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HSOrlandos 2013 Journal: Being vegan in a non vegan world

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Actually went and worked out today! I did some resistance machines. My total weight lifted was 15,245 pounds I think. I did 3 sets 8-10reps each machine. This is what it sort of looked like, weights might be slightly off.

Leg press 1 set 150lb, 2nd set 170 lbs, 3- 170

leg extention 40, 50, 50

leg curl 40, 50, 50

chest press 30, 30, 30- was too light

back row 55, 55, 55

shoulder press 20, 25, 25

back extention 60, 60, 60 almost too light

bicep curl- don't like this machine that much a bit awkward, 25, 25,25

tricep extention 30, 30, 30

leg abductor (outer thigh) 45lbsx 3 sets too light

leg adductors (inner thigh) 45 lbs too light

lat pulldown 3 sets of 60 lbs I think

skipped ab machine because I don't like that certain machine- will do abs at home tonight


Not much of a workout but it was something, oh and I warmed up at 3.8 mph on a treadmil- had just eaten brunch so I couldn't run because I was too full still

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I can't believe how sore my abs are! I haven't been working out nearly as much as I used to, this is going to change, and last night I had two really tough workouts back to back.

The first was a step class, and boy was I sweating, it was literally dripping down my face at one point. At the end of class, we had an abs section for about 5 minutes and completed 250 assorted crunches. I don't know how i ever managed to get through 250 crunches when I'm not doing much abdominal training, boy did i feel it!


Then I set up for BodyPump. My barbell ranged from a warmup weight of 20 pounds, which was also used for arms, and shoulders. The high weight was squats at 45 pounds. The chest and back was 25 lbs. I took it 5 pounds lighter than I usually do for back, and I should have just left it at 30 lbs. After shoulders we did abs and I had another tough ab workout. By the way they hurt a lot today! We did an ab exercise where you roll out with the barbell, and then roll back, using the abs, and not letting your hips or any other part of your body sag down.You're in a kneeling position. The alternatives were planks, but i wanted to see if i still could manage the barbell.

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Yesterday I took a step/sculpt class. We used resistance bands for our legs and I still dislike them a lot! I t was a good class, but I was not quite up to it, but persevered anyway. I'm sure the instructor thought I was about to pass out at one point because I was getting a bit clumsy stepping and it just seemed harder than usual. There were cardio intervals, and then weight intervals. I only used 6 and 10 lb weights, but the way i was feeling it was enough.


Tomorrow I go to Boston! Yeah, i will get there in the late morning, and I guess go to my hotel, and start exploring! I don't think i will get any exercise except for walking during the next few days.

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Just wanted to say hey! I'm still around, just been busy. Not too happy at work so not hanging around much to workout. I'm still getting in a few good workouts every week, but it's not enough. That's quite apparent when I get on the scale to weigh myself. I miss running, and I know that gets my weight down faster than anything else so that's what I guess I have to get back to doing! Hopefully this week!

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Took an amazing Step class today. My Mom, and my brothers girlfriend also joined me. For some reason they were both impressed with how hard I worked, and that I did the entire ab segment at the end of class. Also got a compliment from the instructor, so of course then I messed up! Have not run in about two months, and I am starting to really really miss it too.

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Ok I have exactly three months until my birthday to lose some excess weight. So I am rededicating myself starting right now to a lot more gym time, and proper nutrition. Not that I eat that badly, but I have been slacking majorly this Summer.

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I'm setting my 3 months till B-Day also, everything needs work. I have also have given into everything (except non-vegan food). I also have a weight challenge with my daughter. So I hope to see and use your post to keep me focused.

Good luck with your rededication!

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Thanks! Today I actually went for a run! On my day to sleep in, I got up at 740 am, which is still better than getting up at 4 am. Had some fruit, walked to the gym, and went for a run. I wanted to go 3 miles, but I have not run at all in over 2 months, so I think I only ran about 2. It was enough! I also bought a book to help me get back on track with my food choices. It isn't exactly for vegans, but it will work with a few modifications to it. Tomorrow I am buying some groceries, so today I am finishing up what won't be allowed. Can anyone say Tufutti Cuties? I guess I'm getting back on track because I am really excited about doing this for myself.

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Today is my official start to my diet. Well the diet is actually only 2 weeks, then after the 2 weeks I won't be craving all the sugars, and carbs that I've been overdoing it with. I will be eating good carbs though, but not for the first 2 weeks. So far my energy levels seem fine, but this is only the first day. The diet allows pretty much everything, except junk, and most carbs. So yesterday I bought lots of veggies, soy products, vegan cheese, soy milk, soy yogurt, nuts, Z-sweet, beans, lentils, etc. No bread, pasta, rice, or junk food was bought. I think I will be okay, but breakfast will be the hardest. There are a few good sounding desserts, and smoothies that I can make using tofu, and soymilk, instead of dairy items.


4 am-Breakfast; 3 soy bacon strips, vegetable juice, and some vegan cheese

multiple cups of coffee w/ silk original creamer & 1 Z-sweet packet

11am-snack at work- vanilla soy yogurt 1 cup

130pm- salad- spinach. celery, tomato, 15 almonds, green pepper, light balsamic vinagriette dressing

4pm- one celery stalk with hummus

430pm 2 Gardein chicken filets w/ diced tomato, and italian beans, diet beverage

630pm- coffee w/ silk and 1 z-sweet

8pm- was still a bit hungry so I made one of their dessert options. I substituted vegan cream cheese for the ricotta that they suggest. I have a feeling I should have just used tofu, it would have been less caloric. Oh well, it was'nt that bad with one tablespoon of peanut butter added to it and one tea spoon of vanilla extract, and one natural sweetener

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4am- 3 strips vegan bacon, vegetable juice, 3 strips of vegan cheddar follow your heart brand

coffee w/ silk creamer and 1 z sweet- had multiple cups as I work in a gym that likes to blast the a/c

10am- 15 almonds

1pm- Yves vegan burger w/ hummus, celery w/ hummus

4pm- some leftover green pepper, tomato, and celery with hummus, and a bit of vegan cheese


430pm-full body workout using machines

530pm- Step workout- Had energy but at the end I was feeling the lack of carbs for my energy level

7pm- 1 1/2 Yves jumbo hotdogs, blackbeans, and half a tomato, diet beverage

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Why is it that Wednesdays feel so long?


4am- same old boring breakfast from the past 2 days ( can't wait until Saturday when I make tofu scrambles)

drank lots of coffee during the day at work- no break as usual

1215pm- scoffed down 15 almonds on my walk to where my mom works

1pm- falaffel, hummus, and taboule from Middle Eastern restaurant that is so good

430pm- 1 cup soy yogurt

7pm- vegan chicken filets w/ tomato sauce, italian beans

9pm- herbal lemon tea w/ 1 z sweet

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On day 4 of my first phase of my diet. In 10 days I can eat more carbs, yeah!

Not doing too bad in the energy department, so that is good. Just need to eat more frequently, but this hard to do while at work. So hopefully drinking coffee won't reverse everything else I'm doing. Because that is all I get in the morning.


4am- same as past 3 days


1230pm- salad: spinach, tomato, 15 almonds, green pepper, celery, and light balsamic vinagriette- hummus and veggies

530pm- glass of soymilk w/ unsweet cocoa w/ sweetener I tried a new unsweetened soymilk made by Earth Balance, it's not bad!

6pm- vegan chicken patty, black beans, and italian beans



4am- same as above

930am- soy yogurt

1230pm- vegan chicken patty, half an Yves burger, half tomato

2pm- 15 almonds

630pm- really good lentil soup. cooked it too long it sucked up most of the liquid so I tossed in some canned tomato, and that made it more liquidy and tasty. Yum!

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So far this week I have taken two step classes, walked every day and did a full body weight training workout once. Don't want to overdo it this week because I'm not eating a lot of carbs, and when I did step it was really tough due to energy levels. tomorrow I plan on running a little, not sure how far, and doing Zumba. I will be there for moral support for my mom. She always has excuses for not exercising, and I am always trying to help motivate, she is also vegan, but needs to lose weight.

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Only lost like 2 pounds so far on my diet, but I haven't been craving sugar so its all good.

Went to Zumba this morning, and actually had a really good workout too. The regular instructor was back, and he makes the class a lot more energetic throughout the whole workout. I did eat a lot of lentil soup last night so maybe that had an effect on the scale. I will be quite happy losing 15-20 pounds more, and that would be enough.

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8am-1 cup soymilk, coffee a very tiny bit of silk soy yogurt

930am- Zumba class

12pm- after shopping at Whole Foods, grocery store, and a Produce market I went home and ate

Yves vegan jumbo hotdog, black beans,tomato

3pm- a weird desert from the diet I'm on- tofu, peanut butter, cocoa powder, vanilla extract, and Zsweet

7pm- soup, salad, water

8pm- herbal lemon tea

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Thanks, only a week to go before I can start adding more carbs back into my meals.


730am- coffee, 4 vegan sausage patties, vegetable juice, and a bit of vegan cheese

1230pm- guacamole, celery, favored water

430pm= vegan burger, black beans, tomato

7pm- lentil soup, celery and hummus

830pm- lemon tea

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4am - vegan bacon 3 pieces, vegetablen juice, vegan cheese

coffee- drank more decaf than regular

1230-pm lentil soup, celery and hummus

4pm- soymilk w/ cocoa powder and zsweet

6pm- vegan hotdog, black beans, canned tomato

8pm- leftover coffee from my coffee maker

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I know these food posts are BORING! But they keep me honest. It sure doesn't look like I'm eating much, no wonder I don't have that much energy to workout. Thankfully next week I will start adding good wholesome carbs, and have more energy so I can do more serious, and consistent workouts. Looking forward to starting up spin classes again. Even if the trainer was in a bad accident during a triathlon, he's recovering every day, and still there to beat us up. If I had trouble walking, and had fractures I would take a few days off! Also looking forward to more Body Pump classes. Hopefully when I get a different job I can run mornings, and do classes, or visit the weight rooms at night.

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4am- same as yesterday

Its a good thing I can get free coffee where I work because its all I have until the afternoon because people don't seem to care if I get a break.

1230pm- vegan chicken patty, black beans, tomato, flavored water

4pm- soy yogurt 1 cup

7pm= 1 1/2 vegan hotdogs, tomato, celery and hummus

8pm- sugar free popsicle, lemon tea


Had a great cardio workout in Step tonight. Didn't have time to do weights. I need some motivation to get me back into lifting weights! I think I need a good dose of the weight room, but I just want to get in and out of the gym after work asap.

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4am- same as above, except soy milk not vegetable juice

coffee decaf

930am- 1 cup soy yogurt

coffee- regular

1230pm- big salad- spinach, tomato, celery, green pepper, guacamole, vegan turkey deli slices,lite balsamic vinagriette

230pm- hummus

730pm- vegan burger crumbles, tomato , celery, and hummus

9pm- lemon tea

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4am- 4 vegan sausage patties, small amount of soy milk, vegan cheese

coffee sustained me all morning

1pm- 2 vegan chicken patties, tomato, black beans, diet raspberry tea

430pm- spoonful of crunchy natural peanut butter

630pm- big salad: spinach, guacomole, celery, tomato, vegan chicken patty, light balsamic vinagriette dressing- water

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