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Posts posted by LocalBrada

  1. Weight: 201lbs @ 21.1% (42.4 lbs fat)


    Looks like everything is back on track, fat down to were I was before the plague. Interval cardio + 4 - 20 min walk (~3.5miles x4) + workout...


    Tomorrow morning is chest; found a crazy cool stair stepper machine, the one that Ronnie Coleman used in Redemption at his home gym. I am so going to jump on that machine and yell, "YEAH BUDDY" and freak out the old people!!

  2. Welcome and may I say hemp = love. It is definitely a mainstay of my diet. I really liked spirulina when I first started eating it. Although after awhile I found it hard to choke down by itself. If you do decide to make it a staple, either mix it with flax or a fruit that is tart. Those seem to drastically change the overall taste. Also don't prepare it with water ahead of time and let it sit. The spirulina will start to give off a sulfur smell. Also there are capsulated version of the spirulina that helps it go down, but make sure it's veggie caps. The problem I have with that is you end up popping a ton of them to get the grams you need.

  3. THU started with the frequent cardio routine since no work. Continued with that today and hit delts and biceps. For some reason my ribs and ribcage both are tender when I breath in deeply. Also I feel a slight chest congestion; no idea if this is a remnant from the allergic attack or if I'm experiencing a cold. I haven't been sick in a long while now, so no idea.


    THU morning woke up and had to force myself to eat breakfast. Then threw it all back up about 15 mins after. Haven't threw up in ages, so I might be sick *shrug* Anyway, gonna continue on like nothings wrong since I don't want to have a repeat poor weigh in performance.

  4. @sydneyvegan, Thanks! I just wish they would climb up more along the side of my neck when I am at rest. I think I would need to focus on neck isolation to achieve that. But I really like how slim and long my neck looks, so I am debating neck iso movements.


    Gym will be closed on THU and FRI the mall will be jammed pack so I am going to avoid heading out. I'll hit biceps and delts on those days. Even though I wanted to get legs in this week

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