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Steer manure for my garden?? Is this NON vegan?


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My future father-in-law keeps telling me that I should use steer manure in my garden but something about it doesn't sit right with me. If I purchase manure, am I possibly supporting the beef/dairy industry? Someone is making money from this sh*t, right? I'm sure that the cow sh*t is scraped from the floors of these factory farms and sold.


What does everyone think? Are a lot of the veggies we eat fertilized with this cow/chicken sh*t? Is this just something we deal with if we want to eat fruits and veggies?

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Sadly, it probably supports the meat industry in some way.

If they didn't make any money from the manure, it wouldn't bother me.

But that manure will end up somewhere, either in your garden or polluting our earth.

Maybe the garden of a vegan is the best place.

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I don't consider manure vegan.


You may be able to get it from sources that are not tied to factory farming and animal exploitation, but compost IS vegan, and works just as well (both manure and compost go through the process of being chewed up by larger organisms--cows or bugs--then being worked on by bacteria and microorganisms. And if you haven't turned your compost for a while, and dredge up some of the stuff in the midde that anaerobic bacteria has been working on, it smells pretty much like cow poo!).

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I don't consider manure vegan.


You may be able to get it from sources that are not tied to factory farming and animal exploitation, but compost IS vegan, and works just as well (both manure and compost go through the process of being chewed up by larger organisms--cows or bugs--then being worked on by bacteria and microorganisms. And if you haven't turned your compost for a while, and dredge up some of the stuff in the midde that anaerobic bacteria has been working on, it smells pretty much like cow poo!).


He brought up a good point though...a lot of veggies in the store probably were fertilized with manure....where do you draw the line? Or do you grow all your own?

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I don't consider manure vegan.


You may be able to get it from sources that are not tied to factory farming and animal exploitation, but compost IS vegan, and works just as well (both manure and compost go through the process of being chewed up by larger organisms--cows or bugs--then being worked on by bacteria and microorganisms. And if you haven't turned your compost for a while, and dredge up some of the stuff in the midde that anaerobic bacteria has been working on, it smells pretty much like cow poo!).


Yeah, I have some compost brewing quite nicely. I know what you're talking about with the smell. I just turned mine the other day and on the bottom of the pile was a bunch of kitchen scraps. Whooweee it was NASTY! http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/wuerg/vomit-smiley-007.gif


Because I have compost, do you think I really need the manure?




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He brought up a good point though...a lot of veggies in the store probably were fertilized with manure....where do you draw the line? Or do you grow all your own?


I draw the line at doing the best I can. Store-bought produce probably is fertilized with manure, but I can't do anything about that (though it's best to buy organic, because with organics, any manure used must be composted or dried and heated to the point of killing off bacteria like e-coli, whereas conventionally-grown produce can use manure that is not composted).


When I grow my own veggies (which I do), I CAN control what is used as fertilizer, and I use animal-free compost, kelp meal and other vegan nutrients. I do, however, use worm castings as well, which are not technically vegan, I suppose, but the worms aren't killed or deprived of an essential part of themselves in the process, 'cuz it's worm poo and the worms keep on making more!).

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Because I have compost, do you think I really need the manure?



You definitely don't need manure. Well-balanced compost (a combo of 'greens" and "browns") is great! And there are other vegan supplements you can add to the mix, like kelp meal.


You can also get some worms (red wigglers, from a store that sells them for fishing, so you can save their lives!) and add them to the compost pile so they can add some good worm casting to the mix.


Manure isn't good anyway unless it is composted or heated, because it can contain bacteria you don't want in the garden, like e-coli.

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Thanks for all the input guys! I'll just keep doing what I've been doing and not buy any manure. I think I've got a good mix of browns and greens going because the compost is starting to look and smell good. It should turn out to be a very good organic vegan fertilizer.

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Those are some great compost bins, jjaj!


Compost intimidates me.


Thanks! I just got a compost thermometer today and I'm at 145*F! WOOT!

That is some hot shit! It's so easy and fun to compost. I think I'm addicted. It's really no hard. I think you should give it a try!

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Another option for future gardening ventures: get a composting toilet! That way, you get vegan manure from a critter whose diet you are aware of (you!) and that isn't being raised in captivity.


Yeah, I was just reading about this. I don't know though, seems kinda nasty to save my own poo.

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I'm not sure if it is like this everywhere, but in Florida there are lots of cattle ranches and the ranchers usually scoop cow manure from the fields and sell it as organic fertilizer. Personally, I see using the manure as the lesser of two evils. I think using chemicals is worse

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