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United Nations Urges A Global Move To A Vegan Diet


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United Nations report (June 2, 2010) says a global shift towards a vegan diet is vital to save the world from hunger, fuel poverty and the worst impacts of climate change. Western tastes for diets rich in meat and dairy products are unsustainable as the global population surges towards a predicted 9.1 billion people by 2050.


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Richard, that is an interesting point.


In the United States many people don't feel a lot of respect for the UN. A number of Americans, especially in the far right wing view the UN as an enemy and even have what some people might call "paranoia" about the UN.


I posted that bit to some non-vegan boards I am on.


The (far) right wingers on those boards dismissed it all as a lie.


Many of them believe that global warming being man made and improvable by human action is a lie. Many others think if they just dig their heels in someone will invent something that will allow their lifestyle to go on forever. They also tend to believe that ANYTHING the UN says is a lie. Lastly, some people really out on the fringe are banking on a calamity and deity cleaning things up before things get to that point.

Edited by beforewisdom
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Well obviously God is going to blow everything up eventually, that's only logical and reasonable to expect, and I assume he'll be using a giant purple Optimus Prime statuette to splat us one by one. But in the meantime, it's nonsensical to just put your head in the sand, I don't know how to wake those types of people up. Even if you got their favourite celebrity to advocate veganism / econess, they'd probably just say that that person has lost their mind, and stop being interested in them... and I don't know what else would work!


But, even if you just forget those lost causes, I think there are some fence-sitters who could be swayed by this, and at the very least, it is pretty big publicity/awareness-raising for the movement

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Nobody cares about what is going on in the world.

People think that if they donate twenty bucks a year to UNICEF that they're earning brownie points with God, but they don't see the big picture.

Honestly, do they have any idea how sheltered and spoiled we are in the western world? I am grateful for every ounce of food I put in my mouth. Every berry. Every drop of water. That's a LUXURY! Most of the people of the world don't have safe drinking water, a warm bed to sleep in, or a roof over their head.

These people who continue to live their spoiled, sheltered, ignorant little lives will never understand.. And they don't want to. They pretend it's not happening.

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Nobody cares about what is going on in the world.

People think that if they donate twenty bucks a year to UNICEF that they're earning brownie points with God, but they don't see the big picture.

Honestly, do they have any idea how sheltered and spoiled we are in the western world? I am grateful for every ounce of food I put in my mouth. Every berry. Every drop of water. That's a LUXURY! Most of the people of the world don't have safe drinking water, a warm bed to sleep in, or a roof over their head.

These people who continue to live their spoiled, sheltered, ignorant little lives will never understand.. And they don't want to. They pretend it's not happening.

This may be the pessimistic-leaning viewpoint, but it's tragically accurate....

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