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Gluten Intolerance? Asthma?

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I have a friend who went super healthy food for one big reason. ASTHMA.


She's literally stopped consuming Refined Sugar, etc.


She cooks fresh stuff from whole foods etc. on a daily basis. Gets & tried new veggies etc from Whole foods and so on. But, she does use fish / meat to top off her amazing veggie creations.


I am not as clost to her to tell her about going VEGAN but I'd like to see if someone has had some major change in their ASTHMA when going vegan.


She is gluten intolerant due to some time in her past when she took a trip to mexico. some YEAST IMBALANCE thingy.


I'd like to be able to e-mail her a link(s) or information to see if this VEGAN camp can help her. Rest.. is upto her.

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I used to have asthma when I was 11 or 12. I had it badly. After I found nutrition and exercise, I had the asthma attacks a lot less. But then I went about 80% raw and took out all pasteurized dairy products and stopped having asthma attacks. I would basically say that I don't have it anymore. I never used the drugs they gave me, because they made me feel worse, but I can honestly say I don't need them ever again. I really think that going 80% raw and cutting out all pasteurized dairy and cleansing every year are key. Make sure you're getting enough omega 3's and a good coral calcium/ magnesium supplement since it is a inflammation problem. I have also messed around with many different herbs and I found some to be really effective. But the raw food diet and consuming no pasteurized dairy where the key for me.

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my asthma is alot better since i went vegan, but there are still definately trigger foods. i.e. wheat, peanuts, sulphured foods, citrus foods, sugar. all those can effect asthma as well. I dont know if it was not eating meat that made a difference or more not eating dairy tho.

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Soy is also a huge mucus forming product!!


Soy protein isolate is. Fermented soy isn't. I only consume fermented soy every now and then. Other than that, I don't really consume any soy.


How does one figure out if something is fermented soy?


Is Tofu fermented soy? Are all Tofus fermened soy?

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Soy is also a huge mucus forming product!!


Soy protein isolate is. Fermented soy isn't. I only consume fermented soy every now and then. Other than that, I don't really consume any soy.


How does one figure out if something is fermented soy?


Is Tofu fermented soy? Are all Tofus fermened soy?


No. If it is fermented, it should say so. When I eat soy, I make sure it's organic and fermented because I think the GMO-filled soy protein isolate that many Americans today eat is NOT the same as the fermented soy that the Asians consume. You should be able to find fermented soy at farmers markets and health food stores.

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Soy is also a huge mucus forming product!!


Soy protein isolate is. Fermented soy isn't. I only consume fermented soy every now and then. Other than that, I don't really consume any soy.


How does one figure out if something is fermented soy?


Is Tofu fermented soy? Are all Tofus fermened soy?


No. If it is fermented, it should say so. When I eat soy, I make sure it's organic and fermented because I think the GMO-filled soy protein isolate that many Americans today eat is NOT the same as the fermented soy that the Asians consume. You should be able to find fermented soy at farmers markets and health food stores.


I have the TOFU from Whole Foods Salad bar / Prepare Foods & Sandwich Counter. Any idea?

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If it was from the salad bar, you'd probably have to ask them. A little here and there won't hurt you. Just try getting most of your soy from fermented sources, if you can.


Soy is also a huge mucus forming product!!


Soy protein isolate is. Fermented soy isn't. I only consume fermented soy every now and then. Other than that, I don't really consume any soy.


How does one figure out if something is fermented soy?


Is Tofu fermented soy? Are all Tofus fermened soy?


No. If it is fermented, it should say so. When I eat soy, I make sure it's organic and fermented because I think the GMO-filled soy protein isolate that many Americans today eat is NOT the same as the fermented soy that the Asians consume. You should be able to find fermented soy at farmers markets and health food stores.


I have the TOFU from Whole Foods Salad bar / Prepare Foods & Sandwich Counter. Any idea?

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