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today I was excersizing and my head was kinda feeling bloated for lack of a better word, and I decided to drink some water. I went back to excersizing and realized that my head felt a bit better but I wasn't sure whether it was the water which had helped, so I decided to keep drinking water every couple of sets and noticed that the head bloatedness wasn't as bad as it was before.

I tried to keep my excersize stress level down a bit as well, so I can't be sure whether it was just the water which helped. By doing this I mixed up my excersizes more than usual to balance the workload across more area of my body, and at the same time I felt myself wanting to sweat more than usual.


so I'm wondering how important it is to drink water while you workout, as I usually don't drink any, and I'm wondering what kind of effect it has on the body when you drink it or don't.

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I think drinking while working out is somewhat important but more so I think is how much water is in your system at any given time. I drink 80 oz's a day minimum. By the time I go to the gym in the morning ive already had half my water consumption for the day so drinking during does not seem as important. However I still carry my bottle with me full of water for the occasional sip if I get thirsty.

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I think its very important to keep drinking water...I'm a terrible role model for this though...in the gym I can't stop drinking water(especially when lifting weight...its really weird) however I've ridden 100mile bike rides in the summer heat(often times upper 90s or higher) realizing I've only taken in 1/3 of one of my two 20oz water bottles

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I've been eating alot of grapes while excersising, and that seems to help too for some reason. Maybe they have alot of water in them.

I also eat a handful of fruit(apples,bananas) before I workout.

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