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You can't beat a good Conservative

benny boy

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It's ridiculous for him to say that a weakened thyroid problem from things like soymilk and tofu are what lead to the "sudden and recent" jump in obesity in America. Aside from the fact that there were plenty of obese people the day I arrived here, 70% of the overweight population does not touch anything like soymilk or tofu. Ridiculous.

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It's not, but if all we ate were superfoods all we'd be eating were almonds, banana's and vega....that doesn't sound that bad actually.


That sounds so great. I need to clean out my diet. I started eating cleaner after you were down here but i'm back to eating cheap crap food.


I dont think soy is that great for you personally. Especially processed soy stuff. Tempeh is ok. I'de rather stick to whole foods but sometimes i get pretty sick of them. Right now i'm not getting any protein casue im sick of beans and rice and peanut butter.


I want to roundhouse a bunch of conservatives in the head. This girl i went to high school with posted something on her facebook like "if your friend says theyre an atheist, ask them if they are offended that you think they are going to hell". I was like ugh shut the hell up.


My friend is working in Korea and a friend of hers that she works with got fired from the first school he worked at because he was gay. They told him it was because of "the sickness". weird.


This post was brought to today by the word caffiene. and the letters ADD.

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Milk from a cow though...... no comment. I wont even mention how much dairy America consumes. BUT SOY is bad!!"


Same thing every time. Soy bashing because of estrogen-like compounds, but he doesnt address dairy foods like milk and cheese. SOMEHOW milk from a cow doesnt have estrogen-like compunds in it (and other horemones) but soybeans do....... assbags.

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It's not, but if all we ate were superfoods all we'd be eating were almonds, banana's and vega....that doesn't sound that bad actually.


That sounds so great. I need to clean out my diet. I started eating cleaner after you were down here but i'm back to eating cheap crap food.


Don't worry, you'll be out of there soon, and then I'm sure you'll have better time to clean up your diet again. I don't know what it was about me that convinced you to eat cleaner though, considering you watched me eat an entire package of rice cakes with peanut butter & jelly (though I don't even eat rice cakes or jelly anymore, and I put a small amount of PB in my oatmeal).

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Is there a way to respond to him? I searched but could not find any contact information, except to his press secretary.


As I posted, last week and shared a study, of many medical studies, phyto-estorgen is generally anti-estrogen (reduces your estrogen up-take.) It binds to estrogen receptors, where your body up-takes the real hormone but it is factors less potent than real estrogen, therefore if the bind holds, you are uptaking less estrogen because it is preventing more potent real estrogen from binding. If the bond breaks (it is a weaker bond than real estrogen), then the receptor is open to bind with real estrogen (males produce it too) and therefore there is a neutral effect (it neither raises nor lowers your estrogen uptake.) The only time it increases your estrogen up-take is when your body is deficient in estrogen and there was no estrogen to bind to the receptor but that is a good thing because it is helping to reduce your deficit of estrogen. In other words, phyto-estorgen is either neutral or beneficial but not bad.


Also, many plants have phytoestrogen and soy does not even rank highest. For example, Flax seed has factors more phytoestorgen than soy.

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