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Posts posted by LocalBrada

  1. Actually for me, my issue is with labels. Someone will ask me why I don't eat meat and my initial response is, "I am a strict vegetarian." First off I have to include the word 'strict', because the label vegetarian has come to include non-vegetable matter (honey, eggs, diary, etc.). Which to me is ridiculous and non-logical! When was the last time you seen those items included in the vegetable section of the food pyramid? Then I get a reply from the person asking the question, "oh so your vegan?!" And again this show that ignorance, stereotypes and labels places a huge burden on those being labeled and those handing out the label. Why would I have gone through the motions of saying something as specific and obscure as 'strict vegetarian' if I could said something as recognizable as 'vegan' and portray a definition of a label most resembling 'a choice I've made'? Again this has more to do with misinformed and people who have no knowledge on the subject.


    Anyway getting away from a rant-style post. The reason why I became a strict vegetarian was purely nutritional. And more importantly how overlooked the diet is when it comes to health and well-being. People tend to overlook the obvious and delve into obscurity in order to remedy issues they may have, my perceive they have, or be inflected with.

  2. I've got no idea, I know that morning I'll be babysitting. No idea when I'll be able to ditch the kid, but as soon as that happens... Normally I'd treat it like any other day, but I think this year I should get out and do something. We'll see.

  3. are the bees treated poorly?...i'm an animal lover of all sorts (except roaches brrr eww!) i know it's silly but i'm really curious...thanks


    Just chiming in, yes bees are treated poorly as the previous posters have stated. Also I am quite sure that roaches have been tested on by our govt. Lets not discount them, just because we are told by the media that they are pests. I am sure if roaches produced something that was consumable that they would be regularly exploited as well.


    Another thing and don't take this as a personal attack, but just because "you love honey" doesn't excuse the manner in which the product is placed on your plate. Same with diamonds...

  4. sumo-style leg presses with wide angled stance where knees come past my shoulders.
    Now that Akebono retired you can take his place on the beach.


    Akebono was and still is one of my favorite rikishi. I remember when he made it into the makunouchi. And I have to say I was very sad when I saw his danpatsushiki. The retiring of someone that great was something very emotional. I think I still have the ceremony on VHS...yeah I know VHS is old, but my friend Ken down in Seattle would tape the basho for me off of TBS rebroadcast and mail it to me up in Barrow. Darn that's something I miss!

  5. Woot! The gym's open. Today I actually took my time and surveyed all the machines instead of just hitting the free weights, lifting, cardio then adios. I bet they have tons and tons of nice stuff there.


    How did you like the elliptical? Any issues with the mount or dismount?

  6. Welcome dude! Glad to hear that someone in TX has made the change to veganism. I think your goals are smart ones and very achievable. Don't concern yourself directly with weight loss and focus on consistency with your lifting routine. The fat will melt off in no time flat with the combo of a vegan diet and strength training.


    Don't forget to head over to the Online Training and Blog forum and get into the habit of posting your gym activity. It's a great way to chart your progress and to remain consistent in your gym visits or workout regimen.


    Anyway, glad to have you here and if you've got any questions or want some advise, PM me. I'll be sure to drop in on your thread.

  7. Totally spaced putting what days I do what or even what exercises I do. Not like it's that important at this point but here goes.


    MON - Legs

    TUE - Chest

    WED - Back

    THU - Delt/Tricep

    FRI - Biceps


    I do cardio everyday, guaranteed 15 mins post work-out. If I am not scheduled to go into work, I'll hit the 15 mins every hour on the hour routine. Mainly I feel it out when it comes to cardio. I have an idea when need to go insane on the cardio.


    As for lifting, last post gives you an idea on legs. Chest I do a circuit where I line up 3 benches and hit incline, flat, then decline--all with the same dumbs. Then I take a long rest and finish it off with an alternating flys and press every rep. That finishes my chest days which are normally very quick. I don't hit barbells as I'm find that this chest routine gives me a more rounded chest.


    Back day, I start off with bent-over barbell rolls. Topped that off with T-Bar rows. Then start a shrug session which is normally heavy barbell shrugs. Then I do a superset of front dumbbell shrugs with rear dumbbell shrugs until failure. The reason I start this off before doing any lat work is my traps tend to engage. So I fatigue them before I work lats. Then I hit lat session which is Bent-arm pullovers with a barbell then wide grip pull up, rear pull up, lastly close grip underhand chin ups.


    Delt/Tricep day is seated rounded delt raises, front raises, side raises, then finished off with shoulder raises. Rather simple and quick but in a circuit. Then I hit triceps with dips, overhead extensions, cable pulldowns and lastly barbell skullcrushers.


    Biceps I do at home, since it's the end of the week and I want to make sure to go insane on cardio. I find that if I hit cardio hard then go slow and control with my bicep workout that I achieve a pump way quicker, since my heart rate is already increased. So my bicep routine is rather simple; I go wide grip on an Ez-curl bar with a 10-plate and a 5-plate on each side. I do the Ronnie Coleman partial contractions routine. Where you basically do 7-rep partial lower, 7-rep partial upper, then finish it off with 7-rep full contractions. Of course I don't do it as fast as Ronnie, as I am focusing on each and every contraction. Then after that I rest and hit the same thing with a closed grip so I can get the outer head of the bicep. Then if I am feeling up to it, I'll do some forearm work. Usually my forearms are super tight at this point so I don't mess with them.


    Ok again other than the bicep and shrugs, I won't post weights. Since let's face it, how much I can lift doesn't help anyone else out when they are putting together a routine. Also I am not out to prove how much I can lift. I've got days I will test my max. I've got days I will increase the weight. I've got days where I will go light and really focus on form and full muscle contractions.


    Anyway, it's time for bed. Cannot wait to slaughter my legs tomorrow morning!!

  8. Oops didn't realize it was that long between posts. Routine hasn't changed other than legs. Been doing leg presses supersetted with calf raises. Then stretching hams and quads and hit sumo-style leg presses with wide angled stance where knees come past my shoulders. Then of course I finish it off with quad raises supersetted with ham curls. At the end, my legs were super tight and engorged. Pretty sexy


    That was on the 1st, hitting that routine tomorrow morning. As for today, I spent 1 hour on the elliptical, then went 5 mins in reverse on 7 resistance to stretch out the hams and gluts. That was in the morning, after watching some football, headed back into the gym before closing and hit that Stair Stepper thing for 30mins.

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