just good for warming-up?

I don't really do dynamic stretching as a warm-up (I warm-up with the other things I mentioned), but I do it if I feel a muscle group haven't been stretched enough in the morning. If I would do a stretching session before lifting weights, I would also do a warm-up session too, and then start lifting weights. As for me stretching and warming up are two complete different things. Dynamic stretching is like both at sametime, half stretching and half warm-up, but I don't like to do things only half. It's not a complete stretching or warm up.
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Stretching is a crucial part of my preworkout regime. It helps to get me warm and get some blood in my muscles.


For me, I do lots of arm circles, trunk twists, squating/lunging motions, some static stuff, and occasionally some running. I basically do what I need to do to FEEL right in my muscles before I hit them with weight. I also consider my first few sets for the day to be a warmup as I pyramid up to a working weight (I usually only do this for the first exercise).

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I stretch before, during and after my workouts, but stretching does not take the place of a pre workout warm-up. Movement creates warmth and increased blood flow. The best time to increase flexibility and to take your stretch farther is when you are warmed up. How and when you stretch depends on what you are looking to get out of it. Light movement based stretch before a workout can increase circulation and help with the warm up. Stretching between sets can release knots and help maintain circulation. Static stretching, after a workout when you are warm, can relax the fascia and muscles, increasing ROM and flexibility. In martial arts, weights, and dance, I have stretched regularly before, during and after workouts and have yet to sustain a movement related injury.

Edited by hilary wright
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I try to make a habit out of stretching first thing as I get up and before the warm up before a workout. The difference between becoming one of those old people with their backs bent and heads down low and not is apparantly stretching in the morning. Don't know how accurate this is though as I would have thought any old exercise on a regular basis woould prevent that.


Sometimes I like to stretch just for the hell of it like in mid conversation sometimes (not always appropriate obv). If you look at most mammals, especially cats and dogs from what I've seen, they stretch all the time! My dog frequently stretches when he gets up from lying down, before he lyes down, after eating and at random times as well.


I actually enjoy stretching too, sure doing the whole body properly can take 10 minutes or more but I find it quite fun now whereas before I wasnt really interested.


Apparently it's bad to 'bounce' when you stretch? Any thoughts on this? I've stopped this now and it does feel better doing the stretch slowly and deliberately but I'm curious anyhow.


I do what I need to do to FEEL right in my muscles before I hit them with weight.

+1 VeganJosh


It makes sense that there isn't a one size fits all for stretching either. But hey, it can't be detrimental . . . right?

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First, I believe stretching = good.


And yeah, bounce stretching generally is considered a Bad Thing. It causes microtrauma to the muscle fibers, and can even cause your muscles to contract. Your body tends to react negatively to that kind of sudden movement.

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i've suffered from pretty tight hips and hamstrings for a long time. Most due to past hockey injuries and working behind a computer 9 hours a day.


A physiotherapist suggested that I do static stretching everyday. I tried it for a while. It felt pretty good but i don't feel that it did much for me.


I tried switching to a mix of dynamic stretches and calisthenics. I would focus on a deeper range of motion then i would when lifting heavy weights. I would use this as both a warm-up and recovery on off days. This helped much more then static stretching (for me anyways!).

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