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Goodbye for now to all my new friends..........


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I just wanted to leave a message on here and let everyone know how good of a time ive had the last week. I met some really incredible new people, whom I hope to stay in contact and friends with for a very long time. To everyone I met over the last week, Potter, Daywalker, Crystal, Christie and Fin as well as everyone else I really enjoyed the company of such amazing people. I would also like to give a shout out to Robert for without him none of this would of been possible. Also loveliberate and his Partner as well as Robert have I feel become such close friends with my GF and I. I really had no expectations when I moved to Portland, I had no idea what the people I would meet would be like and I have to say this group has made it all worth while. I would say it is one of the best decisions I have ever made. So to all of my new found friends THANK YOU. I hope for many more times together in the future.


I love you all truly,



P.S. Vegan POWER!

Edited by xdarthveganx
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I'll 2nd all that! Thanks to everyone who participated in the Vacation & an extra-special thanks to Robert, Richard, Crystal, the NW-Veg folks, Scapegoat Tattoo, Food Fights!, Blossuming Lotus & all of the other people & businesses who helped make our fun happen!


I had a great time this week - my biggest wish is that we'd all had more time together...

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Yes, thank you to everyone who made this possible! Props to Robert for organizing the whole thing and making it all happen (and making it to every single event ), to David for sharing his house (hope it isn't too trashed!), to Potter, Daywalker, Finbarrio and Yogita for traveling so far to be there, to loveliberate + fam and darthvegan (and other board members I'm sure I'm forgetting! d'oh!) for hanging out with us and driving us around . To all the great sponsors and restaurants, and NW Veg .


Thank you, thank you one and all! I had a great time and I look forward to next years event . It is so depressing to be back home in El Paso where the only health food store was destroyed during some massive flooding last week .


I miss everyone already!

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Thanks Darth!


I share your feelings, it was awesome to meet you all!

The energy when so many cool vegans meet is incredible


My thanks also go, obviously, to Robert! Good job on planning and organising everything!

Thanks a hundred times to Dave for hosting us! I'll gladly return the favor any time you wish to visit Europe!

And of course many thank you's to all the awesome people who were there and made this week so special! Thanks Finnbarrio, Yogitachiquita, DarthVegan, Lyris, Justin, OregonIsaac, Crystal, LoveLiberate, Aaron and of course, VeganPotter. Also thank you to the people not on this forum (who'll probably never read this) who i met and talked to, many names i"ve already forgotten, but not the kind words and good times!




Love and peace,


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I'm so sad to be leaving this place...its hard taking people to the airport to leave Portland...even Robert. I feel like I'm home and taking people to the airport to go away for a really long time...almost as if everyone were visiting me. It'll all settle in when I actually have to leave myself. Portland isn't what I loved so much its the people that make Portland so great!!! This includes people that traveled to Portland and I thank everyone that came here specifically to meet me:) All the activities Robert organized were great but they wouldn't have been half as much fun without all the great company...I would have been happy staying inside all day for the whole week if I were hanging out with all you vegan folk. Hopefully within a year or two we can all get back together and hang out. I know I'm gonna love moving to Portland next year and everything will be perfect other than missing my new friends in other parts of the country/world. Moving here is gonna be great of course but I'll still always think about the week we had knowing that nothings really gonna compare to it again until we all get back together. So thanks to everyone for being themselves, being good at being themselves and sharing a peice of yourselves with me that I'll always remember. Once this thing grows well be all be a part of every other VV too since we were all such large parts of the beginning of the event...I feel very forunate to have had the chance to do so and I'll never forget that.


***Darth give me a ring I forgot to get your number from Robert(443-306-1971)...I'm making chimichangas tonight to thank Dave for letting me stay down here...loveliberate...your invited too but I don't know if I can handle "all" the kiddos

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I don't think I've got enough food for all of them...as for handling them they're awesome...even if they were really bad kids(which they're nothing close too) they'd be a blast and I'd let them do whatever they want(which means I wouldn't make the best babysitter but kids would definately think I was a good babysitter) just because they're all so much fun.

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Glad you enjoyed the food...I'm looking foreward to having vegan potlucks that are just social and not just AR oriented(not that anythings wrong with that)...when I'm home I always volunteer to cook more than my share in order to make people who cook meat not cook so much or even better...not cook at all. With you guys I won't have to worry about that but its still fun to cook alot anyway. I like bringing more than my share so people can enjoy my food after potlucks are over...its the Filipino way

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Well we're back home after another flying marathon across the US (despite the stormy weather and terrorist threats, last night's 6 hr delay in Chicago was due to a "bird mishap" - on Vegan Vacation nonetheless ).

I have to echo everyone else's sentiments on how great it was to be a part of this past week. Portland was definitely the BOMB when it came to living la vida vegan.

My thanks, of course, to Robert for putting this all together. Thanks also to Loveliberate and Richard, and everyone else who had a part in making it so fun and educational.

We have taken back with us a lot of fond memories (we also plotted to take back LL's kids, but I think they were on to us ).

I think this trip was life-changing for us - just to visit a community where people think, and eat, like we do - it was very eye-opening.

Mostly, though, I just wanted to say how great it was to be all part of a big family for the week. Such a GREAT bunch of people, each so unique and interesting in their own ways.

It was great getting to know you and getting to know the great city of Portland!

I'll post my pics as soon as I can.

Edited by finbarrio
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Glad ya'll made it home safely, despite everything. It was great to meet & hang out with you & Chiquita too! I know my lil' critters had a great time with ya'll & everyone else that gave them attention.


Hopefully ya'll & everyone else will visit us & Portland again soon!


For all the folks who didnt make it this time, please come visit anytime - I'll be glad to show ya around!

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Hi Vacationer's!


I must say it's so weird to be home, we can't just walk out the door and get vegan muffins anymore!


What an awesome way for Finn and I to spend our summer vacation! We got to explore a city we've never been to (a city that happens to be "fantastish" nonetheless), never once had to ask the question "what are we gonna do about dinner?", and best of all, we got to meet a bunch of great people!


Thank you thank you to Robert for his dedication and to everyone that came and contributed and shared, each and everyone of you made it special for us all! Finn and I brought a bunch of great ideas and memories home with us, and we're so excited about our renewed enthusiasm for our lifestyle.


Robert, time to get started planning for next year so we can start counting down the days until we get to come back to Portland and see everyone again, that is, if we can hold out that long!


So, until then, who's ready for "Vegan Vacation, Cape Cod Edition?" It'll be great, we can go to the same restaurant every meal for 7 days...


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Hi Vacationer's!


I must say it's so weird to be home, we can't just walk out the door and get vegan muffins anymore!


What an awesome way for Finn and I to spend our summer vacation! We got to explore a city we've never been to (a city that happens to be "fantastish" nonetheless), never once had to ask the question "what are we gonna do about dinner?", and best of all, we got to meet a bunch of great people!


Thank you thank you to Robert for his dedication and to everyone that came and contributed and shared, each and everyone of you made it special for us all! Finn and I brought a bunch of great ideas and memories home with us, and we're so excited about our renewed enthusiasm for our lifestyle.


Robert, time to get started planning for next year so we can start counting down the days until we get to come back to Portland and see everyone again, that is, if we can hold out that long!


So, until then, who's ready for "Vegan Vacation, Cape Cod Edition?" It'll be great, we can go to the same restaurant every meal for 7 days...





hahahhaa. Well Id love to come visit you in cape cod. As far as the restraurant goes id be willing as im sure potter would be too to do plenty of cooking for everyone while we were there.

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hahahhaa. Well Id love to come visit you in cape cod. As far as the restraurant goes id be willing as im sure potter would be too to do plenty of cooking for everyone while we were there.


I'm starting to like this idea...Finn and I invite a bunch of vegan's over and they cook for us...hmmm....


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I'm glad everyone had a good time. I hope we can do it again next year. I'm just sad that Alex didn't realize the Vega was free until the last day .


However, there is one problem with Vegan Vacation: I got too accustomed to being surrounded by Vegan food. Last night at a picnic a girl offered me half of her sandwich and I just said thanks and took a bite--don't know what I was thinking--I forgot that everyone else isn't vegan.


The second I tasted the Turkey and Mayo I thought "Oh crap, what the h-ll am I doing. That was stupid." and I spit it out.


But this does mean I was undoubtedly tainted with several molecules of Mayo. Well....Robert is coming back from DC tonight, so hopefully I can repent and accept punishment from him. I'm thinking it will involve a double axe-handle off the top rope and a DDT.

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Don't worry Dave...the great thing about Portland is that there are enough vegans that you actually don't need to talk to anyone else...ever. Just pretend nobody else exhists and all will be well

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I think I would die organizing one in my area...not enough vegan places(the few we have are good but you can only make it a one day vacation), not enough vegan singles:(...so I'd have to cook two or three meals a day and be the single guy for all of the women that would come looking for vegan dudes...wait...thats not so bad

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Great to see all of you!


Sorry I was so stressed the whole time, but I know everyone had a great time.


My whole mindset was, "if they think it's great, I think it's great....."if they're happy, I'm happy."


I didn't get to relax as much as I would have liked, but as long as everyone had a great time, I did my job.


Thanks especially to those who traveled from far away places. I will send you all gifts, as I originally promised. I'm just not home to get stuff prepared to send out.


I'll start planning for next year very soon. It will be pretty huge!


All the best, and please come to Portland anytime!!!

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Robert...you can schedule me in for next year if you need people to handle some events...surely it would be nice if you could just relax and act as a vacationer for some of them

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