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What Type of Warm-Up Are You Doing and How Long?

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I was doing 10-15 minutes of pilates, stretching, lunges, dislocations which was a good warm up. Now I ride my bike to the gym, not flying or anything, and it takes about 10-15 minutes. Feels good to get to the gym with the blood pumping through. I don't think 25 minutes of walking is too much warm up, if you have the time and enjoy it. If you start losing energy mid-workout perhaps reconsider?

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Biking to the gym does sound like a great way to warm everything up!


I workout at home and don't have a bike so not an option here. But I have used cardio equipment in the past and still didn't really feel prepared to lift weights.


What I do now is a bodyweight circuit twice with a 30 second rest between circuits. This seems to work the best for me. Each circuit takes 5-10 minutes. This really has helped prevent injuries for me. I may cut something short but not my warm-up.

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I workout at home. I follow what we did when I took karate: calisthenics - jumping jacks, run in place, etc. to get the blood flowing. I try do do something for each part of my body - legs, arms, core. Then I do some stretching. It takes about 15 min. or so.

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I usually start with a broomstick and do overheadsquats, overheadlunges, presses, muscle snatches, easy shoulder dislocation. After 5-10 min of that I grab the barbell and do some combination muscle snatches, press unders, hang snatches, presses, front squats and maybe jerks. Usually 3-4 sets of complexes. Then I put 50kg on the bar and do 2-4 warmup sets of the first exercise of the day, either snatches or cleans usually. The whole warmup takes 20-30 min.

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