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Joined a gym!!!

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I found out that my employer gives a discount if we join Anytime Fitness here in Fargo, so I did! It's totally great! Now I just have to learn to do something more than just the treadmill or elliptical. Can you folks give me some good recommendations on various strength building and fat burning exercises? I'm so excited to be able to go, but need to branch out of my comfort zones there.

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Be nice, Josh. If you don't have anything nice to say, then shush. Here are several of the places I've already searched:






The one from About.Com is probably the best. What I am looking for is advice from the experts here. Do you have any favorite exercises that you do? Or are there any that claim to work but don't really help much? Free weights or machines? Treadmill or elliptical?

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Be nice, Josh. If you don't have anything nice to say, then shush. Here are several of the places I've already searched:






The one from About.Com is probably the best. What I am looking for is advice from the experts here. Do you have any favorite exercises that you do? Or are there any that claim to work but don't really help much? Free weights or machines? Treadmill or elliptical?


If you are going ot use a cardio machine, never leave the step mill out of the equation.



my very favorite machine. If I remember correctly you are a fuller size gal, running on a treadmill may be a bit much right now. But the stepmill will really burn the calories with the lesser impact then the treadmill and the lesser boredom of the elliptical, which tends to become a purpectual (sp i am on my way to bed) motion machine.

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If you want to focus on strength I'd say go with free weights and do a 5x5 or 3x5 routine. I've been following the Starting Strength routine by Mark Rippetoe and I'm very happy about the results I'm getting (http://startingstrength.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ


It's a pretty simple program focusing on the bench, press, OHP, power clean, squats and deads. These are good base exercises and hit virtually every muscle, directly or indirectly. No need to do isolation exercises just yet

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If you want to focus on strength I'd say go with free weights and do a 5x5 or 3x5 routine. I've been following the Starting Strength routine by Mark Rippetoe and I'm very happy about the results I'm getting (http://startingstrength.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ


It's a pretty simple program focusing on the bench, press, OHP, power clean, squats and deads. These are good base exercises and hit virtually every muscle, directly or indirectly. No need to do isolation exercises just yet


thats a good post. But at 269 lbs that is a lot of weight to carry around. I would mix up xCx moves with in fact rapid isolation exercises. For instance whole body moves say mon then wednesday rapid isolation with much lighter weights then back to xCx moves on Friday or Saturday. I have had great success with my plus size clients with this routine. Then iafter 3 weeks take a week of outdoor movements, relax and then begin a different approach for the next three weeks.

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Ah, the stair stepper. I admit that's one piece of equipment I've avoided. I'll have to break out of my comfort zone and give it a shot. Running on a treadmill is a real bear right now. You're completely right about that. I can't go very long at all before I am winded, tasting a metallic nastiness in the back of my throat, and flat worn out. Sometime in my life, I'd love to experience that "runner's high" I've heard about from runners. But that's a goal for down the road.


In January, my mom actually had weight loss surgery (Lap Band) and I am determined to lose weight and get fit without having to resort to a $15000.00 procedure. It can be done!

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If you want to start weight training, to help tone up as you lose weight. You might want to start with machines first, if you have no idea about correct form, and how to do the actual exercise. Believe me you don't want to drop a weight on your head when you're lifting. Machines also generally have a picture on the side and basic info about what body part you're working, and how. You also might get some free sessions with a personal trainer, depending on your gym.

As far as cardio goes treadmills have more impact on the joints than elipticals, and bikes. If you hate using cardio equipment I'd suggest maybe a spinning/cycling class at a beginner level, or another cardio type group class like step, or any cardio dancing class. There's also walking, during the warmer months it's always nice to walk outside more, just stick to a good pace.

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