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Tuesday, September 8, 2015:




Well it was a terrible weekend. Haven't trained since last Friday, and didn't take our trip as planned. Instead, we spent the weekend with our pup in the emergency room ICU as she developed aspiration pneumonia, as a result of her megaesophagus. Aspiration pneumonia is when food or other material (stomach acid, etc.) is regurgitated up through the esophageal passageway, and makes its way into the trachea and lungs - that's the aspiration part. The pneumonia is the resulting infection. Long story short, she was oxygen dependent for nearly 72 hours, and it was terrifying to us, and just pure hell. It really gave me a wake up call to the fragility of life. We really should cherish each moment, regardless of our state of being. Had we not reacted quickly, we probably would have lost her - actually, we did almost lose her. Anyhow, she's on to a pretty serious recovery and will need near constant attention over the next couple weeks. I've had so many thoughts over the past couple days and want to get them down but I don't really have much time right now. I'll just say it really makes you question everything when you nearly lose something you truly love; and it makes you realize what you truly love, and what you could probably live without.


Physically I'm feeling alright, other than being really stressed, sleep deprived, and probably way off my diet. Haven't been eating shite food though, save for a couple cookies for moral support, mainly because I haven't been eating much at all; mostly coffee. Anyhow, noticed some pretty significant tenderness in the lateral meniscus of my left knee today, when I fully extend my leg. Anyhow, all things considered, though I could probably benefit from training as a stress reliever, it would probably be wiser to rest up today and get back in action tomorrow.


In all, this made me really think about myself, and my family, and what I care about most. I'm going to make some pretty big personal changes, really try to grow up from now on, and be selfish about the things I allow to take up my time. In everything I do I am going to consider my family first, and only do that which will improve our lives the most.




Forgot to mention that megaesophagus a/k/a Mega E is when the esophagus is no longer able to assist in the propulsion of food/water into the stomach. Think of a balloon that has been overblown, and is no longer able to function as a balloon. The esophagus becomes enlarged, and just kind of deflates. This enables food and water to pool, and allow for the matter to easily be regurgitated or vomited up. It's not a death sentence, but it will require some pretty significant management, including vertical positioning when feeding and drinking, as well as a period of time to pass in that position to promote digestion. Essentially, we are using gravity to draw the food/water into the stomach. Her case is fairly mild, but I think it can progress to be more severe over time. Until we get a special apparatus known as a Bailey Chair, she has to be fed by hand, and held for about 20-30 minutes after eating/drinking in order to avoid aspiration. It's a terrible condition, but we love her enough to help her the best we can. So far so good, and to turn it into a positive, at least I get to spend much more time physically close to her, which just solidifies the bond we have, and points I made above.

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Wednesday, September 9, 2015:


Chest / Arms


0. Row - 2500m, 10:00


1. Flat Bench - 3 x 12 @ 205lbs

2. Skullcrusher - 3 x 12 @ 70lbs


3. Decline Fly - 3 x 15 @ 70lbs

4. EZ Curls - 3 x 12 @ 85lbs


5. Around the World - 3 x 12 @ 30lbs

6. Cross Curls - 3 x 12 @ 50lbs


Good to be back in action today. Almost a week off the rower, and it really kicked my ass today. Otherwise, I didn't see any drop in strength or stamina in lifting. Probably won't get to/shouldn't train tomorrow since my new job asked me to come run/walk a 5k for some charity I give zero fucks about. Actually, it was a 3rd party contractor who works in the office who asked (bullied) me right in front of my new boss. I'm fairly introverted, and really REALLY protective over my free time - so it's no surprise that even thinking about doing this bullshit makes me rage like nothing else, especially since Penny needs so much care right now. In fact, my wife is having to take off work to come home and care for her so I don't make a bad impression. Either way, I'm sure I'll fuck up my knee or something like that tomorrow since I have done absolutely zero preparation for this thing. Running is a waste of time anyhow, and does nothing for me other than deplete my hard earned muscle. Anyway, I'm just pissed. Truth be told after all this time off, and after the events of the past few days, I'm not even much interested in my new job. I am especially concerned about the hours, like I've mentioned before - but anyway, this just sounds like bitching. I'll try my best to remain positive, and not make too many presumptions, despite having a pretty good knowledge of the industry itself and what is required of most involved.


Maybe I'll get in a shoulder/back session tomorrow morning.

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Thursday, September 10, 2015:


Shoulders / Back


1. Arnold Press - 3 x 12 @ 70lbs

2. Row - 3 x 12 @ 140lbs


3. Aussie Pullups - 3 x 12

4. Front Plate Raise - 3 x 12 @ 45lbs


Didn't want to go over the top today and fully train given the stupid 5k is in just a few hours. Anyhow, shoulders got a decent pump, and I'm a little warm for the "race" later today. I should get in some stretching soon too, since I haven't run/walked more than maybe a mile or so in years. Running is just . . . boring. That's enough for today. Maybe I'll get into deadlifts tomorrow, or save them for Saturday.

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Shit man!!! How's penny now?? That sucks

Also sucks you have to do the 5k... How did it go??

I know what you mean about being protective of your spare time, quite often I develop this strange social anxiety if I have to do something that I wouldn't normally do or is something that interferes with my normal schedule, but after I've done it i feel better for it, I'm the absolute worst at cancelling last minute though, such a flake haha

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What sort of results are you getting with your fasted cardio? I've considered it but thought it best to keep eating to encourage metabolism. I admire your love affair with the rowing machine aha I need to get in on some of that!


Well to be honest I've only managed to do fasted cardio once, given I usually wake up starving. Plus, rowing first thing upon waking is more torture than I might be able to handle I'd really recommend a rower. It's both challenging and fun, and I can see it leaning me out.

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Shit man!!! How's penny now?? That sucks

Also sucks you have to do the 5k... How did it go??

I know what you mean about being protective of your spare time, quite often I develop this strange social anxiety if I have to do something that I wouldn't normally do or is something that interferes with my normal schedule, but after I've done it i feel better for it, I'm the absolute worst at cancelling last minute though, such a flake haha


Dude it was so scary and terrible. I thought for sure we were going to lose her. She's recovering quite well though. We have to feed her vertically, and for b now that means holding her and feeding her literally by hand; then holding her for 20 mins after. Good thing she's tiny! Her Bailey chair should be here soon, and I ordered one of those baby carriers to keep her strapped to my chest.


The 5k wasn't that bad after all. I walked and finished in about 50mins. Granted, I was walking with a partner of the firm who is pretty overweight, but it was a good opportunity to get to know him. So yeah, I echo your thoughts. I'm also prone to canceling last minute - such an introvert! Schedules are meant for keeping! lol

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Friday, September 11, 2015:


Rower - 2500m, 9:00 minutes.


Woke up pretty tired today from everything yesterday. DOMS in my chest from Wednesday still, so evidence of poor recovery maybe. No business deadlifting today, and certainly did not want to do squats. So, I just killed it on a quick rowing session, and that was all I needed. Glad I got it in earlier too, as I plan on doing nothing but chilling the rest of the day.


Probably do a full body weights day tomorrow.

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Saturday, September 12, 2015:


Mix Circuit Day


0. Row - 2500m, 10:00 minutes, Avg 40 strokes/minute


1. Pushup (W, S) - 2 x 50

2. Curl & Press x 15 @ 50lbs

3. Side Lunge w/ Rotation x 12* @ 35lbs

4. Tricep Dips x 20

5. Row & Fly x 10 @ 70lbs


Literally no mental focus today, as I am just thinking about how this is my truly last day of freedom before the new job next week. Woke up tired as well, so it was a perfect storm of "don't bother training." At least I got my rows in, and made it through most of one round of the circuit I planned. I forgot to do my single leg squats, and once I realized that I pretty much said fuck it I'm not into this today. I have a bunch of cooking to do for tomorrow's football festivities, plus cleaning, plus video games, plus taking care of Penny. I tend to look at a day in its entirety at once and freak out about not having enough time. I think that might fall on the spectrum of autism or Asperger's. Anyhow, enough of that... I'm going to enjoy the rest of the day, relax, and do whatever the hell I want.

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Tuesday, September 15, 2015:




1. Squat - 3 x 10 @ 295lbs

2. Weighted Squat Jump - 3 x 10 @ 25lbs


3. Front Step Up - 3 x 12* @ 70lbs

4. Side Lunge - 3 x 12* @ 100lbs


5. Angle Squat - 3 x 12* @ 100lbs

6. Calf Raise - 3 x 20 @ 100lbs


Squats were easy today; too easy. Can really tell strength improvement from the rower. Otherwise, this entire workout took just over 30 minutes, and was powered by sheer adrenaline. First day of new job, and while it was boring and relatively uneventful, I got in at 7:45am, and got home just before 7:00pm. So, much longer day than I'm really used to. Also, no idea of how many calories I took in today, but if I had to guess it would be in the 1700 range. Still have some time left in the day, which will most likely be filled with peanut butter. I suppose I can train and eat this late at night if I have to, but it will take some adjusting. Hopefully I can calm myself down and get some decent sleep. Anyhow, yeah, definitely could have added more to the squat bar. Next time.


Chest/Arms tomorrow, no matter what.

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Damn dude! Your squat is going great! I'm a little jealous. My squat used to be great. Maybe after academy I'll get it going again.


Have to agree, thats a weight for that volume on the squat, am even more impressed by the front step up with 70lbs, especially after 30 reps at almost 300lbs on the squat:)


Keep er lit mate!


Thanks boys, that's really nice to hear, and right on time given current circumstances. Don't be jealous though, I'm paying for it all day today with horrible DOMS in my quads!

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Wednesday, September 16, 2015:




1. Flat Bench - 3 x 12 @ 205lbs

2. Skullcrusher - 3 x 12 @ 75lbs


3. Incline Fly - 3 x 15 @ 70lbs

4. Drag Curls - 3 x 10 @ 75/70/70lbs


5. Around the World - 3 x 12 @ 30lbs

6. Concentration Curls - 3 x 12* @ 25lbs


I need help on my bench. No idea how to break through this plateau. Drop sets maybe? It's annoying. Seems like squats go up and everything else stays the same. The drag curls were really tough - thanks Rob for enlightening me. Otherwise, this was a pretty ho hum session, and on the heels of another 12+ hour workday. I'm tired and going to bed. Thinking of changing my training schedule up to lifts on Tues, Wed and Sat, and cardio on Thurs/Sun. Thoughts?

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I think if you want to improve your bench you need to focus on bench and lose all the peripheral bodybuilding fluff that hampers the bench improvements. For example flys, decline...don't worry your pecs will thank you.


Another thing that will help is lowering your rep ranges and increase frequency to benching to 2x per week. Bench 5x3-5 reps with 2-3 min rests and incline 3x8-10 with 1-2 min rests utilizing a Hepburn progression.

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I think if you want to improve your bench you need to focus on bench and lose all the peripheral bodybuilding fluff that hampers the bench improvements. For example flys, decline...don't worry your pecs will thank you.


Another thing that will help is lowering your rep ranges and increase frequency to benching to 2x per week. Bench 5x3-5 reps with 2-3 min rests and incline 3x8-10 with 1-2 min rests utilizing a Hepburn progression.


Thanks dude. I'll take those into consideration. I'm a little wary of increasing weight too high since I lift alone, and don't want to be crushed with no spotter. Doesn't mean I can't work my way up I guess. I could easily do 5-6 sets of 3-5 reps though. Maybe start with my current weight for 10-12 reps and work from there? I'll have to look up Hepburn progression. Don't really pay much attention to weighlifting theory or those who come up with that stuff.

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Tuesday, September 23, 2015:




1. Squat - 3 x 10 @ 305lbs

2. Long Jump - 3 x 12 @ 25lbs


3. Side Lunge - 3 x 12* @ 110lbs

4. Hamstring Curl - 3 x 15 @ 45lbs


5. Side Squat - 3 x 12* @ 110lbs

6. Calf Raise - 3 x 20 @ 110lbs


Well first day back at it since last Thursday. Didn't get to train on Saturday because I worked the whole day. Caught a cold somewhere in there, and have been coughing up a lung for a couple days. Really annoying. Sleeping better though, so hopefully the excess water I'm retaining at the moment will pass along. Also been drinking more water, so that might explain a slight increase in the tightness of my suit jackets. It's really only right around the waist, which is obnoxious. Anyhow, it was nice to train tonight, and though I didn't kill it with intensity, I did get some good work done.


Chest/arms tomorrow.

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Wednesday, September 23, 2015:


Chest / Arms


1. Bench - 3 x 10 @ 210lbs

2. Tricep Dips - 3 x 20


3. Standing PressUps - 3 x 15 @ 50lbs

4. Curls - 3 x 12 @ 85lbs


5. Bar Dips - 3 x 15

6. Seated Hammer Curl - 3 x 12 @ 50lbs


Feeling much better today. Must be because I'm vegan! Bench was much better today as well; no weakness really. Must be better focused today than last week, which wouldn't surprise me one bit. I'll keep at it and try to increase weight consistently. Not much else to say about today. I got to do some interesting work, none of which I can talk about lol. Otherwise I'm tired of looking at a computer screen!


Cardio tomorrow. Rest Friday. Back/Shoulders Saturday.

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Thursday, September 24, 2015:


Row - 2500m; 12 minutes.


Forgot to post up last night because I watched Cowspiracy after my training. Rowing really kicked my ass, as you can see by my horrible time. I think it's probably something you have to keep up regularly in order to maintain any kind of ability. I'm ready for a slow relaxing weekend.

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That cowspiracy looks good.


It was pretty interesting, though I think the narrator/host/whatever could have been better. It's difficult with the subject matter, I know, and tends to lead to a very crunchy granola type heading up a project like this. I tend to find them incredible, or just kind of . . . dumb, for lack of a better word. In-eloquent, maybe. Otherwise, it's interesting enough for a watch.

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Saturday, September 26, 2015:


Shoulders / Back


1. Deadlift - 3 x 10 @ 205lbs

2. Delt Fly - 3 x 15 @ 70lbs


3. Single Arm Row - 3 x 10 @ 100lbs

4. Single Arm PressUp - 3 x 10 @ 100lbs


5. Pullup Trio (W/N/C) - 3 x 10

6. Overhead Front Raise - 3 x 10 @ 45lbs


Decreased volume over my usual shoulder/back day since I knew I'd be a little weak having not trained back/shoulders in a couple weeks. Am glad I did, because after the first set of deadlifts, I was pretty much tapped. Glad I finished out though, because the rest wasn't so bad. Definitely felt weaker on everything. Maybe I'm tired, maybe under-nourished, maybe mentally lacking focus - maybe all of those things combined! Anyhow, not going to spend more time on the computer when the weather is decent outside. Still too warm for me - I'm looking for days with high of 65*.


Back Tuesday w/ legs.

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