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Kosher same as organic?


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Beats me but I doubt it. Perhaps there's a regional meaning of kosher I'm not aware of, but I'd guess that kosher meant it didn't use pig remains/excrement as fertilizer...


But maybe it's just a variety like kosher salt, having nothing to do with Jewish beliefs.

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Was out shopping for the long weekend and picked up some kosher spinach which was beside the organic one, is kosher the same as organic? (no pesticides)


No. "Kosher" means that it conforms to ancient Jewish dietary laws and that this compliance has been inspected, approved by a Rabbi.


"Organic" means that the food is created without artificial fertilizers, without pesticides, without herbicides and in the case of livestock, without drugs. The label "organic", many people believe, is not as strict since the government stepped in to create a standard.


The specifications for "organic" and "kosher" do not overlap.

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  • 13 years later...

Exploring the distinction between Kosher and organic reveals nuanced differences. While both certifications emphasize quality and adherence to specific standards, their criteria and objectives diverge. Kosher primarily focuses on religious dietary laws, ensuring food preparation aligns with Jewish customs. On the other hand, organic certification prioritizes agricultural practices that minimize synthetic inputs and prioritize environmental sustainability. Despite occasional overlap, each label serves distinct purposes, guiding consumers with diverse preferences. Utilizing a handheld mobile computer barcode scanner facilitates informed choices, empowering individuals to navigate these distinctions with ease.

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