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Everything posted by cubby2112

  1. Done. Everyone, go ahead and check your numbers on the thread. It is called "Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness Strength Table 2.0." I think I have the latest numbers, but I may have missed some, since the table went without an update for awhile.
  2. Weights in pounds Men Squat Dead Bench Total B-W Name 463 595 342 1400 214 romaniuk 525 545 315 1385 272 VeganEssentials 530 445x7 300 1275 185 Derek 425 525 255 1205 237 ralst 420 423 335 1178 185 joelk 405 455 310 1170 210 LocalBrada 397 452 287 1136 207 Devil's Plaything 365 455 315 1135 Couture547 418 463 242 1123 220 sosso 395 405 320 1120 252 DoctorB2B 355 450 225 1040 185 cubby2112 345 337 265 947 Robert 340 390 200 930 195 Blabbate 311 377 210 898 173 Mellon 265 385 225 875 tuc 308 330 220 858 176 xphilx 270x3 311x3 243x3 824 TBD LPMNDCTE 257x2 316 160x3 733 4x4 260 280 180 720 enlightenme 225x5 265x6 225 715 Jason 415 TBD 295 710 171 Derek 235 285x8 185x3 705 190 Fallen_Horse 265 275 165 705 197 Jason X 225 300 160 685 138 Kevin - threeloaves 220 330 128 676 134 Strategist 245 275 155 675 165 xscottx 240 275 155 670 163 Coroho 248 275 143 666 153 chewybaws 204 286 171 661 165 kjari 225 250 185 660 147 CollegeB 215 255 160 630 165 Raw Vegan 210 230 135 575 133 medman 429 TBD 137 566 185 RawMan 45x7 275x11 130x7 450 awaken375 TBD TBD 180 180 TBD after4ever Women Squat Dead Bench Total B-W Name 215 225 135 575 140 Alyx 195 230 100 525 135 MaryStella 175 205 105 485 134 Adena 150 215 75 440 137 Lyric 243 TBD 115 358 143 candyflip 88 143 59 290 134 HCPinGviini TBD TBD 80 80 135 Vixen
  3. I cant find the stuff in my grocery store. I looked in the baking section and the spice section. I must be looking for it in the wrong places. Where do you get it Johan? Sweden. And gingerbread is HUGE here, specially around christmas. It's pretty simple to do yourself. Cinnamon, cardamom, clove and ginger (all grounded/powdered). Ginger is the least essential (despite the english name, in Sweden it's called peppercake). My favourite "home mixed" is 1/2 cinammon, 1/4 cardamom and 1/4 clove. You can also just buy some pumpkin pie spice. They are essentially the same thing. I've never seen gingerbread spice in America, but pumpkin pie spice is widely available.
  4. New post at leangains.com. Martin talks about a new study which shows an increase in metabolism over 24+ hours when pre-workout protein supplementation is used. I am glad I just grabbed some BCAAs to use before my "fasted" training. He also cited this study in the comments, which shows that totally fasted training may be more effective at increasing resting energy expenditure over 24 hours than consuming carbs before a workout, but less effective than consuming protein. So, a "fasted" training state, combined with a little boost to protein synthesis from BCAAs or EAAs, may result in an even higher level of REE over 24 hours post-workout. Combine that with the fact that the increase in REE is probably mostly from increased protein synthesis. Hell yes.
  5. With that first study Chris posted, I wonder if the fat overall was higher, which may account for the correlation between increased PUFA and testosterone? It makes sense that SUFAs and MUFAs would raise testosterone if it is linked to increased HDLs. I know soluble fiber increases HDLs, so I wonder if having large amounts of soluble fiber somewhat negates the SHBG raising effect of fiber, due to the increased testosterone? That would make me feel better, since so much of my crazy high fiber intake is from soluble fiber. I will make sure to bump this in the spring. Hopefully I will be taking some classes soon with at least some focus on endocrinology.
  6. I just snagged some BCAA (they had no EAAs) and beta alanine from a supplement store in my neighborhood. I will probably buy a big batch of EAAs from trueprotein.com when I have a bit more money. The EAAs they offer have extra BCAAs in them, so they should be pretty good. Does the ratio on it look good? http://www.trueprotein.com/Product_Details.aspx?cid=32&pid=6818#Nutrition
  7. I totally set myself up for a lot of jokes. Sorry to disappoint.
  8. Johan, since you seem to be able to find studies easily, maybe you can help me with this. I have been searching around for data on this topic, but am having trouble finding studies. Many bodybuilding/strength site say that monounsaturated fats increase testosterone levels more than any other fat, even saturated. They mention studies done (whether they are supposed to be epidemiological, cohort, double-blind or whatnot, I don't know), which show that men with the highest nut consumption have the highest testosterone levels. They also talk of studies that show an inverse relationship between polyunsaturated fat consumption and testosterone levels, save for omega 3. So, do you know of any? I tried PubMed with several different search terms, but didn't come up with anything. Is that what you usually use to find studies?
  9. Damn, that stuff rocked my world. You are a pro at producing studies to back stuff up. This explains why one of my sports performance textbooks said insulin affects anabolism indirectly, but didn't go into detail.
  10. Why isn't everyone like you cubby?? Muahaha +1 Because the balance of the universe requires a particular ratio of rationality to irrationality, and to disturb that ratio would cause the universe to implode. Simple physics. I have the data to back this up.
  11. I ended a Facebook debate one of my friends was in about veganism with one post. The guy said there are seven amino acids we need for our brains and the rest of our bodies, which are contained in large amounts in pork and beef, but lacking in plants, among several other stupid things. Once actual data was brought into the argument, he shut up. Real data is the shit.
  12. Carbs don't promote anabolism or muscle protein syntehtis. It just prevents muscle breakdown so it's anti-catabolic but if you take EAA it's def enough. Date sugar probably tastes really good and you can use it in way more fun ways than just eating plain. Ah, I was under the impression that carbs increased the insulin response, thus helping the body store muscle. Is this considered different from anabolism? Or do carbs actually just not help with this?
  13. Dude has no legs. He wears baggy pants for a reason... LOL that's true Yeah, having no legs helps a lot when you need to move your body weight around with your upper body. Body weight leg training doesn't work the best, either, even if you want to develop your legs for what the guy does in the video.
  14. Yeah, I don't need them either. The only reason I might consider taking them would be to help increase the protein synthesis that comes with EAAs or BCAAs, but it seems carbs are not necessary for that. Plus, the extra carbs would probably break your fasting state, while the BCAAs alone don't seem to.
  15. A man that size doing that many kipping pull-ups is quite amazing.
  16. Two impressive representations of different kinds of strength. Having as much power over your body as the guy in the first video is amazing, but so is lifting tons of weight raw.
  17. One thing I have considered for a "workout carb" is date sugar. It is just dried, ground dates. Since dates are such a quick fuel, I figure having them in powder form would allow you to mix it with EAAs and such, just like maltodextrin and such, while using a real food.
  18. I would workout Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, but rotate through the four workouts over those days. I don't know what I was thinking when I typed that last one, because it has me doing legs three days per week. I think I am actually going to try something similar, but with A1 being deadlifts and calves, B1 being heavy upper body, A2 being squats and calves and B2 being lighter upper body. Every body part will only be hit every 5-6 days, and I will only deadlift every 9-10 days, if my math is right. That way, I can pretty well rape myself on deadlifts, which is the only way I like to do them.
  19. Tell him that he's awfully smart for not knowing how to spell explained. That is awesome. The only part he actually types, he messes up.
  20. That is another type I was considering. I am also considering a push/pull routine on MWF, cycling between the workouts as they come up. ~45 sets per week, all heavy, but no speed lifts. This might be a better idea until I get my base of strength where i want it. So: Pull 1 Deads 3x3, 2x1 Chins 3x3, 2x1 Rows 3x3 Pull-ups 3x3 Straight Leg Calf 4x3 Push 1 Squats 4x3 Bench 3x3, 2x1 Overhead Press 3x3, 2x1 Dips 4x3 Pull 2 Deads 3x5, 2x2 Chins 3x5, 2x2 Pull-ups 3x5 Rows 3x5 Straight Leg Calf 3x5 Push 2 Squats 3x5 Bench 3x5, 2x2 Overhead Press 3x5, 2x2 Dips 3x5
  21. That is the same way I do it one school days. The 12-8 works great here socially as well. I often go an extra hour on the feeding window, because my last two meals frequently end up too close together, so I wait an extra hour. On non-school days when I am training, I do a fasted workout and have a smoothie to break the fast right after, which is usually around 12:30-1pm. Once I am out of school (will probably do my master's mostly online) and working, I hope to do all my workout fasted. I plan to snag some EAAs or BCAAs for them, though. I will either use another dose of EAAs or a green smoothie right after. Probably the green smoothie.
  22. So, I am going to start on this tomorrow: Week 1 Monday: Sumo Deadlift 3x3, 3x1; RDL 2x7; Straight Leg Calf Raise 2x7 Tuesday: Bench 3x3, 2x1; Military 3x3, 2x1; Dips 4x3 Wednesday: Chins 3x5, 2x1; BB Bent Over Rows 3x5; Pull-ups 3x5 Thursday: Speed Squats 4x2; Straight Leg Calf Raise 4x3 Friday: Off Saturday: Speed Bench 4x2; Speed Chins 4x2; Upright Rows 2x7 Sunday: Off Week 2 Monday: Speed Deficit Sumo Deadlift 4x2; RDL 2x7; Straight Leg Calf Raise 2x7 Tuesday: Bench 3x5, 2x1; Military 3x5, 2x1; Dips 3x5 Wednesday: Chins 3x3, 2x1; BB Bent Over Rows 4x3; Pull-ups 4x3 Thursday: Squats 3x3, 3x1; Straight Leg Calf Press 3x5 Friday: Off Saturday: Speed Bench 4x2; Speed Chins 4x2; Upright Rows 2x7 Sunday: Off I will probably change something about it before I begin on it, and something else partway through. I have been reading my NSCA-CSCS textbook, Westside and Hatfield articles the past week or so. Since, according to Hatfield (Dr. Squat), I am primarily an "easy gainer" due to my low work capacity, but fairly strong 1RMs, this program should work beautifully. I think. I will find out, anyway. I am going to attempt a 405 1RM on sumo deadlift tomorrow. I've been striving for that over the past few months, so I really hope I nail it. If not, I am sure I will nail it after one cycle of this.
  23. Your reply was way better than mine anyway. Aw shucks.
  24. Yes. 1 serving right before and 1 right after is the best. That's like 20 grams total. So is that how you usually structure your eating on workout days? Fast all day, take 10g EAAs, workout, take 10g EAAs, then pig out when you get home?
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