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Quotes from doctors


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"As a retired physician, I can honestly say that unless you are in a serious accident, your best chance of living to a ripe old age is to avoid doctors and hospitals and learn nutrition, herbal medicine and other forms of natural medicine unless you are fortunate enough to have a naturopathic physician available. Almost all drugs are toxic and are designed only to treat symptoms and not to cure anyone. Vaccines are highly dangerous, have never been adequately studied or proven to be effective, and have a poor risk/reward ratio. Most surgery is unnecessary and most textbooks of medicine are inaccurate and deceptive. Almost every disease is said to be idiopathic (without known cause) or genetic - although this is untrue. In short, our main stream medical system is hopelessly inept and/or corrupt. The treatment of cancer and degenerative diseases is a national scandal. The sooner you learn this, the better off you will be."----Dr. Allan Greenberg 12/24/2002


"The drugs or surgery only approach that modern medicine uses to treat today's diseases is archaic."—Julian Whitaker


"The pharmaceutical "business with disease" is the largest deception and fraud business in human history. The product "health" promised by drug companies is not delivered to millions of patients. Instead, the "products" most often delivered are the opposite: new diseases and frequently, death."--Dr Rath MD


"Why would a patient swallow a poison because he is ill, or take that which would make a well man sick." L.F. Kebler, M.D.


"The necessity of teaching mankind not to take drugs and medicines, is a duty incumbent upon all who know their uncertainty and injurious effects; and the time is not far distant when the drug system will be abandoned." Charles Armbruster, M. D.


"It (sugar) ought to be against the law - and white bread also."--Dr Kelley DDS


"If only a small fraction of what is already known about the effects of sugar were to be revealed in relation to any other material used as a food additive, that material would promptly be banned."---John Yudkin MD, Ph.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.S.C., F.I. Biol., Prof of Nutrition at London University


“The bottom line is that the medical systems are controlled by financiers in order to serve financiers. Since you cannot serve people unless they get sick, the whole medical system is designed to make people sicker and sicker.” Guylaine Lanctot, M.D.


"Success of most chemotherapy is appalling…There is no scientific evidence for its ability to extend in any appreciable way the lives of patients suffering from the most common organic cancer…chemotherapy for malignancies too advanced for surgery which accounts for 80% of all cancers is a scientific wasteland."---Dr Ulrich Abel. 1990


"My studies have proved conclusively that untreated cancer victims live up to four times longer than treated individuals. If one has cancer and opts to do nothing at all, he will live longer and feel better than if he undergoes radiation, chemotherapy or surgery, other than when used in immediate life-threatening situations."---Prof Jones.


"Keep in mind that the 5 year mark is still used as the official guideline for "cure" by mainstream oncologists. Statistically, the 5 year cure makes chemotherapy look good for certain kinds of cancer, but when you follow cancer patients beyond 5 years, the reality often shifts in a dramatic way."—Diamond.


"Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy… Chemotherapy does not eliminate breast, colon or lung cancers. This fact has been documented for over a decade. Yet doctors still use chemotherapy for these tumours…Women with breast cancer are likely to die faster with chemo than without it."—Alan Levin, M.D.


"I look upon cancer in the same way that I look upon heart disease, arthritis, high blood pressure, or even obesity, for that matter, in that by dramatically strengthening the body's immune system through diet, nutritional supplements, and exercise, the body can rid itself of the cancer, just as it does in other degenerative diseases. Consequently, I wouldn't have chemotherapy and radiation because I'm not interested in therapies that cripple the immune system, and, in my opinion, virtually ensure failure for the majority of cancer patients."---Dr Julian Whitaker, M.D.


"We have a multi-billion dollar industry that is killing people, right and left, just for financial gain. Their idea of research is to see whether two doses of this poison is better than three doses of that poison."—Glen Warner, M.D. oncologist.


"As a chemist trained to interpret data, it is incomprehensible to me that physicians can ignore the clear evidence that chemotherapy does much, much more harm than good."---Alan Nixon, Ph.D., Past President, American Chemical Society.


"Worldwide, conservatively, more than 20 million people have iatrogenic diseases caused by one medical specialty: dentists. The ADA is fighting a rear guard action to keep the public from learning that dentists, by use of mercury-silver amalgam fillings for decades, have poisoned more than 85 per cent of our population. The ADA has covered up its culpability in the same way breast implant and cigarette manufacturers deny disease connection to those products. Potential economic liability to amalgam manufacturers, their distributors, dentists and the ADA is incalculable."—Tom Warren


"At your next dinner party, try playing the following game. Challenge everyone around the table to produce a single drug that can cure people of an illness, other then antibiotics. If you come up with anything, stop whatever you are doing and call me."---Lynne McTaggart

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Vaccines are highly dangerous, have never been adequately studied or proven to be effective, and have a poor risk/reward ratio.

Just wanted to say that I don't agree with this part of the first quote. In my opinion, vaccines and antibiotics are two of the most important things that happened in medicare, ever.

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Hey Offence. the words that you've posted are so brilliant and inspiring. Thanks!



Vaccines are highly dangerous, have never been adequately studied or proven to be effective, and have a poor risk/reward ratio.

Just wanted to say that I don't agree with this part of the first quote. In my opinion, vaccines and antibiotics are two of the most important things that happened in medicare, ever.


well... if you'd take some time and make a small research of yourself, you might change you mind


i provide you with some interesting links















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Vaccines are highly dangerous, have never been adequately studied or proven to be effective, and have a poor risk/reward ratio.

Just wanted to say that I don't agree with this part of the first quote. In my opinion, vaccines and antibiotics are two of the most important things that happened in medicare, ever.



I'm so happy that you clarified your beliefs there, especially since you are absolutely correct. I will only add that the bit about surgery was off target as well. Try curing a burst appendix or ruptured aneurysm with herbal medicine.


Otherwise, great quotes. It's all about nutrition and prevention. Forget herbs and old, unproven "healing" techniques. If our current state of medicine wasn't so poor, people wouldn't be looking to the past for cures. The only good thing about some of the homeopathic and other alternative practices is that while they probably won't cure you anymore than a placebo, they aren't as dangerous as modern drugs and procedures.

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I would think the surgery thing points to people getting OPEN HEART & Angio Plasty etc.


I know a doctor - a top Cardio in India who is actually against getting surgery done - and instead encourages HEALTHY DIET / EXERCISE to help people get back on track. Ofcourse, he does surgery but is of the opinion that there is a better way out - unless someone is at the point that one has to operate.


But I do agree about the MoD.. Merchants of Death.


Only if more doctors & healthcare worked ethically.


BTW - Gold! post offense.

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What is a disease? What is the symptom and what is a normal defensive body reaction?

Food cannot cure any disease. The body can cure itself.

But a healthy lifestyle (including a healthy diet) can prevent the so-called diseases of affluence. When it is too late for prevention (acute stroke or heart attack or or a burst appendix) and in case of classic injuries (e.g. a broken leg) modern medicine/surgery is irreplaceable.

But IMHO it is much wiser to prevent a disease than to cut out the so-called diseased tissue.

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What is a disease? What is the symptom and what is a normal defensive body reaction?

Food cannot cure any disease. The body can cure itself.

But a healthy lifestyle (including a healthy diet) can prevent the so-called diseases of affluence. When it is too late for prevention (acute stroke or heart attack or or a burst appendix) and in case of classic injuries (e.g. a broken leg) modern medicine/surgery is irreplaceable.

But IMHO it is much wiser to prevent a disease than to cut out the so-called diseased tissue.


i have to agree with this. body can cure itself provided with the proper nutrition.


I was cured from damaged knee cartilage, herniated disk in my lowerback, youth osteoarthritis, false immune system alarms and inflations in all my joints


Also, i have recently read a book of a south african doctor that cured her cancer (in early stages) with fasting and grape eating. She explains how grapes can literally destroy cancer cells. it was really enlightening!


I thing that in case of classic injuries one can avoid taking chemical drugs by modern medicine. My brother had a damaged knee ligament and while all the conventional doctors suggested surgery and a 3 month recovery, with the guidance of our holistic doctror he was well and running in 3 weeks. he would stripe with bandages raw kale cut, every night on the knee (that was for inflation) and did some other things which i can't recall right now. He also fasted for some day and then continued with fruit eating. Chemical drugs aren't natural. Nature has a way. However there are cases that you just have to undergo a surgery. But with the help of the right doctor you can avoid chemical drugs and side effects


Sorry if i sound too absolute

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Exactly, flanders!

If you bang your head real hard with a hammer 50 times a day you're bound to get some kind of defect from it. I wouldn't call it a disease though and almost all doctors would tell you to stop hammering your head before giving you any pills. Not so with heart disease. Even though it's generally known that people that have a certain lifestyle don't get heart disease that is not seen as the cure.

I would also be careful to say that your body can take care of everything. It's a complex situation. Different cancers can strike in different ways. Wild animals still get cancer and die of it. There are also many near wipeouts of entire populations in the wild by infectious disease.

Diet will not cure everything, it will however cure the "non diseases" like heart disease for example.

An equally important factor of a healthy immune system would be to train the system. We don't do that today. The tradoff of that is that what trained the system in our previous history actually killed us sometimes. But going out of ones way to clean and purify everything is only going to help your immune system to a certain extent.

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I am sure there some rare cases of cancer or other so-called diseases would still remain when humans lived a healthy lifestyle including a diet which does not disturb the body while healing itself.

Concerning cancer: I have a different view on what cancers (and other so-called diseases) are. I do not think it is an attack from outside or something which is inevitable when someone becomes older.

Likewise I think the symptoms that usually make doctors say "you have this or that disease" are attempts of the body to heal itself. To suppress these symptoms by drugs only adds additional toxic load on the body. E.g.: Some years ago fever usually was suppressed by drugs. Nowadays many doctors let the "ill" have his fever - which means they let the body do its job.

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Yes, I agree on the fact that alot of drugs supresses the immune system. Anti-inflammatory and drugs against auto-immune diseases are examples of these. Still, it's an undisputed fact that bacteria, viruses and parasites has killed many of us and many of the members of other spieces throughout evolution, nomatter what the diet. Cancer is also nothing new and there are for example theories on how certain cancers are actually caused more or less by viruses.

It is most likely good to eat a healthy diet but when real studies are conducted on the effects of these diets on diseases the results aren't as spectacular as the unfounded ones coming out of the health movement in its different forms. There have been others than raw foodists that have unfoundidly claimed that what they are doing will cure all diseases.

A response by the immune system to an "outside" threat is to contain the enemy with an inflammation. These regularly hurts and alot of the medicines we have supress this natural inflammation, they don't kill the enemy and they actually, in this way, supress the bodys natural ability. Wheather the body can eliminate the enemy or not depends on the strength of the enemy and the strenght of the immune system. The immune system gets strong by us training it and by giving it the adequate nutrition. When eating a clean diet it actually gets less training than it would if you got more bacteria in your food. On the other hand your immune sytem probably gets the right nutrition. It might be a win situation but then again it might not be. Our immune system probably got a little weaker when we started cleaning ourselves but we had less fatal disease.

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(...) Still, it's an undisputed fact that bacteria, viruses and parasites has killed many of us and many of the members of other spieces throughout evolution, nomatter what the diet. Cancer is also nothing new and there are for example theories on how certain cancers are actually caused more or less by viruses.

It is most likely good to eat a healthy diet but when real studies are conducted on the effects of these diets on diseases the results aren't as spectacular as the unfounded ones coming out of the health movement in its different forms. There have been others than raw foodists that have unfoundidly claimed that what they are doing will cure all diseases.(...)

I do not think there are any undisputed "fact" in nutritional science

IMO it is not only the bacteria or virus which kills a person but the weakened immune-system which was not able to handle the threat adequately.

I agree to you that there have been many false gurus or healers throughout history. But I would put "modern medicine" on the top of this list.

The "real studies" that you mention are – didn't we already have this discussion somewhere else? – are kind of questionable IMO e.g. because of their reductionalism which is always used.

And is has to be taken into consideration that all medical staff doing research on nutrition are consuming "normal" diets (btw same thing when it comes to studies about veganism). This is one (but not the only) reason why studies on nutrition are so difficult to do.

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There are many good studies that have been conducted. Critisizing them is part of how science works, it doesn't meen that they are worthless. Many small reductionist studies can make a great conclusion when put together. We know for example that antioxidants are good for us, that they don't work in isolated form and that they almost exclusevily are present in plants. You can now draw the conclusion that for optimum health, plants should be included in your diet. This has been done by many. The results of these small studies can be studied in larger epedimological studies or the reverse order can be used. The important thing is that the results and the methds are available for others to critique and observe.


I wonder what basis you use for your diet chice if not scientific empirism based on well observed and studied facts? Can you understand if that method is not used that anyone can say anything about just about any lifestyle and have done so multiple times before?

Empirism and science is the method that have produced the most consistent results. If you know how to read it, it works great. The problem most people have is that they don't understands how science works.

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Well, i think i agree with you Flanders and Offence...


But i still believe that certain fruits have some properties that can help to fight specific illnesses. For example, Kale is known for its anti-iflammatory properties as well with Vitamin C and E. Flanders i agree that the healing is made by the body itself but you can help it by eliminating unatural food and eating some fruits that have properties that help. Inflations are indeed meant to be for our own good, but sometimes there's an overactivity of the immune system due to our unatural lifestyle and diet. It happened to me and i was in bed for 3 years.


about cancer, i thought it's caused by free radicals that destroy healthy cells. Free radicals are caused by excessive junk eating, fried things, smoke, smog, polluted environment in general and maybe problems in breathing. There are lots of reasons for cancer. i think that the key is to hold a balance between oxidants and antioxidants having antioxidants through breathing clean air and eating human food (not garbage) outweigh the toxins that we may gather in our body by our everyday life


Bytheway, Flanders you are sooo right about the fever thing

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@Magnus: I read many many studies before and shortly after I went vegan. Looking back I have mixed feeling about this.

I really do not need a study to tell me fruit and vegetables are healthy.

Concerning your example with the small studies: As you said one can draw the conclusion to include plants in his/her diet. IMO one can also decide to eat only plants. It is still a question of interpretation and this is usually done by scientists who draw conclusions based not only on scientific facts but also on their prejudices and influenced e.g. by political and economic pressure.

You are absolutely correct about the positive sides of modern science – objectivity, reproducibility and reliability.

But concerning diet (and other things) modern science led to more confusion than clarification. This is mainly due to reductionalism. Human nutrition does not work that way (1 + 1 can be more than 2 if you know what I mean).

Empiricism and comparative physiology lead to less confusion concerning diet choices IMO.


@health freak: IMO the so-called illness (which is defined by symptoms) is the bodies attempt to get rid of the the illness-causing-stuff. The reason why certain substances seem to work antiflammatory is that they add toxic load on the body and make it stop dealing with the original trouble by adding new toxins. Btw. this is IMO the reason why most prescriped drugs "work".

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We all draw conclusions from other things than science. Doctors are not an exception.

That still doesn't meen that science is flawed. Doctors can be bad at understanding science too, just like any other academic or non-academic.

And if you lived in the dark ages you would be totally clueless on wheather fruits and veggies are good for you so I think we do need studies and science to help us in our decisions.

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We all draw conclusions from other things than science. Doctors are not an exception.

That still doesn't meen that science is flawed. Doctors can be bad at understanding science too, just like any other academic or non-academic.

The problem is that the public is listening to the non-objective interpretations all the time. And after a lie (like veganism is unhealthy or cows milk is good for the bones) is repeated a thousand times it eventually becomes a so-called "fact".


And if you lived in the dark ages you would be totally clueless on wheather fruits and veggies are good for you so I think we do need studies and science to help us in our decisions.

I agree that we needed basic science to understand how some things work. Anatomy and physiology are very important. But still my opinion concerning diet choices is that personal empiricism and comparative physiology are far better than hundreds of studies about from doctors who do not have a clue and are full of prejudices...

But maybe this is a point where we cannot come together.

At least our different approaches made both of us go vegan

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The problem is that the public is listening to the non-objective interpretations all the time. And after a lie (like veganism is unhealthy or cows milk is good for the bones) is repeated a thousand times it eventually becomes a so-called "fact".

Science in and by itself have not said this. When subjectivness comes in it messes the objectiveness up. This is a problem, not science.

I agree that we needed basic science to understand how some things work. Anatomy and physiology are very important. But still my opinion concerning diet choices is that personal empiricism and comparative physiology are far better than hundreds of studies about from doctors who do not have a clue and are full of prejudices...

But maybe this is a point where we cannot come together.

At least our different approaches made both of us go vegan

Personal preference and how "one feel" are about the worst things one can use to find health. People on atkins claim to feel just as good as raw-foodists for example.

But to each his own

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Science in and by itself have not said this. When subjectivness comes in it messes the objectiveness up. This is a problem, not science.

Science is done by humans. You cannot separate the work from the worker.


Personal preference and how "one feel" are about the worst things one can use to find health. People on atkins claim to feel just as good as raw-foodists for example.

As far as I know people on atkins diet experience extreme bad side effects.

As I pointed out before:

- basic science (anatomy and physiology) are very important

- personal empiricism and comparative physiology

- of course knowledge has to be passed from one generation to the next (look at vegan families ). Not everybody has to do his/her diet research again.


...is better than "hundreds of studies about from doctors who do not have a clue and are full of prejudices..."


But to each his own

At least we agree on one thing!

Finally I want to say this: I was on this road of "wanting-to-have-a-well-done-study" for every nutrition choice I did as well. I read so many studies and had many discussions about them. One can do it this way if he/she wants to. Or you can use a little bit of common sense based upon the list I provided above.

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Flanders wrote: IMO the so-called illness (which is defined by symptoms) is the bodies attempt to get rid of the the illness-causing-stuff. The reason why certain substances seem to work antiflammatory is that they add toxic load on the body and make it stop dealing with the original trouble by adding new toxins. Btw. this is IMO the reason why most prescriped drugs "work".


Now that's a very interesting idea... but would that mean that certain fruits have no beneficial properties for the body's welness? shouldn't we provide the body with the right tools/fuel to fight the original trouble? A body without proper fuel (high raw) how far could it go, concerning self-healing... And what about all those who talk about grapes' anti-cancer properties... I dont know if you"ve read anything about it, but do you think it's all a lie? i know people that saw great benefits from such therapies.


personal empiricism and comparative physiology are far better than hundreds of studies about from doctors who do not have a clue and are full of prejudices...



The problem is that the public is listening to the non-objective interpretations all the time. And after a lie (like veganism is unhealthy or cows milk is good for the bones) is repeated a thousand times it eventually becomes a so-called "fact".



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