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eating out and social gatherings


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I just had my first expereince of eating out at an upscale rest. for our anniversary since i made the transition to a vegan lifestyle. it seems that unless a rest. is specificly vegan, there are very little choices on the menu. the "vegitarian feast" was the only thing close to vegan as the main coarse and part of it was fried. just because i'm not eating animals doesn't mean i want something fried or a big plate of pasta. any pointers on this one? i have eaten out at other rest. but they were specificly vegan/vegitarian. those rest. are not always options due to location.


also... any pointers on social gatherings? we are going to a company function tomorrow w/ hundrends of people.

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You can always ask for a bit salad. At a nice place they should have lots of different veggies to please you...at a crappy place all you can expect is iceburg lettuce. As for gathering with no hot vegan food I try to go after eating...then I may pick at fruit and things and stick to conversing with people. That way if you look busy enough talking about various things(being vegan especially) people won't focus on the fact that you aren't really eating anything.

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thanks! great input! after further investigating i found out that the chef at the rest. we went to will specially prepare meals also according to diet/preferance. i guess sometimes it also takes some planning ahead


as for yesterdays gathering, i ate before hand and focused on the socializing. it worked out nicely

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Stay away from the real expensive (omni) places!!!

The chefs in those places are usually from a generation where veganism didn't exist. Most of the modern chef educations teach 'alternative' food styles. They are also brought up with more choice all around them (like tofu, tvp, soy milk, etc).

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Stay away from the real expensive (omni) places!!!

The chefs in those places are usually from a generation where veganism didn't exist. Most of the modern chef educations teach 'alternative' food styles. They are also brought up with more choice all around them (like tofu, tvp, soy milk, etc).


This is very true. My friend has a health foods cooking class where they do vegan, vegetarian and gluten free recipes. She has sent me a few already! And she makes kick ass espresso but that's a different story.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hate eating at non-vegetarian places, and fortunately only have to do so maybe once or twice a year.


One thing that annoys me about it is how you always end up "surprised" and not sure what they're going to put in front of you. Omnis get to peruse the whole menu, but when you say you're vegan they "fix you something." Well, what if you don't like what they make?


For example, I loathe and detest mushrooms, but most chef types immediately think about mushrooms when they are are trying to figure out something to make for a vegan. And then you look even pickier, even though the omnivores who are with you are looking at a 50 item menu and NOT choosing things based on not liking them.


I do not take the point of view that I'm "lucky" to be accommodated though...it's not my problem if people think eating dead animals is normal. I'm not causing any inconvenience that's greater than what the meat eaters are causing the animals.

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... the omnivores who are with you are looking at a 50 item menu and NOT choosing things based on not liking them.


I do not take the point of view that I'm "lucky" to be accommodated though...it's not my problem if people think eating dead animals is normal. I'm not causing any inconvenience that's greater than what the meat eaters are causing the animals.


So true.

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