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"You will find on any osteoporosis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis or other inflammatory bowel disease forum that 80% of the sufferers are vegetarians or ex-vegans. Yet, only 6% of the population are vegetarians. The protein deficient vegan diet will blow your guts out, cause degenerative disk disease and kill you with cancer or a hemorrhagic stroke, guaranteed."




Wow, I had no clue! I will immediately stop what I am doing, these terrible destructive heathen ways of mine!

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"The vegan diet wipes out the hormonal system in males. Their testosterone level plunges. The sperm count plunges, and the can't get it up, erectile dysfunction (ED). They become impotent sissies. This is the reason vegan males become submissive to females and become homosexual. They can be seen carrying peace signs in demonstrations and are ready to surrender."


Hilarious or alarming? Not sure yet. But seriously, they should meet some people from the forum. Vegan's never surrender.

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I dont think I have laughed this hard in ages,

This is some funny shit...

Only trouble is these wack jobs are serious...


"Tofu made from soybeans has been shown to shrink the brain and cause cognitive impairment (brain fog)"


What, Sorry, I don't understand... guess it must be the brain fog.

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"You will find on any osteoporosis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis or other inflammatory bowel disease forum that 80% of the sufferers are vegetarians or ex-vegans. Yet, only 6% of the population are vegetarians. The protein deficient vegan diet will blow your guts out, cause degenerative disk disease and kill you with cancer or a hemorrhagic stroke, guaranteed."




Wow, I had no clue! I will immediately stop what I am doing, these terrible destructive heathen ways of mine!


Maybe it's all the cholesterol that holds our guts in.

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The title is a good intro.

vegan diets vs high proteins diets
Im afraid

Vegan diet have a lot of proteins and fat,they dont know





Note: The ex-vegetarian below switched to a high-fat, red meat diet with awesome health improvements. The vegetarian diet caused degenerative disk disease and intestinal diseases.
Vegetarians have also eggs and milk.Animal fats and proteins.

Not good for me,Im vegan,but I dont understand why they say this about vegetarian diet.

I think they are obsessed for meat.



The Italian ex-minister for health "Sirchia" is vegetarian,they dont know.






I add this

Vegetarians don't see their own brainwashing. They simply think their understanding is superior to that of other people. This attitude is typical of those who have become brainwashed.
Is brainwashed also a guy closed of mind to minorance info because "the minorance is brainwashed". and

"is brainwashed who thinks to have reason",he may also have reason.

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I was in tears reading that shit. I thought it was a parody at first.


The best bits:

Vegan Males Become Wussies

"The vegan diet wipes out the hormonal system in males.",

"They become impotent sissies. This is the reason vegan males become submissive to females and become homosexual.",


"The fact that the vegetarian diet turns men into homosexuals is very easy to prove. Simply go to a gay rally and shout this question into the microphone, "If you are gay and a vegetarian, please raise your hand?" Repeat the question once again to make sure most of them heard it. You will quickly see all the hands go up."

Vegan Females Become Infertile

"She may drift into a lesbian relationship thinking her lack of arousal indicates she is gay when in reality it was caused by the deficient vegan diet."

"She soon looses her sex drive and fails to achieve an orgasm."

"The female vegan often becomes infertile or miscarries the baby."


Vegetarians Have the Shortest Lifespan on Earth <- Just a funny title by itself


True Vegetarianism Exposed

"Vegetarianism is a religion which is falsely disguised as a health way of eating.

The leaders of the vegetarianism religion worship animals.

These people place animals on the same value level as human beings and sometimes above that of the human race. The result of their spreading myths, distortions and lies about healthy eating has lead to a dramatic surge in obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer that is not found in low-carbohydrate, high-fat, meat-eating societies. The low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet of the last 40 years has cause the early deaths of millions of people and untold suffering, both of which continues unabated to this day."



I am just amazed... Young earth creationists use exactly the same arguments when they attempt to refute evolution. And that's without mentioning the bigoted, sexist and homophobic remarks.

"Vegetarianism" - is that even a word?

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"The fact that the vegetarian diet turns men into homosexuals is very easy to prove. Simply go to a gay rally and shout this question into the microphone, "If you are gay and a vegetarian, please raise your hand?" Repeat the question once again to make sure most of them heard it. You will quickly see all the hands go up."




Here am I going to bars, and playing gays sports trying to meet guys, when the whole time this is all I have to do....

I feel robbed

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