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Vegan version of Ryan Reynolds


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Reynolds says (emphasis my own):


"My trainer (and Jessica Biel's) was a guy named Darren Chapman. He's one of the most inspiring individuals I've ever met. A member of the UK's Olympic bobsled team, he's as adept at the nutritional training as he is the physical training. Also, a great guy that doesn't mind me calling him every swear word ever heard in any language. He showed me how important the process of visualization is. Visualizing the transformation I had to make, I believe was key to making it happen. With this information, I began training as though preparing for the olympics...[sic]"


That IS the key, he's right. Visualization techniques including Visual Motor Rehearsal are tried and true Olympic training methods. Once thought to be New Age woo-woo, they're now standard practice among top athletes. Easy, portable, freakin' powerful. The brain is the strongest part of your body. With it's cooperation, you are Superman; working against it, you are...well, you're wasting a lot of money, time, and energy. Work smarter.


Baby Herc

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What would substitute eggs, fish, and chicken?


Anything vegan that has lots of protein would be a suitable replacement. There's nothing magical about the protein that's found in eggs, fish or chicken that gives it special powers, otherwise everyone who trained hard and ate meat would have an enviable physique. More than anything, if you wanted to emulate such a diet, you'd simply want to find the nutrient ratios of protein/fat/carbs in the non-vegan item and try to create your meals around that. You could use meat substitutes, protein powders or other foods to get the same balance as just about any meat-based diet program, it just might take a bit of tweaking.


Also to consider, Hollywood actors and actresses are not necessarily known for their brutal honesty in how they get the way they do for their physiques. Not that all will lie about it, but there are MANY actors who will use steroids to prep for a role if they need to bulk up in a hurry (nobody naturally is going to gain 25 lbs. of muscle for a role in a few months, it just doesn't happen), not to mention that all the "fun" stimulants they use for weight loss like cocaine, adderall and other goodies can play a role in that as well. Look at it this way - if your phyiscal appearance is the bulk of what makes you marketable, and marketing yourself is big money, most people will do ANYTHING to make sure they get things done to keep the work coming, legal methods or not.

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Has anyone looked into the China Study? It clearly demonstrates a significant decline in health when protein is over consumed.


Is anyone positive how much protein is depleted when you work out? Because it is not the primary fuel source during activity and so when we eat we should be refueling proportionally to what we have used since the last time we ate.


Has anyone looked into the dangers of excess protein?


So we weren't designed to eat meat, what makes you think it is natural to eat fermented soy, tofu, or any odd creation, besides those gifted to us by our home, planet, Mother Earth. She provides the diet for every other single creature on the planet, we were not left out of the equation. Our food is easy to get, not dangerous to procure, not strenuous and time consuming to produce, it doesn't need machinery, chemistry, or heating elements like a stove, fire, oven, or microwave to "become" food for us. It should already BE food. It should already taste good. It should be easy for us to digest. It should benefit us in more ways than it harms us. It should harm us the least. It should provide the perfect fuel to build the most ideal muscular physique and athletic prowess. EVERY SINGLE ANIMAL HAS ALL OF THESE BENEFITS AND MORE, IN THEIR NATURAL FOOD SOURCE.

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Has anyone looked into the China Study? It clearly demonstrates a significant decline in health when protein is over consumed.


Is anyone positive how much protein is depleted when you work out? Because it is not the primary fuel source during activity and so when we eat we should be refueling proportionally to what we have used since the last time we ate.


Has anyone looked into the dangers of excess protein?


So we weren't designed to eat meat, what makes you think it is natural to eat fermented soy, tofu, or any odd creation, besides those gifted to us by our home, planet, Mother Earth. She provides the diet for every other single creature on the planet, we were not left out of the equation. Our food is easy to get, not dangerous to procure, not strenuous and time consuming to produce, it doesn't need machinery, chemistry, or heating elements like a stove, fire, oven, or microwave to "become" food for us. It should already BE food. It should already taste good. It should be easy for us to digest. It should benefit us in more ways than it harms us. It should harm us the least. It should provide the perfect fuel to build the most ideal muscular physique and athletic prowess. EVERY SINGLE ANIMAL HAS ALL OF THESE BENEFITS AND MORE, IN THEIR NATURAL FOOD SOURCE.


No offence intended, but how much can you squat/bench etc? If I read one more diatribe from some scrawny raw food hippy about how high protein diets are toxic I'll scream.

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While I respect varying opinions, rawsomehealth, you'll find that you're going to get a LOT of disagreement here, primarily because once again, raw has not successfully proven itself to be a perfect diet and all the quasi-religious stuff that gets spouted is a great turn-off to many.


Let me pose this to you - if taking in more than a tiny bit of protein is going to be the downfall of people, why is it that most humans will take in more than they need all their lives yet aren't all having kidney failure and ending up on dialysis in droves? You're using the same tired and flawed arguments that so many others do, all steeped in following ideals that are not based on science, but rather what some "guru" has decided to spout as a selling point for their books/products/lectures/etc. And please, don't come at me with Dr. Graham's stuff as "science", it's not very credible and surely is not going to prove anything against taking in protein beyond the pitiful minimums that don't yield the results we all want. This isn't a life-extensionist mysticism board, this is for vegan bodybuilding and fitness, and that can encompass many types of vegan diets, not just the one you want to promote. Of course, you're free to promote your chosen diet, but putting down everything that doesn't coincide with your diet and ramming the ideals of 80/10/10, low protein, etc. down everyone's throats in unrelated posts is not a the best way to get off to a good start here.


If YOU want to live the way you do for your diet, that's great, but please, stop trying to convince the rest of us that we're all making terrible mistakes for not eating the same way you do. It's very unbecoming and does not put your stance in a positive light when you ignore facts but choose to spout nonsense based on faith and hope along with trying to make it sounds as if the rest of us are simps who have yet to be "enlightened".

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Has anyone looked into the China Study? It clearly demonstrates a significant decline in health when protein is over consumed.


Is anyone positive how much protein is depleted when you work out? Because it is not the primary fuel source during activity and so when we eat we should be refueling proportionally to what we have used since the last time we ate.


Has anyone looked into the dangers of excess protein?


So we weren't designed to eat meat, what makes you think it is natural to eat fermented soy, tofu, or any odd creation, besides those gifted to us by our home, planet, Mother Earth. She provides the diet for every other single creature on the planet, we were not left out of the equation. Our food is easy to get, not dangerous to procure, not strenuous and time consuming to produce, it doesn't need machinery, chemistry, or heating elements like a stove, fire, oven, or microwave to "become" food for us. It should already BE food. It should already taste good. It should be easy for us to digest. It should benefit us in more ways than it harms us. It should harm us the least. It should provide the perfect fuel to build the most ideal muscular physique and athletic prowess. EVERY SINGLE ANIMAL HAS ALL OF THESE BENEFITS AND MORE, IN THEIR NATURAL FOOD SOURCE.


You can have too much protein. However, as mentioned, most people consume 2-3x as much protein as they should and the majority of them do not seem to suffer any serious side affects. As you have mentioned proteins are not the main fuel source during activity, carbs are. However, recovery following a workout burns both carbs and proteins. The healthiest thing to do is to consume an appropriate ratio of carbs, proteins and lipids.


Edit: While I haven't read the book you mentioned, I can only assume dietary, ethnic and location factors were factored in during the study of protein overconsumption.

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