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High-rep Squat Contest!!

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Hi friends.


Robert comes up with all the contests, so i thought i might bring one up, too




As we're all different in strength and bodyweight, i don't just want to know who can squat the biggest weight.

Instead, we'll go for HIGH reps. That's right, high reps BEGINS with 20, that's not for sissies!


So, we'll have two ways in this:


1. Try to make as many squats with your bodyweight. That means, your bodyweight on the bar! So, for me, weighing 86kg, it would be 85kg on the bar. How many do you think you can do?


2. What is the heighest weight you can do 50 reps with?


All squats have to be valid in terms of powerlifting, but we're generous Just try to go down until your thighs are parallel to the ground (or deeper, if you wish).

Of course this "contest" strongly depends on the form, but then again, there's nothing to win here, we do it for the fun of friendly competing AND to improve our fitness! (so i guess there's something to win after all!). I stronlgy recommend a strict form, though, as a slack form may lead to injuries.



I haven't done high rep squats for some time (it's a love/hate relationship between us).

The highest weight i've ever done 50 reps with (in fact, the ONLY weight i've ever done so many times ) is 60kg, or 132 lbs. I'm sure i could do 80kg now, i'll try that soon. But so far, i'll enter with 60kg.


With my bodyweight, i figure i should be able to do at least 40, maybe 50 reps, but i have yet to do that.


Who is in for this challenge? High rep squats are no stroll in the park, this seperates the men from the boys!


Have a great day, and workout,






The table:


Contest one - squats with bodyweight:


1. Daywalker - 50 reps

2. Jay - 30 reps

2. Wobbly Lifter - 30 reps

4. Crystal - 26 reps

5. Drummer Boy - 20 reps

(6. Will Peavy - 18 reps (pistol squats!!))



Contest two - heaviest weight squatted 50 times:


1. Daywalker - 185 lbs.

2. Montana Vegan - 45 lbs. (52 reps).

3. Purpuss - 0 (x60).

4. Richard - 0 .

4. Wobbly Lifter - 0 .



Bigbwii, were are you on this?

Wannalift? Flanders? Gorilla? ALL THE OTHERS?

Squats are one of the best exercises there is, and many champions do them high rep. So what's your excuse?




Hm, now it seems i only started this challenge because i'm first place in both categories... *lol*

Hey guys, i know there are stronger squatters than me out there!

What's the problem? Afraid of doing more than 5 reps?

Edited by Daywalker
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Wow, that is pretty awesome, 80 reps! I don't even think I could do that many with no weight!


This contest sounds good to me. I'm the king of contests, you guys know that!


I will enter any and all.....although, big Jonathan, I haven't entered the rack lockout yet


I haven't squated in years, but still have an amazing butt! My lower back has been injured and I re-injured it for like the 5th time 6 months go doing deadlifts. But I can do squats with low weight, nothing over 275 pounds right now, so this is doable for me.


Don't sing it, bring it!


Thin Thin Flat Him

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Cool thing.


Jonathan, go for it! You can do it, big friend!

And 80 reps, hm that's a lot, but with ~60kg... is there a thread on this in veganfitness? If i break this record, i can post it there


Bronco: that's why there are two different contests Go for a lower weight and see which is the highest you can do for 50 reps.


Richard: That's not too bad actually! A good starting point, and now add some weight Maybe the bar first, and then... (the world, eventually)


Will: I think that's something completely different! Though i easily squat my bodyweight many times, i think i can't do even one on one leg - i'd have to practice that a lot!


All you others: have a go! I'll do it today if my knees don't hurt, i have the same problem as Topher and the heavy squats in the last weeks have upset my knees

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Steve Reeves claimed that he made his best gains doing 100 reps with half bodyweight on his back. I tried it once, it killed me (no I didn't get the full 100 ).

Did legs yesterday, so it wont be for a bit, but if I can remember by next legs I might give it a go (although squatting isn't my best execise as I've got weak quads )

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Will: I think that's something completely different! Though i easily squat my bodyweight many times, i think i can't do even one on one leg - i'd have to practice that a lot!



For me doing one leg squats with no additional weight feels about the same as doing a two leg squat with a bar w/ your bodyweight. I get a sore back from using the bar, but I love doing one leg squats, its my favorite lower body exercise. I'll do some tonight and post my numbers here if you don't mind since it feels like a similar exercise to me

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Well I wasn't quite going to parallel, close but not quite. Anyway I did 225 which was about my BW at the time for 30 reps. I think the key to high reps is you have to do them more often. If you try to squat 30 or more reps just once a week you'll mainly just get extremely sore.


I once tried knocking out just squats with no weight once a week and after a month I still struggled to do 50. Then I switched to doing them everyday and quickly jumped up to just doing them for 20 minutes straight.


But I herniated a disc in my back not too long after I started squatting high reps really often. I guess some parts of me really needed more rest.


I saw a video online once of a guy do his bodyweight for 98 reps straight.(220lbs)


Daywalker I saw your feature on the home page and I'm sure with a few sessions to work into it you could get 50 or so at least.

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I just did a set of 29 one leg squats on each leg (I lean the sides of my arms up against the dip bars for balance). Now my goal is to able to do 50!

Thats a lot of pistol squats ! You've got me thinking of maxing out on those myself, but I doubt I would get above 15 . Have you tried maxing out for weight on those?

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Pushing this topic up for the new members as well as for all who never tried!


Robert! Don't sing it, bring it!


Jonathan! Come on, i'm sure you can do a lot of reps with your bodyweight! And i'm sure you would benefit from it - try one set to failure as your next squat workout! One is enough!


I'll edit a table into the first post


The challenge is still on - i'll go for it on monday! (after deadlifts...)

Edited by Daywalker
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I just did a set of 29 one leg squats on each leg (I lean the sides of my arms up against the dip bars for balance). Now my goal is to able to do 50!

Thats a lot of pistol squats ! You've got me thinking of maxing out on those myself, but I doubt I would get above 15 . Have you tried maxing out for weight on those?


Cool this thread got resurrected. When I did the 29 reps, they weren't "real" one leg squats because I was leaning against the dip bars when I did them. My best set of real one leg squats - where I go from standing straight up, then down til my butt taps the heel of the foot on the ground, without leaning on anything, and without letting any part of my body except one foot touch the ground - is 18 total reps (9 reps on each leg, and alternating legs after each rep). ... And I trained almost every day for months (grease-the-groove style training) to get to that point.

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On monday i tried to improve my max here.


I did it as the last set of a whole body workout, after deadlifts, squats and other exercises. Also, i was weak on monday, in all exercises... so i didn't get the 50 reps i aimed for, but i did 35 with bodyweight.


I expect to do better next monday.


Where are you guys?

Is this challenge to hard for you disco-pumpers?

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My best set of real one leg squats - where I go from standing straight up, then down til my butt taps the heel of the foot on the ground, without leaning on anything, and without letting any part of my body except one foot touch the ground - is 18 total reps (9 reps on each leg, and alternating legs after each rep). ...

My best was 11 straight reps with my right leg. Tried my left leg directly afterwards, didnt get to more than 5 or 6 if I remember correctly, som strength inbalance there .

I never tried alternating legs between each rep, doesnt that make you loose the groove or so? I imagine it would for me.


And I trained almost every day for months (grease-the-groove style training) to get to that point.

I trained just like regular squats, once a week or so and that worked for me. Went from not being able to do a single rep to 11 reps in maybe 4-5 month.

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