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I'll miss you Portland:


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I got home today around noon Eastern time. There's ridiculous amounts of humidity in the air and I'm sweating worse than when I took a certain picture after training.


I really miss everyone already. I'm glad I got to meet so many people, and I plan on getting back out there soon.

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I got home today around noon Eastern time. There's ridiculous amounts of humidity in the air and I'm sweating worse than when I took a certain picture after training.


I really miss everyone already. I'm glad I got to meet so many people, and I plan on getting back out there soon.



haha..oh man, I think that picture was the best thing about being at Bay Leaf that night... hah, everyone was zooming in on your chest, so awesome!!

I cannot wait until that is posted.

And I totally think you should enter that into the next sexiest veg competition!

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I'll post it soon. I'm WAY behind on posting photos because I got back to work.


We've actually continued the Vegan Vacation. Each of the past 2 days a bunch of us have been getting together for Breakfast. So we're still taking pics. Potter keeps on trying to get me to eat as much vegan butter as possible every time we go out!!!!


Yeah, Odid, great posing pics and I'll post them soon.

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I miss Portland too. What an amazing city, with great energy and personality. I hope to visit soon for a weekend to kick Rob's butt in the kitchen and the gym . I also think Portland might be a place where I could wind up staying for awhile, in the future.


Especially if it means you get to be closer to Zack an/or Ed, eh?

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