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Posts posted by LocalBrada

  1. Weight: 208.2 @ 22.3% bf (46.4 lbs fat)


    Weight is looking good and coming down. Staying the course on the meal plan and the exercise routine. I have yet to loose focus or motivation and I don't foresee any slip ups. I actually really enjoy the 15 mins every hour during the mornings until I go to work. It makes me feel like I've done something productive that day. Especially something productive towards enriching my health and well-being.


    Anyway, I'll post an update next week or if anything comes up before then.

  2. Hi and welcome! It's really great that you did all these experiments on yourself for your diet. And I didn't know it was possible to grow veggies in Alaska!


    Yes only the top third of the state has tundra or permafrost, which makes it very very difficult to plant or grow anything edible by humans. Although the rest of the state can grow some amazing record breaking stuff.

  3. @Johnny Thanks man, working my butt off to find the right technique to shed the fat.


    Everything is on track, keeping up with the frequent cardio and the bf% is shedding. Meal plan is working and will probably need to be adj after I get down to my target. Will probably post weight when I am in 17-20% range. I should figure out what my weight will be when I am in that range, but since I am lifting weights I don't want to discount any muscle gains I may get.


    Anyway, keeping motivated and sticking to the plan.

  4. Weight: 214.8lbs @24% bf


    bf% is slowly coming off towards the 17-20% goal. It seems that doing 15-20mins every hour from 7a - 2p seems to do the trick. Yes I might get some critics, but it seems that this "frequency" of cardio for me seems to be more effective. It also assure that my caloric expenditure is spread out more evenly throughout the day rather than in 1 or 2 big depletions. I'm like into day 5 of this and it feels good. The joints are holding up and no muscle strain as I am sure to spend a solid 20 mins as soon as I wake up to stretch everything.


    Gonna keep at this until I plateau and then switch it up. Probably alternate a few burnout squats sets. We will see.

  5. How is the back feeling, Danny? I actually started incorporating a bunch of high rep lower back exercises with moderate weight to help with my lower back. It seems to be doing the trick. I'll do like 18-20 rep bent over rows and t-bar lifts, just to get the lower back in proper form, position and tightening. It might be a nice warm up for you to do once in the gym.

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