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Fastest way to enlarge your back?


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I had a doctor surgically implant balloons into my back, so now when I want to get jacked, I just press a button and the balloons fill, and it's morphin' time


HAHA sounds nice, I should try that. Kinna like Aqua Team except the guy got implant balloons into his chin.

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I had a doctor surgically implant balloons into my back, so now when I want to get jacked, I just press a button and the balloons fill, and it's morphin' time


I swear I love reading your replies.


Bent over dumbbell rows? I've never heard of them, though I'll have to look it up and give them a shot today, since I'm working my back today.

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I'll reiterate much of what has already been said -


Rowing, barbell or dumbbell (both have their place)

Pull-ups and chin-ups



Good Mornings

Power cleans

High pulls, both regular and snatch grip width


There's also the standard responses of cable machine rows and other machine work, which is fine, but you'll most likely get a lot more bang for your buck with free weight stuff since there's little reason to "isolate" unless you're working a specific area rather than trying to improve the whole back. Bodybuilding, yes, but for general mass increasing, stick with the compound stuff and the heavy free weight lifts first.


For trapezius work, I've found that high pulls did far more for me than shrugs - just going on feel alone and residual soreness as any indicator, doing sets of high pulls with 200 lbs. hurt me a lot more than doing shrugs with 400+ lbs. I do both, so try them all out and see what works!

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