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Posts posted by BallZach

  1. workout tonight....


    150lbs Sand bag shouldering... Sets of 1








    That sand bag is tricky. Next week I will do sets of 2.


    DB box squats








    I will add a rep to the squats next week... 7 was easy. I wanted to squat the sand bag but I am still working on getting it from the ground to my shoulder safely. Maybe in a couple of weeks.



    Leg Lifts


  2. Yesterdays food



    Cals 2515

    Protein 198


    Workout tonight...


    Incline Press (Dumbells)








    First time I have done inclines. I wanted to do them because the 60's are too light for me on the flat bench now.... I guess they are too light for me on the incline too.... I may have to bite the bullet and get a gym membership...eeeehh... or fork over some real cash for heavy DB's.


    DB flys





    I decided to do flies after benching to stretch out my chest. I did then as tight and as slow as I could.


    DB bent rows








    Again, way to easy.


    I finally did curls for the first time since taking lifting up again. I had no idea how much to start with.... especially since my arms were about trashed from the rows. It was kinda cool, my arms pumped up HUGE!


    80x12....Sloppy too heavy

    30 DB's x 12 x2


    I think next week I am going to warm up with 20lb DB and do solid set of 6 with the 35's.

  3. I have troubles in this department. I have been known at work to lift some crazy heavy things. I have lifted trench box panels.... I have lifted a car hauler trailers by the tongue.... Trash pumps in the back of trucks.... ect... for some reason when it come to weights with numbers I have notions of what I can and can't lift... I have struggled with this since high school. If I have no idea how much what I am lifting weighes I will do everything in my power to lift it off the ground! Has anyone else dealt with this?

  4. Hello... I live in Houston... Tomball to be exact.... My home is a bit small for a roomie... but I am one that lives here.... I know that there are a few our us down here... I have never met any in person but I know of a few that post here. Good luck in your home search, and feel free to hit me up when you get here.

  5. I put the sand in zip lock freezer bags, then duct taped them shut. then I put them in a 6mil trash bag... then in an army duffel bag. Let me tell you dude.... just lifting that thing up to my shoulders makes me feel like I am strong! No handles makes it hard to man around. I have two more duffel bags coming to me. I am going to do a 100lb and a 200lb... I am doing the 200 pounder for when I feel the need to break myself....lol.

  6. food yesterday...



    Cals 3135

    Protein 240



    I didn't workout today. I was going to do abs work but I didn't. I can't ever seem to motivate myself to work on my abs. I hate ab exercises!


    I did get one of my sand bags made today I started out with 200lbs of sand in the bag, and I nearly busted my ballzach open trying to heave that bag to my shoulder . Sand bags feel way way way heavier than free weights! I took the bag down to 150lbs....150 is workable and stills feels heavy! I tried to do a squat with 150 for fun and it was hard! Playing with the sand bag is fun!

  7. I have to make this quick, before my computer shuts off....



    cals 3270

    p 232




    military press DB







    4 mins between sets.


    Lateral Raises DB







    2 min between sets


    Box Squats DB








    Progress Pics....


    I found one on my camera before 12/7....




    This was is today....






    weight 257

    % body fat 24.8

  8. Thanks Josh I love veganbodybuilding.com!


    Workout today....

    Bicycle 20min hard! As hard as I could do.



    I wanted to let to guys know that I will now start posting less frequently. I am having computer problems and it keeps shutting off on at random. I start school on Jan 13, so I will be on a computer on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I will update on those days.

  9. Food today


    7:15am rice and soy protein shake made with soy milk. 350cals 41p


    9:15 potato, spinach, artichoke soup. 400cals 20p


    11:00 1oz of pumpkin seeds, 1oz of mixed nuts, 6oz v8 juice. 360cals 16p


    12:30 huge bowls of vegan pho. 600cals 20p


    2:45 he-man salad, luna bar, fruit cup. 585 25p


    4:45 workout


    6:00 rice and soy shake with the soy milk. 350cals 41p


    8:45 rest of my he-man salad, 2 scoops of rice protein and water. 450cals 40p


    Cals 3095, 203p




    workout today....


    DB flat bench








    Easy! Tonight's Bench press was a breeze!


    BD rows








    Easy also. I am a bit bummed that my USN duffel bags didn't show up today so I could get my sand bags made.


    DB dead lift





    2 sets, I should have done a warm up the first set hurt a bit.



    Important things I have learned so far.


    A. Eating enough is important!

    B. Working out hungry is way better then carb loading.

    C. Having the right technique can really help you get the last couple reps.

    D. Rest between sets! It is not a race to finish. Let your muscles energize back up before you tear them apart again.

  10. Food today....


    7:00am soy and rice protein shake with soy milk. 350cals 41p


    9:00 2 wheat tortillas and 2 scoops or rice protein and water. 380cals 24p


    11:00 My he-man salad mix lmao. (sweet peas, green beans, black beans, kidney beans, corn, tomatoes, cucumber, red onion) 325 cals 15p


    1:00 luna bar, 6oz v8 juice, and 1 oz of pumpkin seeds. 370cals 20p


    3:30 dried sweet peas, a bit more he-man salad, and 1 scoop of rice protein and water. 390cals 27p


    6:30 shake rice and soy, with the soy milk. 350 41p


    8:30 clif bar and v8 juice 2oz mixed nuts 1oz pumkpin seeds. 780cals 32p

    cals 2945 p200



    I did not train today. My legs are still hurting form the squats and the bicycle. I figured it may be beneficial to give them a day to recoup. Those box squats are killers. Lots of cal taken in today! I dig eating more, I don't feel so sluggish. 200 grams of protein! woo who!

  11. Here are my before pics. The back pic was taken tonight. The front pic was taken a few days ago.






    These pics show about 3 week of progress. I wish I would have taken some before pics when I started. I can tell that I have progressed a bit. Now I can look here and get some motivation to work harder to look better. Woo who!

  12. Yeah, I have been considering drinking 1 more protein shake during my day just to add a bump in my protein intake. I have been think about hiring a personal trainer to show me how to do my exercises correctly. I started my lifting routine in 12/7 and as of today 12/28. It has been three weeks. So is my progress slow? or behind? I know I have not added much weight to my lifts but 60's are the heaviest dumbbells I own. I should have my sandbags ready next week, and that should help.


    Food today....


    9:45 soy and rice protein shake with soy milk. 350cals 41P


    11:15 Veggie burger, small salad. 320cals 11p


    2:00 Luna bar.180cals 10p


    4:00 can of navy beans and small cup of brown rice. 650cals 31P


    6:00 luna bar, veggie chips, rice crakers. 315cals 14P


    7:00 work out.... bicycle....extra hard. 20min BFL style.


    8:00 rice and soy protein shake with soy milk 350cals 41p


    cals 2165 protein 148

  13. DB military press









    I tried to use the 60lb Dumbbells, too heavy. I managed to push one out.


    Box Dumbbell squats.








    I decided to use a milk crate for box squats. I was worried that when I was getting to the last few reps I was ending the squats short. Now since my butt has to touch the box every time it should add consistency.


    food today...


    11:00 am rice ans soy protein shake with soy milk. 350cals 41P


    2:00 salad. black beans. some pasta. 500cals 25p


    4:00 banana and 1oz of pumpkin seeds. 290 10p


    7:00 clif bar. 250cals 10p


    8:00 workout


    9:00 protein shake (rice and soy) 350cals 41p


    10:00 green beans, squash, black eye peas. 240cals 11p


    cals 1980, protein 138

  14. ah, I updated my avatar. I will soon post some before and afters. I am making a little bit of progress.



    I skipped out on running yesterday. I helped a friend moved and it tied me up all day.




    9:00 soy protein and soy milk shake 300c 31P


    11:30 1 oz pumpkin seed and a box of raisins. 290c 10p


    3:00 mashed potatoes and peas, carrots, corn, cucumber. 300c 3p


    6:00 2 oranges, and cranberry sauce. 400c 4p


    8:00 crackers, and soy milk 400c 9p


    10:00 rice protein shake with pineapple 300c 25p


    1990 cals, 82p

  15. No calorie count today, too much grazing going on.... I munched on tons of crackers this morning at a friends place.... along with soy chocolate milk, and other goodies...lots of salad! Calorie counting will continue tomorrow.


    DB Bench Press








    DB rows








    I got that last bench press rep out today, barely. I gave myself 3min of rest between sets. I am really struggling with my chest something fierce. I may need to change up my chest work out for a few weeks. Maybe I will start doing incline presses, or DB flys.

  16. I did the bicycle today for 20 hard minutes... BFL style. Today is going to be a huge calorie day. I have a couple of Christmas parties to go to so I imagine I will be eating a lot of junk.


    Food today...


    8:00am soy protein & soy milk shake. 300cals 31P


    9:45 cliff bar 250cals 10P


    12:30 Mechanics lunch day at work so more Mexican food. 2 fried avocados, 2 tortillas, refried beans and rice. 1200 cals 24P (yikes!)


    2:30 run


    3:30 rice protein shake with soy milk and mixed fruit. (pine apple, cantaloupe, grapes, melon) 400 cals.


    Christmas Parties.... I didn't keep count the rest of the day but I am sure I was high... probably around 5000 for the day.

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