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what a healthy level of soreness??? yesterday i worked out my legs pretty intensely(training to failure) and then did 25 min on the recumbant bike...this morning the soreness wasnt that bad. then i went to the gym and did an hour of biking cardio, came home, fell asleep and when i woke up my legs were hurting pretty bad. I think maybe the soccer socks i was wearing cut off some circulation but they feel like when you have a fever and you just ache...is this normal or have i hurt myself?

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When I train legs, I train balls to the wall, I put in everything I have and more. The next day, I feel little to no soreness. The next day after that (I've been training legs on Weds, so Fridays usually) I'm so sore I cannot even walk properly. It feels amazing and annoying at the same time, but I know it means growth. The funny thing is it always happens two days after the fact, never the next day. That's my experience, at least.

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Tis normal, and in fact I welcome it. Means I ripped some muscle, and your body now has to repair it and make it better than it was before (bigger is better) so it can handle the load again.


When the soreness doesn't go away after a few days, and remember to go easy on the muscles while they recuperate (bike slowly and just keep it moderate and normal) or you could keep ripping the muscle tears you already have, with no recuperation and rebuilding of muscle going on, you could then have done some major damage.


Any swelling is another indicator that something has gone past the part where you shouldn't have gone (ripped tendon or ligament from heavy lifting - those you usually feel right away though, not the day after).


I think you are safe. You just did any awesome job of pushing your leg muscles to the limit with the failure sets. Just give them a little extra time to recover before you attack them again. Good work!

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So long as your not injured I see no limit to soreness being bad in terms of creating strength. If your excersizing just to simply be healthy I doubt any soreness if neccessary but if your goal is simply to get as strong, as big, as fast, or as much endurance as possible I think any amount of pain is good so long as you taper for the purpose of competition. Often times I found myself in highschool leaning against lockers to walk(actually a few days a week in my pre season) and cramping terrible a few times a week. None of this was good for me but it got me strong...it all depends on what you want.

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it's been around a week and my legs still arent back to normal. Especially my hamstrings. Theyre not so sore anymore, but now just feeling really fatigued and totally tight. I can barely touch my toes and i'm usually pretty flexible. It's weird. I doubt i will work them out so hard again. Gonna tone it down a bit.

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That could be more of an issue of doing too little after your training. Next time you have a hard leg workout and feel terrible...try using the stationary bike for maybe 45 minutes the next day with very little tension...warm up slow and work up to pedaling fast. This should make you recover better as it will flush your muscles of the toxins it produced on its own to tell you you've done too much.

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That could be more of an issue of doing too little after your training. Next time you have a hard leg workout and feel terrible...try using the stationary bike for maybe 45 minutes the next day with very little tension...warm up slow and work up to pedaling fast. This should make you recover better as it will flush your muscles of the toxins it produced on its own to tell you you've done too much.


thats the weird thing, my legs were bearable till i did the hour or so of the bike. Hours later was when they started hurting really bad. It's weird theyre still not feeling too good at all. I'm gonna fast next week and do some yoga hopefully that will give moy body a break and help my legs recover.

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i read an older thread about tight hamstrings that suggested soaking with epsom salt, so I'm gonna try that out. I prolly didnt eat right for recovery that might be part of it. I don't really get the nutrients I should. After I fast i'm gonna try to eat more balanced. I found this product called the ultimate meal that seems pretty cool, and I want to get some Vega.

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