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Stupidest thing a Doctor ever told you.


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For me the stupidest thing would have been when I went to the Dr with My boyfriend at the time. He was vegan… anyway he wanted to gets tests done to check his nutritional status. We were attempting to talk about nutrition and Iron came up when the Dr said ‘ yeah just have some rhubarb it’s full of iron’ that’s when I said ‘ you mean spinach’ It didn’t hit me till after we had left the doctors but imagine if we stared feasting on large sums of rhubarb leaves… death by oxalic acid…. Because of a stupid doctor.

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I once (and only once!) went to a woman doctor (I like to give business to women in traditionally male professions) who looked at my pale skin (yep, I'm pale, comes with the Czech heritage), asked how much milk I drank (!?) and wanted me to take a battery of blood tests (4 freaking test tubes full of my blood) to make sure I was healthy.


All my tests came back either 'normal' or 'excellent' (so phooey to her!).


(She also sneakily slipped a finger up my butt without advanced notice while she was doing a pelvic exam. First time I'd ever had that done, and I didn't appreciate the tactic!)


So, Bloom, what does your sig say?

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My family does not choose to vaccinate & are generally very skeptical of doctors. On one occasion, I was told that my child would likely DIE if she didnt recieve immediate hospitalization & potententially dangerous medication. After expressing my skepticism & requesting more information, I was then threatened with having the cops called if I didnt consent to the recommended treatment. Against our strong preferences we complied.


A couple of days, plus lots of medical & related bills later, we were told that the original doctor was completely wrong, that we needed to take our child off of the medication immediately, and that while the hospital really had no idea what the health problem was - it would probably go away shortly on it's own!!!


On anouther occasion, my family was in a moderately severe car wreck. My child & wife were taken to a different hospital than I & along the way my wife was told by a paramedic that out child WOULD (not could or might, etc) DIE if she wasnt immediately vaccinated and otherwise severely harassed by wife about our choice not to vaccinate....


Despite continuing to ignore these medical "professionals" sage advice, all of us are doing great!

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Recently in Australia, some place in the outback if I recall correctly, A woman who did not vaccinate her child was refused by a doctor... I’m not sure what was wrong with her child I presume it got sick and the mum wanted a 2nd opinion.. Anyway the Dr refused to see it!


A work colleague of mine is an active member in the child (anti?) vaccination program she said she will not be getting her child vaccinated.


I also heard that in Australia when you sign for your baby to be injected with vitamin K at birth (apparently babies don’t have any vitamin K in their system and there for their blood can not clot), you are also allowing them to vaccinate the baby with hep B, but they don’t tell you this. What is even more disturbing is that sometimes if you say no to the vaccination, thy will do it away! Poor little baby, just born and already it's immune system is being toiled with!




They also don’t mention that Milk is usually responsible for children getting eczema and asthma..



Oh I could argue this all day…


I only go and see the doctor if I need a medical certificate, which I usually get along with 3-4 prescription which land in the first bin I see.

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Q: What do they call the person who finishes at the bottom of their med school class?


A: Doctor.


I've had my share of crazy/weird doctors, but I just had a physical a couple weeks ago with a new doctor who I really liked. He went through my medical history (including my diet and exercise regimen), and my blood test results and said (as a healthy-eating vegan) "the best health recommendation I can make to you is to wear your seatbelt."

He also said that many of the tests doctors perform are unneccesary, and if looked at statistically, actually cause more problems than they uncover.

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He went through my medical history (including my diet and exercise regimen), and my blood test results and said (as a healthy-eating vegan) "the best health recommendation I can make to you is to wear your seatbelt."

He also said that many of the tests doctors perform are unneccesary, and if looked at statistically, actually cause more problems than they uncover.


I'd stick with this guy!


I prefer the minimalistic approach from doctors: just do what is necessary (though even their concept of 'necessary' may vary from mine).


I just finished readiing "Overdosed America" by John Abramson (available at www.drfuhrman.com , and maybe at Amazon). Good read. Here's the blurb for it from Fuhrman:



"We have a health care crisis in America. Extraordinarily expensive medical care climbing higher continuously, yet our healthy life expectancy is one of the worst of all industrialized nations. The reliance on pharmaceuticals as the foundation of medical care is a clear failure. Overdosed America is a fantastic book. It will open your eyes to the way profits, not science drive research findings and how modern medicine is not really evidence based as is claimed. Dr. Abramson makes a intelligent and coherent case that American medicine and the research journals that support doctor's decision making has gone badly astray and is controlled by profits, not science."

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He went through my medical history (including my diet and exercise regimen), and my blood test results and said (as a healthy-eating vegan) "the best health recommendation I can make to you is to wear your seatbelt."

He also said that many of the tests doctors perform are unneccesary, and if looked at statistically, actually cause more problems than they uncover.


I'd stick with this guy!


I prefer the minimalistic approach from doctors: just do what is necessary (though even their concept of 'necessary' may vary from mine).


I just finished readiing "Overdosed America" by John Abramson (available at www.drfuhrman.com , and maybe at Amazon). Good read. Here's the blurb for it from Fuhrman:



"We have a health care crisis in America. Extraordinarily expensive medical care climbing higher continuously, yet our healthy life expectancy is one of the worst of all industrialized nations. The reliance on pharmaceuticals as the foundation of medical care is a clear failure. Overdosed America is a fantastic book. It will open your eyes to the way profits, not science drive research findings and how modern medicine is not really evidence based as is claimed. Dr. Abramson makes a intelligent and coherent case that American medicine and the research journals that support doctor's decision making has gone badly astray and is controlled by profits, not science."


Thank you for providing the link to Dr Fuhrman's site. There is a ton of useful information on it.

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Kathryn, My new gyno did that to me at my last exam and I *THINK* that they don't warn you, because if they did, you'd "clench up" making their job harder. It is quite a shock, though!!!


I had a doctor who had seen me before for strep throat when I first moved to Philadelphia. I went back because I was having trouble breathing which I thought may have been allergies. He was perfectly nice to me and we'd had a long conversation about my "issues" until I took off my hoodie for my blood pressure test and he saw my tattoos. He immediately excused himself from the room only to return and insist that I head directly to the hospital and have my heart tested because of my cocaine addiction. Now, I guess because I was feeling short of breath and I was tattooed, I was a drug addict??? I was irate. I had even indicated to him that I did not drink or use drugs.

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He was perfectly nice to me and we'd had a long conversation about my "issues" until I took off my hoodie for my blood pressure test and he saw my tattoos. He immediately excused himself from the room only to return and insist that I head directly to the hospital and have my heart tested because of my cocaine addiction. Now, I guess because I was feeling short of breath and I was tattooed, I was a drug addict??? I was irate. I had even indicated to him that I did not drink or use drugs.

What? Do you have a tattoo that says "I love cocaine" or something?? I think this one might win as stupidest thing. Why would he assume you had a cocaine addiction just because you have tattoos?

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He was perfectly nice to me and we'd had a long conversation about my "issues" until I took off my hoodie for my blood pressure test and he saw my tattoos. He immediately excused himself from the room only to return and insist that I head directly to the hospital and have my heart tested because of my cocaine addiction. Now, I guess because I was feeling short of breath and I was tattooed, I was a drug addict??? I was irate. I had even indicated to him that I did not drink or use drugs.

What? Do you have a tattoo that says "I love cocaine" or something?? I think this one might win as stupidest thing. Why would he assume you had a cocaine addiction just because you have tattoos?


Haha, I have totally basic tattoos (in fact, I have straight edge tattoos which would indicate that I DON'T use drugs), so I have no idea what this guy's problem was!

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Kathryn, My new gyno did that to me at my last exam and I *THINK* that they don't warn you, because if they did, you'd "clench up" making their job harder. It is quite a shock, though!!!


I'm sure that's their reasoning, but all the doctors I've had since have warned me and I can stay relaxed. This woman was just so sneaky about it, chatting away, then ...boom!

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He immediately excused himself from the room only to return and insist that I head directly to the hospital and have my heart tested because of my cocaine addiction. Now, I guess because I was feeling short of breath and I was tattooed, I was a drug addict??? I was irate.

Gee, I wonder if he learned that diagnostic technique in med school!


My dad must have been a cocaine addict, because he had tatoos up and down both arms (from when he worked as a circus carny back in the Depression, and made friends with the tatooed man, who was also a tattoo artist).



By the way, Nicole, I think you are so far the winner of the "stupidist things a Dr. ever said to you' contest!

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