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WASHINGTON (Feb. 17) - Defense and congressional officials say President Barack Obama has approved an increase in U.S. forces for the flagging war in Afghanistan. The Obama administration is expected to announce on Tuesday or Wednesday that it will send one additional Army brigade and an unknown number of Marines to Afghanistan this spring. One official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the total is about 17,000 troops.

That would be the first installment on a larger influx of U.S. forces that have been widely expected this year. It would get a few thousand troops in place in time for the increase in fighting that usually comes with warmer weather and ahead of national elections this summer.




So much for being an Peace Candidate.

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United States spent 750 billion $ in 8 years to finance the war in Irak and Afghanistan.

For every dollar invested in development assistance in the world, there is 17 dollars for military expenditures, half of it from the U.S.

With only 1 million dollar we can nourrish 5,800 children for 1 year in Malawi, or pay the salary of 1160 teachers during 1 year in Ouganda.

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Honestly, I'm glad. As another person said, he planned to pull from Iraq and put into Afghanistan, and that's what should have happened long ago. We didn't need this shit. Afghanistan was ready to go. They were finally freed from Taliban rule to be regular people again instead of oppressed, women were allowed to go back to work and school, men were allowed to shave their beards.


Then we just slowed way down and jumped into Iraq. Ugh. No. Bad.


I hope Obama can fix this. I'd say the same if it was McCain. Iraq and Afghanistan both need stability and I believe it's our duty to help because we were the ones who came in and fucked up the place.

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Obama is visiting Canada, his first visit outside U.S as a president, and the guy presenting the news on tv is so dumb, he said: "the waitress couldn't believe that Obama came to her restaurant and had a pig tail", the weather girl was laughing and he noticed his mistake : "oh sorry, a beaver tail" (fried dough, aka elephant ears, whale tails, tiger ears...)

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The world is a dangerous place, and Obama is just starting to learn that.


Yes, as former president of the Harvard Law Review he is only now learning how corrupt and dangerous the world is.


Iraq has no popular support so he is moving the war (along with the massive contracts for big companies like Lockheed Martin and Boeing) back to Afghanistan.


War is the health of the state. He knows that.

I think it has more to do with stabilizing a central gov't an people so we can get our ass out of there, and not just for the betterment of the corporate world. I believe his stance is anti-war. No?

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Obama will save us all, you will see. No clue why I posted this, I am the other person. I think on this site this is the first time I have been reffered to as another person.

Either way, who really remembers Battletoads, how fucking sweet strawberryriddick

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The meat industry, slaughterhouses : animals are seen as meat, just some matter to run the economy.

War is not so different. Soldiers: cannon fodder, sort of post-mortem cannibalism. There's an economic crisis ? Simple, just send more soldiers. War will stimulate the economy. The unemployment rate rises, hundreds of people lost their job during last months. Send 17,000 more at war/slaughterhouse. It will increase the debt even more ? Doesn't matter. Government see soldiers killed at combat as cannon fodder, investment, and they think : when there's too many people for too little jobs, get rid of some of them.

China produce a lot and seems less affected by the economic crisis. Yes they produce more but they're over one billion people and most of them are poor, it's not the workers which get rich. And for the first time in many years, there's no job; 6 million university graduates can't find a job ! That equals the total population of Quebec, and Canada is only 30 million.



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I don't remember President Obama, I love typing this, ever said that he would end the war in Iraq in weeks. In one debate, or interview that I saw he said it was much easier to send US troops into war, than it is getting them out. And he did say that our focus needed to be on Afghanistan.

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