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What does your bodybuilding supplement counter look like?


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i don't get it. he's talking about milk, meat and about some "facts" based on animal testing. and then in the end he's talking about soy, and i have to be honest: i didn't understand shit. maybe my english just sucks, maybe he's mumbling too much.


give me a short summary please.

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i don't get it. he's talking about milk, meat and about some "facts" based on animal testing. and then in the end he's talking about soy, and i have to be honest: i didn't understand shit. maybe my english just sucks, maybe he's mumbling too much.


give me a short summary please.

I've watched this vid a while ago so maybe I'm wrong about what he says, but basically: too much proteins, and especially highly processed proteins, like protein isolates (may it be whey, casein, soy, etc) have a huge effect on some hormones: grownt hormones. Too much grownt hormones means also faster aging. The cells live faster and die younger. They reproduce more and faster. The sick cells too, i.e: cancers can appear easier. Also, anything processed, like protein isolates, are empty of micronutrients (vitamins, oligoelements, oxygen, chlorophyll, etc) and our cells need those. The air you breathe provides oxygen to your heart. But all our cells in tissues and organs need oxygen and water too, which can be found in whole foods like fruits and greens, but not in protein isolates. A body that lacks of oxygen is the best place for cancers to grow, because healthy cells breathe, but tumors don't breathe, they're dead cells.


So my only advice would be, either avoid protein isolates (powder or tvp, seitan, etc) or chose one of the rare protein stuff that are still kind of natural and raw, not too much processed and still have some of their micronutrients: spirulina, chlorella, hemp... and maybe brown rice and some others.

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