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Hi everyone! Happy to be a part of the gang!


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Hi all,


Just joined and look forward to the forum. I am a very new vegetarian but is looking forward to becoming a vegan. It was very inspirational reading the progress so many of you have made.


A Huge Congratulations!


I am new to bodybuilding but is over 40 so I would like to ask you guys for help on the following:


My greatest concern at this time is how do i get all the nutrients my body need since i have recently stopped eating all meat except fish. It has been only a few days since i've started so this vegetarian life is very very new to me.


I weigh about 160 1bs. I would like to get up to 175 bs. I do weightlifting 3 days per week Monday,Wednesday and Friday. I do 20 to 25 minutes aerobics on Tuesday and Thursday. Off on Saturday and Sunday.


Could you guys share with me foods that helped you gain weight while bodybuilding? Also how much arobics you do. I'm a hard gainer so any advice would really help. Since I'm doing aerobics twice per week, I'm finding it harder to build more muscle mass.


Thanks much for any help you can give



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Hi Duke, welcome to the forums.


Giving up meat and replacing it with plants is a giant step towards getting all the nutrients that you need.

Dr Fuhrman's book Eat to Live is a good book to read.


Read the profile of Avi Lehyani.

He is a few years older than you and I but it is very inspirational and motivational.


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Welcome Duke! You've come to a good place. There are many fine spirits here who are ethically and physically dedicated to benefiting our planet. Welcome to the boards! I am looking forward to learning more about you.


With Deepest Bows in Your Direction,



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Hey duke! Welcome!


You're in somewhat similar state of life my parents were ~ 15 years ago when they decided to leave meat off their plates. Now they have been vegans for a couple of years and they're healthier than ever. My mom looks like a 40 year old even though she's 59 and my father doesn't have any wrinkles and he can do ~ 20 chin-ups, he's 57.


Neither of them have any knowledge of nutrition, proteins or anything. They eat as much as they want and they're VERY fit.


- A lot of vegetables, preferably green ones, as raw as possible.

- A lot of soy, beans, lentils ect.

- Full grain every day. Potatoes occasionally.

- A reasonable amount of vegetable oil.

- B12 vitamin.


That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. They're both healthy as a horse. Blood tests taken a couple of times. The physician had a hard time believing the results were correct because everything was more than fine.


I eat quite similarly but I also take soy protein isolate, creatine, magnesium, zink, multivitamin and loads of nuts & seeds. I'm gaining around 3-4 pounds a month while keeping my body fat low, I'm very happy with it.

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Hey duke! Welcome!


You're in somewhat similar state of life my parents were ~ 15 years ago when they decided to leave meat off their plates. Now they have been vegans for a couple of years and they're healthier than ever. My mom looks like a 40 year old even though she's 59 and my father doesn't have any wrinkles and he can do ~ 20 chin-ups, he's 57.


Hi tuc, Actually I'm a little over 50 Don't like telling my age much : ). I forgot that saying you're over forty can mean you are in your forties. Sorry about the confusion.


your parents sounds awsesme! Hope I can do that in the near future.


Neither of them have any knowledge of nutrition, proteins or anything. They eat as much as they want and they're VERY fit.


- A lot of vegetables, preferably green ones, as raw as possible.

- A lot of soy, beans, lentils ect.

- Full grain every day. Potatoes occasionally.

- A reasonable amount of vegetable oil.

- B12 vitamin.


That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. They're both healthy as a horse. Blood tests taken a couple of times. The physician had a hard time believing the results were correct because everything was more than fine.


I eat quite similarly but I also take soy protein isolate, creatine, magnesium, zink, multivitamin and loads of nuts & seeds. I'm gaining around 3-4 pounds a month while keeping my body fat low, I'm very happy with it.


WOW! Thanks so much tuc for that nutrition info. Give me an idea on where to start! 3 - 4 pouns per month? Ill take it. So can I make those kind of gains even without creatine?


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Welcome!!! I'm pretty new here as well. I think you'll like this group. The members are some of the coolest people I've ever "met." For food, everyone has given great suggestions. I like to make a smoothie out of whole grains, peanut butter, flax seeds, fruit and soymilk. Good source of nutrients, quick/easy calories and doesn't taste half bad either.



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Hi Duke,


Sure you can gain without creatine, also without protein powders.

You do need more protein when weight training but thats pretty easy, you just have to eat enough. I just bought some protein powder but for most part I haven't used any supplements for muscle gaining.


I would lift a little more, 4 days a week and make it intense. If you train hard and eat enough you will pack on those 15lbs in a relatively short time I'm sure.

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Hey welcome aboard.


Now I know as soon as I recommend this, everyone will jump on my back and be like ugggh yuck, it makes me puck. You either love it or hate it but you won't know unless you give it a try. I, personally, love them. The smell is extremely pungent. They actually outlaw it in many public places in Asian countries where they flourish, including, hotels and trains.








Ahhck just ignore those signs.


They are very calorie dense and they happen to have the most protein content of any fruit. It's not a protein substitute but it certainly provides a nice amount of protein when compared to other fruits...


By the way, if you yack, i'm sorry! But if you enjoy them, all the best.

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Welcome!!! I'm pretty new here as well. I think you'll like this group. The members are some of the coolest people I've ever "met." For food, everyone has given great suggestions. I like to make a smoothie out of whole grains, peanut butter, flax seeds, fruit and soymilk.

Hi mike. When you say "whole grains", can you give me an example of the types of whole grains you mix into your shakes?


Good source of nutrients, quick/easy calories and doesn't taste half bad either.



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Hi Duke,


Sure you can gain without creatine, also without protein powders.

You do need more protein when weight training but thats pretty easy, you just have to eat enough. I just bought some protein powder but for most part I haven't used any supplements for muscle gaining.


I would lift a little more, 4 days a week and make it intense. If you train hard and eat enough you will pack on those 15lbs in a relatively short time I'm sure. So sounds like I just have to eat the right foods and the right amounts and workout hard.


Did I miss anything VeganDude?

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Hey welcome aboard.


Now I know as soon as I recommend this, everyone will jump on my back and be like ugggh yuck, it makes me puck. You either love it or hate it but you won't know unless you give it a try. I, personally, love them. The smell is extremely pungent. They actually outlaw it in many public places in Asian countries where they flourish, including, hotels and trains.


Lean and Green that sounds terrible! but on the other hand, just because it sounds bad and smells bad doesn't me it's bad for ya. Is this fruit found in the U?







Ahhck just ignore those signs.


They are very calorie dense and they happen to have the most protein content of any fruit. It's not a protein substitute but it certainly provides a nice amount of protein when compared to other fruits...


By the way, if you yack, i'm sorry! But if you enjoy them, all the best.

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Hey guys,


thanks so very much for all of your warm welcomes and your help. I am really getting some great answers here!


I am having trouble responding to individual comments. Could someone tell me how to use the quote feature so that if i'd like to respond to a certain comment how do i do this?


thanks again for everyone's help

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Hi mike. When you say "whole grains", can you give me an example of the types of whole grains you mix into your shakes?


Uh, oh... I don't think I can name all of the grains. I actually pick up a bag of 7-grain "cereal" from my local health food store. It looks like uncooked oatmeal. I know it includes sunflower seeds, oats and maybe millette. I'll get back to you next time I go to the store. If I space it (which I've been known to do), please PM me so I don't forget.


One thing I didn't mention is Ezekiel bread. I love that stuff. It has a bunch of grains that end up forming a complete source of protein. Tastes great too, but I wouldn't put it in a shake if I were you. I actually did that once and it was horrible .


By the way, you mentioned having some trouble quoting. No worries; I think we all do from time to time. When you hit quote, you'll see a beginning (quote) and an end (quote). If you just type your response under the end quote, you'll be fine. I think the prob is that you're posting within the quote . You'll get it.



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Hey welcome aboard.


Now I know as soon as I recommend this, everyone will jump on my back and be like ugggh yuck, it makes me puck. You either love it or hate it but you won't know unless you give it a try. I, personally, love them. The smell is extremely pungent. They actually outlaw it in many public places in Asian countries where they flourish, including, hotels and trains.


Lean and Green that sounds terrible! but on the other hand, just because it sounds bad and smells bad doesn't me it's bad for ya. Is this fruit found in the U?







Ahhck just ignore those signs.


They are very calorie dense and they happen to have the most protein content of any fruit. It's not a protein substitute but it certainly provides a nice amount of protein when compared to other fruits...


By the way, if you yack, i'm sorry! But if you enjoy them, all the best.


Thanks Lean and Green, Maybe I'll get to try it. Can I find it here in the states?

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Great to have you here! I'm still learning how to use all the quote things and I've been here for years


All the best!

Thanks Robert. Some things don't come too easy but i think I may have done it correctly this time. I hope

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Can I find it here in the states?
yea, you just have to go to your local Asian market, which most cities usually have. Hopefully that isn't a problem where you are.


As for the grains, I can name a few for you:




Quinoa (my personal favorite)

Wheat Berries (Bulgur is ok)






Oat groats


to grind in a shake, i suppose oat groats are pretty popular. I suppose the barley, buckwheat groats and wheat berries would be ok as well, i'm not the best person to ask. I usually sprout them. Quinoa is an excellent sprouter (even in a regular colander in like 18 hours) and comes out soooo good.


If you go to your local health food store, just look for bulk bins. They always have at least 3-5 grains to choose from. The also package them by the pound.

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