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the genius behind george w. bush


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During the 2000 presidential election PBS's Frontline had a good show on Gore and Bush, tracing back all the way to grade school days.


Bush grew up in West Texas. He went to school there until about high school, as I remember. Then his parent got him into a prestigious North Eastern preparatory school.


At the prep school he was receiving bad marks on essays etc. His mother gave him a Thesaurus and told him it was a book with synonyms etc. She told him that while he wrote essays, if he noticed he was using the same word repeatedly he should look in the Thesaurus and find another similar word to use.


It was either classmates or the teacher that relayed the following story: George Bush took his mother's advice, while writing his next essay. The topic was a sad day and the instructions were to right how you felt on a very sad day. In a section of his essay, George Bush wrote about crying. He noticed he had used tears a lot and found a replacement. When he received the graded essay back, one of his synonyms was circled, in red ink, with a note: please see me in my office, after class.


The word circled was 'lacerates' and it was in the following sentence: the 'lacerates' were rolling down my face. Our young studious president searched for the word tear and found a synonym for tear (as in the result of ripping apart) not for tear (as in salty watery discharge from crying.)



Now he is still displaying that he has no idea of things he even talks about. The secret service makes sure that his audiences are extremely friendly and support him (you must sign a pledge that you support and like the President before you attend his public events - secret service and volunteers - local active Republican party members ,search looking for clues - such as bumper stickers etc. of people that lied on the pledges and escort those people out) and yet even in these friendly environments (so he can not use pressure as an excuse) he still talks as if he is highly uneducated.


Now there is nothing wrong with being uneducated - that is the choice or situation of many but he attended and was graduated from some of the most prestigious universities, in the world, yet he talks as if he is a high-school drop out.


Instead of respecting him for talking as a so-called average American, his supporters should ask: if it were not for his rich and powerful family, would he even have finished high school? Where would he be now? Based on the accounts of all the drug use he entertained in the 1970s: Prison, homeless, drunk in the streets?


By supporting him, people are advocating for the life and privilege of being a playboy. In other words, his supporters are advocating for an aristocracy, where 'class' and 'family birthrights' outweigh merit. From the demographics of his base-supporters, I would guess they would feel the opposite: that merit should outweigh. So, what is the con that has led these supporters to support the opposite of their views? Could it be the ownership, by a few companies, of the majority of our news outlets turning "news" into sensational tabloid stories adn opinions that creates an "us" versus "them" theme and have painted George W Bush as an "us"?

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