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New Orleans' Lower 9th Ward Today: A Photo Essay

Guest drummer boy

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As my departure from New Orleans grew more imminent I made it a point to drive around and take pictures of as many neighborhoods as possible. These are pictures from the Lower 9th Ward of New Orleans, one of the poorest (and not coincidentally, one of the most flood-prone) areas of the city. Most of these pictures were taken over the last two months, April-May 2007, nearly two years after Hurricane Katrina, which struck the city on August 29, 2005. I post them here because I think a lot of people don't realize the extent of the destruction and the painfully slow recovery. These poor areas aren't covered much in the mainstream media. I think the images speak for themselves.































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Unbelievable. This makes me sad and angry at the same time.


I was in NOLA six months before Katrina. People often say to me "if you ever go back it'll be completely different from what you saw". But that's not quite true. A tourist sees the French Quarter, the Garden District, and other wealthy predominantly white neighbourhoods. Those areas were hurt by the flood, but not nearly to the same extent as the poorer and predominantly black areas of town. If I went back today and visited all the same places that I went to in 2005, I'm sure I wouldn't see the level of destruction shown in your pictures.

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Powerful stuff. As you know, I was just there about a month ago and the thing that struck me the most was the extent of the devastation, and how it seems as though progress is barely creeping along. There are just miles and miles and miles of empty, destroyed houses, abandoned neighborhoods. It's sad that it could be like that anywhere, but even sadder that it's in supposedly the most advanced country in the world.

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