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Sexiest Veg Contest - Hope This Isn't Tacky But....


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I've met a few people that others would call vegan but call themselves vegetarian. The explanation they give makes sense. They don't eat meat, eggs, or dairy but they don't do it for the animals so they don't call themselves vegans. This makes a lot of sense to me and I'd like it if everyone felt that way. That would get rid of the pescos and ovo-lacto omnivegetarians. After all we are all vegetarians...thats just about what you eat and not much else.

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I used to "hate" the term vegetarian because to me it stood for dairy and egg consumption but I'm trying to start to use it again based on my lifestyle of no animal consumption.


My hope is that it will catch on and we can change the current meaning of "vegetarian."


I'm climbing a tall ladder but I'm going to experiment in my community and see what I can do.


Maybe it isn't even a good idea, maybe that is "why" we have the word vegan, but to me (just my opinion) "vegan" scares people away because of things associated with it or attached to it (as I ranted about for months).


So vegetarian is starting to sound better to me and I'm trying to redefine it and resurrect it's original meaning.

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I'm just afraid of what that will mean to speople that aren't asking a lot of questions and want to become vegan. I think a lot of people(if that were to happen) will think the present term vegetarian will ae enough if every vegan stops at calling themselves vegetarian. I don't think its gonna happen anytime soon but it'll probably be easier to change the perception of vegans than would be to change the term vegetarian since vegetarian means so many different things...to the point that people that eat some meat call themselves vegetarian. While for the most part...the biggest dispute amongst vegans not being vegan is honey.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It looks like the first round is still open for voting. I know not everyone is into it, but for those who are, go to:




Russell is a member of our forum (GRR) for the guys so if you're interested in supporting one of our members here feel free.


I'm somewhat "friends" with Melissa for the women and she's super nice so if you can't decide which woman to vote for, she could be one to consider.


It's cool we've had a finalist representative from our forum for the past 3 contests

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  • 2 months later...

Maybe I'm wrong, and most are vegans, but if they are celebrating and highlighting lots of people who contribute to the terrible dairy industry (I grew up on a farm for 18 years and lived next to a dairy so I know more than most who have "read things in a book") that kinda really sucks.


But they gotta do what they gotta do.


I wish "vegetarian" had it's original meaning (plant-eater). I'm trying to call myself vegetarian these days rather than vegan, but in the context and with the meaning that I eat plants, not milk and eggs.



Completely AGREE! Vegetarian means plant foods! The fact that there has to be a sub category of vegan is actually ridiculous. hate having to clarify by explaining vegan, because so many people think 'vegetarian' can even include some chicken and/or fish. Crazy

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Yeah, because chicken and fish grow on trees ya know? LOL


I'd be way to shy to enter a contest where I'd be judged on how "sexy" I am. I personally think I'm a little scary looking. O.o


Thing is...milk and eggs don't grow on trees either....milk is no more a veggie than a steak.

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I think the only reason milk and eggs are part of what people typically think of a vegetarian diet is because back when people started abstaining from meat and eating lots of plant foods instead, they didn't shun milk or eggs and the name started to apply to that kind of diet. It just hasn't made its way out of the vernacular yet.

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Exactly. But I was one of the vegeterians who was eating things like that and noticed something was wrong. Each time I was eating something from an animal I felt bad, guilty, or I don't know how to describe... everytime, I had the feeling it wasn't right, I didn't feel good after eating. I wish I became vegan earlier, because once I made that choice and stopped buying and eating and exploiting animals I felt so much better with myself, because I started treating others right too.


So I was one of those vegeterians who definatly needed to become vegan. The vegeterians who think "it's ok to take eggs from chickens and milk from cows because it's not hurting them and you exagerate when you stop eating ALL animal products" -- like I once said more than 5 years ago before becoming vegeterian -- son't see beneath the surface; if it's OK and there's absolutly nothing wrong with that, then those people wouldn't mind we do the samething to them, right? They wouldn't see any objections if we keep them in cage, injecting drugs, stealing their milk and babies for many years, and then kill them ?

Edited by I'm Your Man
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People think it's not the same, since animals don't have cognitive thought. Maybe they don't but they can still suffer. I think it's wrong to cause suffering to anything.

Before I went vegan, I had the guilt thing too. I even felt bad if I killed a spider. I thought I was being silly but it's good to know I wasn't, and that lots of people feel that way.


Wow we're really off topic.



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People think it's not the same, since animals don't have cognitive thought. Maybe they don't but they can still suffer. I think it's wrong to cause suffering to anything.

Before I went vegan, I had the guilt thing too. I even felt bad if I killed a spider. I thought I was being silly but it's good to know I wasn't, and that lots of people feel that way.


Wow we're really off topic.




LOL. your funny.


and you should TOTALLY enter next year (referring to your other comment about being weird looking).


You definitely fit the bill of sexy veg. Just push the girls up into a tight extra padded underwire pushup bra..... exaggerate those already puffy lips into a little pout.... and just keep reminding yourself that your pimpin yourself out for the animals and the planet! Works for me!

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LOL. your funny.


and you should TOTALLY enter next year (referring to your other comment about being weird looking).


You definitely fit the bill of sexy veg. Just push the girls up into a tight extra padded underwire pushup bra..... exaggerate those already puffy lips into a little pout.... and just keep reminding yourself that your pimpin yourself out for the animals and the planet! Works for me!



Aww you're so nice!

Yeah, I need all the help I can get in the boob department >< A nice pushup bra would do nicely.


I'm funny cuz I was such a geeky and awkward teenager that I used humour to get people to like me lol.

And Stephen Colbert is my hero.

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Our brains are spongy plastic, not rigid stone. The impression made in them are not grooves carved in stone, but depressions in plastic that can popped out.


It is simple as choosing what you tell yourself every single day.


That doesn't mean easy or fast results. You have to make a commitment to consistently change the way you think, but it will happen. Its like working out consistently.

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