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chin-ups are good too right?


chin-ups are a very good biceps exercise. And the nice thing about them is that you hit different angles of lots of different muscles depending on your grip (underhand, overhand narrow, overhand normal, overhand wide, etc.). The sucky thing about them is that they... well... suck.


Push-ups are also a good biceps - and overall arms - exercise.

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What sucks about chin-ups? You mean that they're a pain in the ass to do? I am up to 6 reps now, they are kicking my ass though.


I'm surprised about the recommendation of push-ups. I'd have thought they primarily work the triceps and chest, and perhaps shoulders a bit depending on the angle

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The best thing for me was basically crouching over with two dumbbells...using my inner thighs for support and doing curls one are at a time that way. It seemed to be the best way for me to take out other muscle groups and focus on what I wanted to do...I rarely did these though because biceps were pointless to me but they seemed to work really well considering I only did them once a week(compared to the 3-4 times a week I worked my other muscle groups)

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Chins and rows are great indirect sources of bicep work, but they shouldn't be focused on taxing the biceps as a primary reason for them. Ideally, for any chinning/rowing movement you want your arms to act as hooks and never intentionally work on using the biceps to move the weight - they will to some extent that is beyond your control, but once you start putting the focus on them, they tire faster than normal and your lats, which can handle FAR more work, will never get the full benefit. However, if you're going to do exercises that will indirectly give your biceps plenty of work to where there's little need to do much if any direct work, those two are just about the best you're going to find. I probaby do 3 sets of curls every 2-3 months and my arms haven't lost any size at all.


For direct work, I've found that for me, nothing was better than either DB hammer curls (may as well work the forearms in ther at the same time!) or just doing alternating DB strict curls. Throw in some cheat curls once in a while to overload a bit and go heavier than normal and that's a decent recipe for biceps work!

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