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Eating right

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You have to be firm in a society where cooked food, processed food, sugar, salt and alcohol seem to be the "norm", but you owe it to yourself to eat right - you deserve to feel great every single day of your life.


I came across this article, as I was interested in whether opera singers followed a particular diet, as many of them seem to be kind of "large".


Well this singer found out the hard way about the danger of abusing your body with cooked, processed food (that includes supplements, "vitamin tablets", "protein powders" and soy products):


The Truth About Acid Reflux

by Soprano, Rachel Cobb


I was diagnosed with acid reflux (also called GERD for Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease) five years ago. My doctors put me on medication, and then stronger medication, then the strongest medication, then increased my dosage to twice a day. Still it got progressively worse over the course of four years. Finally my doctor told me the only option was surgery or I would ruin my voice, and ultimately, my career as an opera singer. Also, I was afraid of Esophageal Cancer, which can happen with the constant acid wash in the esophagus. My reflux was so bad; I could get it from just drinking water! Believe me, my case was not mild. So, I talked to a few singers who had had the surgery, and did some research. Turns out, the surgery is quite severe. Essentially, the doctor twists the upper stomach around the esophagus and stitches it into place. This keeps your stomach sphincter from opening and washing acid into your esophagus. The effect is like having your stomach stapled. Side effects include diarrhea for a year or more, and surgery failure occurs in 85% of patients within 15 years. You should know that when your stomach is made smaller by surgical means, your body could easily suffer from malnutrition. (Unless you eat a diet of primarily raw foods. But, if you were, then you wouldn't have acid-reflux, or obesity, and therefore wouldn't be considering stomach surgery. That is a whole other article!) So, I set out to read everything I could and to find out how I could cure myself naturally. And, the results were really surprising! I found the cause, and I cured myself, and now I have no problems! Iíll tell you what I found through reading and my own experience.


What causes Acid Reflux?

I found that there are several things that can contribute to acid reflux. Please realize that I will give you the straight truth, which may be hard to bear, but if you keep reading, I will give you practical solutions to living healthy in this day and age.



If you smoke, you have acid reflux. Until you quit, you will continue to have it. So, there is no reason to go further than this until you quit. If you are a singer, there are more reasons than this to quit. Try seeing an acupuncturist if you have troubles quitting on your own.


Food Combining and Undigested Food

Proteins and starches eaten at the same meal cause a lot of indigestion and undigested food in your system. The enzymes in your saliva break down starches, while proteins are digested by hydrochloric acid produced by your stomach. The hydrochloric acid inactivates the starch digestion. Then what happens? Food sits in your stomach and rots. Then when it is finally moved to your intestines and colon, it gets held up there, indefinitely. Then undigested food clogs up the sides of your colon much like a sink pipe can get clogged. It plasters along the sides, making the opening smaller and smaller. This causes constipation. Most people are constipated and don't even know it. You may be surprised to hear that normal elimination is once for every meal you eat about one to three hours after you eat. (For more reading on Food Combining principles, read Kathryn Marsden's book Food Combining, A Step-By-Step Guide.)


What else causes food to be undigested?

Food that is lacking in enzymes. Our body needs enzymes to break down food. When food is altered from its natural state, enzymes are lost. Cooking food above 118 degrees kills all enzymes. Microwaving kills enzymes. When we eat these foods, our body cannot break them down easily. And the same thing happens: the food rots, and clogs your colon.


We are born with a lot of extra enzymes (In case you were wondering why as you get older, you have more digestion problems, and gain weight more easily), but we use them up eating too much cooked food.


Humans were born for a diet that includes raw foods and vegetables. When we eat all the other foods we have included into our diet over the past hundred years (meat, pasteurized dairy, soy products, refined sugars and flours), our body does the best it can to break it down, but there are complications.


Of course, the best solution is to eat a raw food diet. I realize that this can seem overwhelming, and not everyone feels this is something they can do. Do the best you can. Eat as many raw foods as you can with your meals. If you eat cooked foods, don't mix proteins (meat, dairy, soy) with starches (anything involving flour, corn, potatoes, rice). If you do eat these foods, I would recommend you take an enzyme supplement to help them digest (I have tried them all and like the enzymes at http://primaldefenseandbeyond.com/ and I believe they have the best prices on the net.).


And, most importantly, clean out what is stuck in your colon now. This step is what cured me 90% of my acid reflux. Please do yourself a favor and do a high quality colon cleanse. I only recommend Dr. Schultze's products (1.800.Herb Doc). His colon cleanse is a two part series (Intestinal Formula #1 and #2). This insures that when your body releases its toxins, it doesn't get held up in a constipated colon and cause nausea and very little success. His products are amazing, and inexpensive. You can call for a free brochure and tape.


For a wonderful explanation of why you should switch to a raw food diet, go to http://www.roxraw.com/rox/index.html and read the few paragraphs under the philosophy link.


How Prescription Medications Make GERD Worse

Here is something very interesting that I learned. Remember how I told you my story and how it got worse each year, so I had to take stronger and stronger medications? Well, it turns out that the prescriptions were making it worse. The prescription works by stopping the hydrochloric acid from being released in your stomach. Maybe this sounds like a good idea if you are trying to stop the acid from splashing in your esophagus, but itís not. The hydrochloric acid is being released in your stomach for a reason. Your body needs it to break down proteins in your stomach. Without it, you will have even more undigested food rotting in your stomach, and eventually your colon. So, it starts all over again. After I did Dr. Schultze's colon cleanse, I was able to get off my prescription for the first time in four years. Believe me, I was scared. But I was able to gradually get off, and I improved more and more as time went on.


Solutions For The Interim

Of course, I did do a few other things to help me, especially at first. Dr. Schultze also has a great product called Digestive Formula. It will stop acid reflux IMMMEDIATELY! It is amazing and completely natural. I took this at first. There is also a product on the primaldefenseandbeyond website that is specifically for stopping acid. I haven't tried it, because I just discovered it (I don't need it now) but all of their other products are amazing so I say, give it a try.



Yes, I gave up coffee. OK, don't scream or freak out. It is possible to live without coffee. Initially, I was just going to give it up at first, but the more I read about it, the more I realized just how bad coffee is for you (even decaf!), and I don't drink it anymore. Of course, coffee is highly acidic. Let me just give you this tidbit.


Did you know the reason that coffee speeds up your metabolism? Because the coffee bean contains such a terrible poison that your body is hastily trying to get it out of your body.


Your body's metabolism raises to keep you from suffering the effects of the poison. If you need a pick-me-up in the morning, there are better alternatives. I suggest Virgin Coconut Oil. It can give you that energy kick you need in the morning.


Contrary to what the soy monopolies would have you believe, virgin (NOT hydrogenated or even refined) coconut oil can actually help you lose weight, improve energy, cure thyroid problems, and lower T-cells in HIV positive patients. (Please go to http://www.coconut-info.com/ for more information. Or read Dr. Bruce Fife's books Eat Fat, Look Thin, and The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil. You will be shocked at the amazing information in these books!) People report that using coconut oil has improved their acid reflux as well. I suspect it helps because it will help keep you more regular. I have been using it to cure my thyroid problem, and it has worked. People report that it stops their cravings for coffee, as well.


For a replacement morning drink, I recommend drinking the water from a young coconut. These are the white coconuts with a peak on the top. You can find them at Asian Grocery stores. They cost about 70 cents to $1.25. (Coconut water is the juice inside the coconut, and coconut milk is that water blended with the coconut meat.) It is very refreshing, is so good for you, will give you energy, and make you feel great. If you really need something warm, you can try Roobios Tea. This is a tannin and caffeine free tea from Africa that is a natural antioxidant, and very tasty. You can find it in health food stores. It is sometimes called Red Bush Tea.


Alcohol and Sodas

Yes. I'm sure you know this. Alcohol is acidic. And the bubbles in any kind of soda can contribute to acid reflux. Of course, it also contains the evils of refined sugar, caffeine, and artificial ingredients. If you are consuming aspartame, please quit. It has been shown to kill brain cells, cause tumors, and Multiple Sclerosis. Also, aspartame makes you fat. It is so deadly in the bloodstream that your body tries to protect you by isolating it in fat molecules and storing it away from your organs and bloodstream. It is not better for you than sugar.


Acid Foods

I gave up cooked tomato products for a while. Believe me, not easy especially with my Italian background. Now, I can eat them once in a while. Please know that tomatoes, oranges, and other acid fruits are actually alkaline (non acid forming) while they are raw. Once cooked, or pasteurized, they are acidic. But, if your stomach is in severe condition, I would suggest laying off these foods (even raw) for a month or two, until your stomach is healed, then you can resume them. But contrary to what my doctors told me, natural raw foods are always alkaline. Cooked foods are acid forming. Remember that. So, fresh squeezed orange juice will be alkaline. Pasteurized orange juice (pasteurization is a heating process, WAY over 118 degrees) is acid forming. Pasteurized dairy products are too.

(See www.realmilk.com for more info.)


Alternative Healing

You can also visit a qualified Acupuncturist or Energy Worker. This will help ease the symptoms of acid reflux.


Acid Reflux and TMJ

Have you ever wondered why so many opera singers suffer from Acid Reflux Disease? Well, I believe it is because most singers also have TMJ. There is a link between them. There is an acupressure point in between the jaw joint (way in there), which causes stomach problems, and specifically acid reflux. So please see an alternative healer, massage therapist, or even massage the joint yourself if you have TMJ. When your TMJ acts up, then your stomach will correspond, so please have your TMJ treated. See a Rolfer, an Acupuncturist, a Chiropractor, an Energy Worker, or Massage Therapist to help you with your TMJ problems.


Eating Late

Please don't eat late. Please. Your body has natural body cycles. According to Harvey and Marilyn Diamond's famous book Fit For Life


These cycles are based on rather obvious functions of the body. To put it in its simplest terms, on a daily basis we take in food (appropriation), we absorb and use some of that food (assimilation), and we get rid of what we don't use (elimination). Although each of these three functions is always going on to some extent, each is more intense during certain hours of the day.


Noon to 8 P.M. - Appropriation (eating and digestion)

8 P.M. to 4 A.M. - Assimilation (absorption and use)

4 A.M. to noon - Elimination (of body wastes and food debris)


So, accordingly, don't eat past 8 p.m. Before noon, I also don't eat anything but fruit and fresh fruit juice (buy a juicer!), and I drink plenty of purified water. Which brings me to...



Drinking water is a tricky thing sometimes. You shouldn't drink any water with meals, as well as 15 minutes before or 1 hour after meals. It does interfere with digestion. But you must drink plenty of water in between meals. For this, I recommend you carry a water jug and keep track of how much water it holds, so that you can keep track of how much water you need to drink.

Please drink 2 liters of water a day. Or, if you wish, you can drink one liter of water, and one liter of fresh pressed vegetable juice a day (again, with your juicer). Dehydration can be a huge factor with acid reflux (and many many other health issues). This is very necessary for optimum health. If you drink any other beverage than water, then I recommend that you replace each drink with an equal amount of water (on top of your 2 liters a day). If you drink any alcoholic beverages, you must replace each drink with 8 times as much water. (Yikes!).

Also, be sure that the water you are drinking is pure. Unfortunately, water supply on this planet is extremely polluted. Therefore, I recommend highly filtered water such as reverse osmosis or distilled water. I found a water store nearby and bought some polycarbonate containers (non plastic or dioxin leaking), which I refill for 25 cents a gallon, not bad.



If you have had Acid Reflux for a while, your stomach may need a little healing on its own. I recommend fasting. A short or sometimes long fast can be so beneficial. Fasting is a topic all on its own. I recommend reading The Complete Idiotís Guide to Fasting. I found this book to be such a comprehensive book on the subject. Check it out, even if you are skeptical about fasting. Humans have been fasting since the dawn of time to cure themselves of all types of diseases. Please give it some thought, keep an open mind about the subject, and do some of your own research.



This goes without saying. Try to exercise 30 minutes a day. This helps your body keep strong, so that it can heal itself and fight off infections of all kinds. You can do a simple walk around the block, or in cold weather conditions, I recommend buying a rebounder (a small jogging trampoline) for excellent results.



Curing yourself of anything is an amazing thing. But remember that if you go back to your old habits, it could come back. I recommend that you keep on the lookout for classic symptoms. The most classic symptoms are:

*A gag reflex in the back of your throat (this is the biggest one. You will find it disappears when your reflux is truly gone).

* Finding yourself clearing your throat often. Acid reflux can make you feel like there is phlegm on your vocal chords that you just canít clear off. Believe me, Iíve had allergies in the past. If you canít clear it off, itís acid reflux. If you find yourself doing it constantly, itís acid reflux.

*Any burping is related to acid. Any.


*Taste of vomit in the back of the throat

*Hoarseness not related to any virus or illness.

To keep maintenance, you should do a colon cleanse twice a year. You will need to do it more often if you eat meat, pasteurized dairy, tofu, refined sugars, and refined flours. If you have the symptoms above, then itís time to do it again. I became a vegetarian (except fish) just because Iíd rather not have to do extra cleanses. Also, it makes food combining so much easier!




A quick note on soy: tofu is a highly processed food, and soy in general is not a natural food source for humans.


For more information, I beg you to visit any of the following: http://thedoctorwithin.com/index_fr.html?content=/articles/index.html




http://www.coconut-info.com/shadow_of_soy.htm, http://thyroid.about.com/cs/soysdownsides/



I have written this based on my own experience and research. I am not a doctor. Although I found my doctors to be misinformed on the subject of GERD, I am not claiming to have any medical background. I have written this because I hope to help anyone avoid what I went through. There was a time when I was afraid that my career would be over if I did not get my acid reflux under control. I am glad to report that I have no problems at all now, and my doctor has told me there is no evidence at all of reflux when he looks at my vocal chords.



The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil by Bruce Fife

Eat Fat look Thin by Bruce Fife

In a Nutshell Food Combining A Step-By-Step Guide by Kathryn Marsden

Fit For Life by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond

The Complete Idiotís Guide to Fasting by Eve Adamson and Linda Horning, R.D.

12 Steps to Raw Foods by Victoria Boutenko

Dr. Richard Schultze (1.800.HerbDoc)



Soprano Rachel Cobb is one of opera's most promising young lyric sopranos. A native of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Ms. Cobb has been honored by the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions, the Loren Zachary Society, the Chicago Musician's Club for Women, the Chicago Italian Cultural Center, Opera Pacific, and the Baton Rouge Opera Guild. She is most well known for her roles of Donna Anna and Mimi.



It seems foolish that she doesn't have the confidence to go 100% raw - aparrently she still eats dairy and fish. She clearly understands what is right. It just shows that you have to be strong and not let anyone stop you on your personal journey.

Edited by Gorilla
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You have to be firm in a society where cooked food, carbonated drinks, and alcohol seem to be the "norm", but you owe it to yourself to eat right - you deserve to feel great every single day of your life.


I came across this article, as I was interested in whether opera singers followed a particular diet, as many of them seem to be kind of "large".


Well this singer found out the hard way about the danger of abusing your body with cooked, processed food (that includes soy products):


The Truth About Acid Reflux

by Soprano, Rachel Cobb


I was diagnosed with acid reflux (also called GERD for Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease) five years ago. My doctors put me on medication, and then stronger medication, then the strongest medication, then increased my dosage to twice a day. Still it got progressively worse over the course of four years. Finally my doctor told me the only option was surgery or I would ruin my voice, and ultimately, my career as an opera singer. Also, I was afraid of Esophageal Cancer, which can happen with the constant acid wash in the esophagus. My reflux was so bad; I could get it from just drinking water! Believe me, my case was not mild. So, I talked to a few singers who had had the surgery, and did some research. Turns out, the surgery is quite severe. Essentially, the doctor twists the upper stomach around the esophagus and stitches it into place. This keeps your stomach sphincter from opening and washing acid into your esophagus. The effect is like having your stomach stapled. Side effects include diarrhea for a year or more, and surgery failure occurs in 85% of patients within 15 years. You should know that when your stomach is made smaller by surgical means, your body could easily suffer from malnutrition. (Unless you eat a diet of primarily raw foods. But, if you were, then you wouldn't have acid-reflux, or obesity, and therefore wouldn't be considering stomach surgery. That is a whole other article!) So, I set out to read everything I could and to find out how I could cure myself naturally. And, the results were really surprising! I found the cause, and I cured myself, and now I have no problems! Iíll tell you what I found through reading and my own experience.


What causes Acid Reflux?

I found that there are several things that can contribute to acid reflux. Please realize that I will give you the straight truth, which may be hard to bear, but if you keep reading, I will give you practical solutions to living healthy in this day and age.



If you smoke, you have acid reflux. Until you quit, you will continue to have it. So, there is no reason to go further than this until you quit. If you are a singer, there are more reasons than this to quit. Try seeing an acupuncturist if you have troubles quitting on your own.


Food Combining and Undigested Food

Proteins and starches eaten at the same meal cause a lot of indigestion and undigested food in your system. The enzymes in your saliva break down starches, while proteins are digested by hydrochloric acid produced by your stomach. The hydrochloric acid inactivates the starch digestion. Then what happens? Food sits in your stomach and rots. The when it is finally moved to your intestines and colon, it gets held up there, indefinitely. Then undigested food clogs up the sides of your colon much like a sink pipe can get clogged. It plasters along the sides, making the opening smaller and smaller. This causes constipation. Most people are constipated and don't even know it. You may be surprised to hear that normal elimination is once for every meal you eat about one to three hours after you eat. (For more reading on Food Combining principles, read Kathryn Marsden's book Food Combining, A Step-By-Step Guide.)


What else causes food to be undigested? Food that is lacking in enzymes. Our body needs enzymes to break down food. When food is altered from its natural state, enzymes are lost. Cooking food above 118 degrees kills all enzymes. Microwaving kills enzymes. When we eat these foods, our body cannot break them down easily. And the same thing happens: the food rots, and clogs your colon. We are born with a lot of extra enzymes (In case you were wondering why as you get older, you have more digestion problems, and gain weight more easily), but we use them up eating too much cooked food. Humans were born for a diet that includes raw foods and vegetables. When we eat all the other foods we have included into our diet over the past hundred years (meat, pasteurized dairy, soy products, refined sugars and flours), our body does the best it can to break it down, but there are complications. Of course, the best solution is to eat a raw food diet. I realize that this can seem overwhelming, and not everyone feels this is something they can do. Do the best you can. Eat as many raw foods as you can with your meals. If you eat cooked foods, don't mix proteins (meat, dairy, soy) with starches (anything involving flour, corn, potatoes, rice). If you do eat these foods, I would recommend you take an enzyme supplement to help them digest (I have tried them all and like the enzymes at http://primaldefenseandbeyond.com/ and I believe they have the best prices on the net.). And, most importantly, clean out what is stuck in your colon now. This step is what cured me 90% of my acid reflux. Please do yourself a favor and do a high quality colon cleanse. I only recommend Dr. Schultze's products (1.800.Herb Doc). His colon cleanse is a two part series (Intestinal Formula #1 and #2). This insures that when your body releases its toxins, it doesn't get held up in a constipated colon and cause nausea and very little success. His products are amazing, and inexpensive. You can call for a free brochure and tape. For a wonderful explanation of why you should switch to a raw food diet, go to http://www.roxraw.com/rox/index.html and read the few paragraphs under the philosophy link.


How Prescription Medications Make GERD Worse

Here is something very interesting that I learned. Remember how I told you my story and how it got worse each year, so I had to take stronger and stronger medications? Well, it turns out that the prescriptions were making it worse. The prescription works by stopping the hydrochloric acid from being released in your stomach. Maybe this sounds like a good idea if you are trying to stop the acid from splashing in your esophagus, but itís not. The hydrochloric acid is being released in your stomach for a reason. Your body needs it to break down proteins in your stomach. Without it, you will have even more undigested food rotting in your stomach, and eventually your colon. So, it starts all over again. After I did Dr. Schultze's colon cleanse, I was able to get off my prescription for the first time in four years. Believe me, I was scared. But I was able to gradually get off, and I improved more and more as time went on.


Solutions For The Interim

Of course, I did do a few other things to help me, especially at first. Dr. Schultze also has a great product called Digestive Formula. It will stop acid reflux IMMMEDIATELY! It is amazing and completely natural. I took this at first. There is also a product on the primaldefenseandbeyond website that is specifically for stopping acid. I haven't tried it, because I just discovered it (I don't need it now) but all of their other products are amazing so I say, give it a try.



Yes, I gave up coffee. OK, don't scream or freak out. It is possible to live without coffee. Initially, I was just going to give it up at first, but the more I read about it, the more I realized just how bad coffee is for you (even decaf!), and I don't drink it anymore. Of course, coffee is highly acidic. Let me just give you this tidbit. Did you know the reason that coffee speeds up your metabolism? Because the coffee bean contains such a terrible poison that your body is hastily trying to get it out of your body. Your body's metabolism raises to keep you from suffering the effects of the poison. If you need a pick-me-up in the morning, there are better alternatives. I suggest Virgin Coconut Oil. It can give you that energy kick you need in the morning. Contrary to what the soy monopolies would have you believe, virgin (NOT hydrogenated or even refined) coconut oil can actually help you lose weight, improve energy, cure thyroid problems, and lower T-cells in HIV positive patients. (Please go to http://www.coconut-info.com/ for more information. Or read Dr. Bruce Fife's books Eat Fat, Look Thin, and The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil. You will be shocked at the amazing information in these books!) People report that using coconut oil has improved their acid reflux as well. I suspect it helps because it will help keep you more regular. I have been using it to cure my thyroid problem, and it has worked. People report that it stops their cravings for coffee, as well.

For a replacement morning drink, I recommend drinking the water from a young coconut. These are the white coconuts with a peak on the top. You can find them at Asian Grocery stores. They cost about 70 cents to $1.25. (Coconut water is the juice inside the coconut, and coconut milk is that water blended with the coconut meat.) It is very refreshing, is so good for you, will give you energy, and make you feel great. If you really need something warm, you can try Roobios Tea. This is a tannin and caffeine free tea from Africa that is a natural antioxidant, and very tasty. You can find it in health food stores. It is sometimes called Red Bush Tea.


Alcohol and Sodas

Yes. I'm sure you know this. Alcohol is acidic. And the bubbles in any kind of soda can contribute to acid reflux. Of course, it also contains the evils of refined sugar, caffeine, and artificial ingredients. If you are consuming aspartame, please quit. It has been shown to kill brain cells, cause tumors, and Multiple Sclerosis. Also, aspartame makes you fat. It is so deadly in the bloodstream that your body tries to protect you by isolating it in fat molecules and storing it away from your organs and bloodstream. It is not better for you than sugar.


Acid Foods

I gave up cooked tomato products for a while. Believe me, not easy especially with my Italian background. Now, I can eat them once in a while. Please know that tomatoes, oranges, and other acid fruits are actually alkaline (non acid forming) while they are raw. Once cooked, or pasteurized, they are acidic. But, if your stomach is in severe condition, I would suggest laying off these foods (even raw) for a month or two, until your stomach is healed, then you can resume them. But contrary to what my doctors told me, natural raw foods are always alkaline. Cooked foods are acid forming. Remember that. So, fresh squeezed orange juice will be alkaline. Pasteurized orange juice (pasteurization is a heating process, WAY over 118 degrees) is acid forming. Pasteurized dairy products are too.

(See www.realmilk.com for more info.)


Alternative Healing

You can also visit a qualified Acupuncturist or Energy Worker. This will help ease the symptoms of acid reflux.


Acid Reflux and TMJ

Have you ever wondered why so many opera singers suffer from Acid Reflux Disease? Well, I believe it is because most singers also have TMJ. There is a link between them. There is an acupressure point in between the jaw joint (way in there), which causes stomach problems, and specifically acid reflux. So please see an alternative healer, massage therapist, or even massage the joint yourself if you have TMJ. When your TMJ acts up, then your stomach will correspond, so please have your TMJ treated. See a Rolfer, an Acupuncturist, a Chiropractor, an Energy Worker, or Massage Therapist to help you with your TMJ problems.


Eating Late

Please don't eat late. Please. Your body has natural body cycles. According to Harvey and Marilyn Diamond's famous book Fit For Life


These cycles are based on rather obvious functions of the body. To put it in its simplest terms, on a daily basis we take in food (appropriation), we absorb and use some of that food (assimilation), and we get rid of what we don't use (elimination). Although each of these three functions is always going on to some extent, each is more intense during certain hours of the day.


Noon to 8 P.M. - Appropriation (eating and digestion)

8 P.M. to 4 A.M. - Assimilation (absorption and use)

4 A.M. to noon - Elimination (of body wastes and food debris)


So, accordingly, don't eat past 8 p.m. Before noon, I also don't eat anything but fruit and fresh fruit juice (buy a juicer!), and I drink plenty of purified water. Which brings me to...



Drinking water is a tricky thing sometimes. You shouldn't drink any water with meals, as well as 15 minutes before or 1 hour after meals. It does interfere with digestion. But you must drink plenty of water in between meals. For this, I recommend you carry a water jug and keep track of how much water it holds, so that you can keep track of how much water you need to drink.

Please drink 2 liters of water a day. Or, if you wish, you can drink one liter of water, and one liter of fresh pressed vegetable juice a day (again, with your juicer). Dehydration can be a huge factor with acid reflux (and many many other health issues). This is very necessary for optimum health. If you drink any other beverage than water, then I recommend that you replace each drink with an equal amount of water (on top of your 2 liters a day). If you drink any alcoholic beverages, you must replace each drink with 8 times as much water. (Yikes!).

Also, be sure that the water you are drinking is pure. Unfortunately, water supply on this planet is extremely polluted. Therefore, I recommend highly filtered water such as reverse osmosis or distilled water. I found a water store nearby and bought some polycarbonate containers (non plastic or dioxin leaking), which I refill for 25 cents a gallon, not bad.



If you have had Acid Reflux for a while, your stomach may need a little healing on its own. I recommend fasting. A short or sometimes long fast can be so beneficial. Fasting is a topic all on its own. I recommend reading The Complete Idiotís Guide to Fasting. I found this book to be such a comprehensive book on the subject. Check it out, even if you are skeptical about fasting. Humans have been fasting since the dawn of time to cure themselves of all types of diseases. Please give it some thought, keep an open mind about the subject, and do some of your own research.



This goes without saying. Try to exercise 30 minutes a day. This helps your body keep strong, so that it can heal itself and fight off infections of all kinds. You can do a simple walk around the block, or in cold weather conditions, I recommend buying a rebounder (a small jogging trampoline) for excellent results.



Curing yourself of anything is an amazing thing. But remember that if you go back to your old habits, it could come back. I recommend that you keep on the lookout for classic symptoms. The most classic symptoms are:

*A gag reflex in the back of your throat (this is the biggest one. You will find it disappears when your reflux is truly gone).

* Finding yourself clearing your throat often. Acid reflux can make you feel like there is phlegm on your vocal chords that you just canít clear off. Believe me, Iíve had allergies in the past. If you canít clear it off, itís acid reflux. If you find yourself doing it constantly, itís acid reflux.

*Any burping is related to acid. Any.


*Taste of vomit in the back of the throat

*Hoarseness not related to any virus or illness.

To keep maintenance, you should do a colon cleanse twice a year. You will need to do it more often if you eat meat, pasteurized dairy, tofu, refined sugars, and refined flours. If you have the symptoms above, then itís time to do it again. I became a vegetarian (except fish) just because Iíd rather not have to do extra cleanses. Also, it makes food combining so much easier! A quick note on soy: tofu is a highly processed food, and soy in general is not a natural food source for humans. For more information, I beg you to visit any of the following: http://thedoctorwithin.com/index_fr.html?content=/articles/index.html




http://www.coconut-info.com/shadow_of_soy.htm, http://thyroid.about.com/cs/soysdownsides/



I have written this based on my own experience and research. I am not a doctor. Although I found my doctors to be misinformed on the subject of GERD, I am not claiming to have any medical background. I have written this because I hope to help anyone avoid what I went through. There was a time when I was afraid that my career would be over if I did not get my acid reflux under control. I am glad to report that I have no problems at all now, and my doctor has told me there is no evidence at all of reflux when he looks at my vocal chords.



The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil by Bruce Fife

Eat Fat look Thin by Bruce Fife

In a Nutshell Food Combining A Step-By-Step Guide by Kathryn Marsden

Fit For Life by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond

The Complete Idiotís Guide to Fasting by Eve Adamson and Linda Horning, R.D.

12 Steps to Raw Foods by Victoria Boutenko

Dr. Richard Schultze (1.800.HerbDoc)



Soprano Rachel Cobb is one of opera's most promising young lyric sopranos. A native of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Ms. Cobb has been honored by the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions, the Loren Zachary Society, the Chicago Musician's Club for Women, the Chicago Italian Cultural Center, Opera Pacific, and the Baton Rouge Opera Guild. She is most well known for her roles of Donna Anna and Mimi.


That's a great post....


I'm one of the biggest believers of enzymes and she hits the nail on the head with that, fruits already have what you need to digest it!


Cooked food is cooked food and no matter how yummy it looks it's pretty much dead wood, you might as well be eating flavoured paper!


She's right about the eating times, food combining and fasting too....

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Thanks Bigbwii.


I just did some editing, making it easier to read and highlighting the key passage about enzymes and the reality of what people are doing to their insides by eating cooked, processed food.


The woman is still not going to get the level of health she could have, because her diet is still not 100% raw.


As you've said, Bigbwii, too many people are not transitioning correctly and convincing themslves that they still need cooked/processed food.


To anyone in that situation: you don't!

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Thanks Bigbwii.


I just did some editing, making it easier to read and highlighting the key passage about enzymes and the reality of what people are doing to their insides by eating cooked, processed food.


The woman is still not going to get the level of health she could have, because her diet is still not 100% raw.


As you've said, Bigbwii, too many people are not transitioning correctly and convincing themslves that they still need cooked/processed food.


To anyone in that situation: you don't!


Yes sir, having said that though it's no surprise because of all the addiction and what we interpret as sickness, is pretty much the same thing we will go through in the first stages of going raw, so it's no wonder people freak out.


The most common thing I hear is, " I'm hungry, so I must be wanting protien"....


Well if you were really wanting protien...you'd be craving raw foods where you get it from the source, I've read that the protien in cooked food isn't even useable and that goes with what I've experienced myself.


I barely have one meal a day and I'm feeling better than ever!!!

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That's awesome, Bigbwii - it is logical that one doesn't need as many calories when the body is not having to deal with digestive junk.


Here's to feeling clear and fresh.


Time to exercise and energise

Edited by Gorilla
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I am slowly coming to this conclusion. Cooked food is indeed an addiction as evidenced by my poor attempts at keeping raw. I am doing better in the last few days and today I am going to try and do all raw. One day at a time. I have an addictive nature anyway being that in my 20's and 30's I was a heavy drug user and an alcholic. I also have always been a food abuser.


The diet that my mother ate basically killed her. She died of a rare form of cancer (gall bladder). She loved sweets and ate lots of fatty dishes. That's how my sister and I grew up. I am not blaming my mother. I feed myself. I just wish that I had known about nutrition sooner. But now I do.


I am over weight by about 25 lbs but thankfully I have no health problems except for sinus congestion and some other very minor complaints and at age 54 and I am not on any medications. But my mom was diabetic (type 2) so if I don't watch it I could be there too. She also had thyroid problems which I need to watch out for.


So, I will endeavor once again to go on this journey for myself and not because others are doing it. I need this. All support gratefully accepted.

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Hi Belleadonna,

Just be strong and make sure you always have a lot of fresh fruit and juice available to you.


Eat plenty in the morning and afternoon - it's important not to eat too much before you go to bed so do your best to get into a good rhythm.


I found that sometimes if I didn't eat enough during the day I would feel really hungry when I should have been winding down to go to sleep. You just have to make sure you consume enough calories during the day. It takes a bit of adjustment to get all your calories from fruit. You just have to be organised and make sure you have the produce available to you.


Let us know how you are getting on, and we will support you!


There is conflicting nutritional advice out there, and a lot of advertising for products which prevent people from achieving the level of health they could have. It’s a great shame but I believe we should be grateful that we can see through that and understand what great health really means.


Because of the contradictions out there, it is especially important that we communicate with each other here. This forum allows us to confirm what we know is right, fine-tune our eating and exercise habits, and be the best we can be.



" There is nothing for you to go back and live over, or fix, or feel regret about now. Every part of your life has unfolded just right. And so -- now -- knowing all that you know from where you now stand, now what do you want? The answers are now coming forth to you. Go forth in joy, and get on with it.." - Abraham via Jerry and Esther Hicks

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Thanks for the kind words Gorilla. I am doing ok so far today. I think that I am eating enough food. I try to only eat when I am truely hungry. That's one of my problems. I tend to eat when I am not hungry. I have tons of fruits and veggies around to knosh on and the green smoothies really fill me up and make me feel good.


I will keep you up to date on my progress.

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That's my aim!! I have been through cleansing before when I first became a vegan. It was awful but I am hoping that it won't be as severe this time because I basically eat a very clean diet (except for the cooked food of course).


Looks like you and I are the only ones lurking around in here lately. Pretty quieit!!


Well, I'll be away from home most of the day. No temptations!! I plan to eat at a good salad bar that I know. Yum. Talk to you later. Cheerio!! Ha Ha.

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Well I guess that you would call me an older folk at age 54!!


Starting Day three and doing pretty well. No detox symptoms yet and no cravings. I am expecting all of that but onward and upward. How long have you been raw?


Off to make a green smoothie for breakfast and then off to the gym. Toodles.

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Great. Hope you make it. That is my intention too but I never make any promises. The hardest part for me will be when we go on vacation. We are going to Disney World and they have so much yummy food there. Maybe I will be so into it by then that I won't even be tempted by it.

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Looks like you and I are the only ones lurking around in here lately. Pretty quieit!!


I've been lurking in the raw threads for a while.

I would really like to become raw.

A problem I had was I first tried raw in the winter.

The fruit choices in Montana are limited in the summer, and even worse in the winter.

Winter raw was hard for me, sometimes I couldn't even find bananas that weren't dark green.


Right now I'm at the whole food stage in my conversion and adding more raw.

Not sure what percent is raw, at least half, but I've eliminated refined cooked food.

My cooked food is usually soymilk or stirfry veggies.


Summer is here and I can eat more raw fruit, which I like a lot.

Mostly melons and berries. Sometimes apples and oranges.

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Looks like you and I are the only ones lurking around in here lately. Pretty quieit!!


I've been lurking in the raw threads for a while.

I would really like to become raw.

A problem I had was I first tried raw in the winter.

The fruit choices in Montana are limited in the summer, and even worse in the winter.

Winter raw was hard for me, sometimes I couldn't even find bananas that weren't dark green.


Right now I'm at the whole food stage in my conversion and adding more raw.

Not sure what percent is raw, at least half, but I've eliminated refined cooked food.

My cooked food is usually soymilk or stirfry veggies.


Summer is here and I can eat more raw fruit, which I like a lot.

Mostly melons and berries. Sometimes apples and oranges.


Join the raw challenge!

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Glad you came out of the shadows Montana. Hi Bigwii.


If you are going to go raw, I guess summer is the best time. Don't know what to tell you about the lack of fruit and veggies you have in the winter. Maybe some of the hard core raw folks can help you there. This is just my 3rd day all raw.


Definitely having some mild detox this afternoon. I felt really weary after doing some yardwork and I have a mild headache and some stuffiness. This too shall pass.


Took alot of my cooked food over to my friends house and she was really happy to have it. Stuff like boca burgers and the like. Now I am working on the stuff in the closet and giving away what my husband won't eat. He is a hardcore SAD eater. His body is falling apart (literally) but he would rather eat bad foods then eat a healthy diet. He has already had one scare with prostate cancer!! But I am not going to nag him. He knows better.


I will save the bags of rice and stuff that I have for visitors. That stuff I keep in the freezer anyway. Looking forward to day 4!!


Like Bigwii said, join the 30 day challenge Montana!! I started early.

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He is a hardcore SAD eater. His body is falling apart (literally) but he would rather eat bad foods then eat a healthy diet. He has already had one scare with prostate cancer!! But I am not going to nag him. He knows better.

Nice to meet you belledonna.

It is difficult to watch family and friends when they are killing themselves.

I have both parents in there 60s. Both take a handful of pills everyday.

Neither one will change their diet.

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Looks like you and I are the only ones lurking around in here lately. Pretty quieit!!


I've been lurking in the raw threads for a while.

I would really like to become raw.

A problem I had was I first tried raw in the winter.

The fruit choices in Montana are limited in the summer, and even worse in the winter.

Winter raw was hard for me, sometimes I couldn't even find bananas that weren't dark green.


Right now I'm at the whole food stage in my conversion and adding more raw.

Not sure what percent is raw, at least half, but I've eliminated refined cooked food.

My cooked food is usually soymilk or stirfry veggies.


Summer is here and I can eat more raw fruit, which I like a lot.

Mostly melons and berries. Sometimes apples and oranges.


There's a lot of places where produce sucks in the winter, though I imagine Montana is worse than PA in that respect, but that is one reason why it's a pain to go raw when you live in an area with bad winters.

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Yes you can only lead by example - nagging/worrying about what other people are doing is a waste of energy - you just have to do what feels best for you


@Montana - that's cool - I had stir-fried vegetable dishes during the winter too - winter is tough in colder climates but I plan to stick to raw fruit now, even it means eating fruit that has been imported from further afield during the winter months ...

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Fourth day all raw. No detox symptoms today. Yippee. I just finished a whole bowl full of fresh strawberries from a local farm here. YUMMERS. Unfortunately, that is the end of them for the season here.


Now blueberries are coming in. Hallelujah!!


Hope ya'll are doing well with your rawness!!

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